摘要(英) |
On the past two decades in the developed countries, the organic agriculture has grown by an annual compound growth rate (CAGR) of 20 %. Based upon the study of the organic monitor agency (2006), organic food and beverage consumption in Taiwan has increased sales from NT $ 920 million in 2003 to NT $ 1.81 billion in 2006 which is expected to increase up to 5.13 billion by the year 2013, with a CAGR of 16.1% from 2006 to 2013.
The aforementioned has involved to the small and independent Taiwanese growers into the organic agriculture food cultivation. The consumers also have played an important role in the development of the organic agriculture. Both the growers and consumers simotaneously boosts the the organic agriculture food industry, such as organic restaurants, stores and farm. The main purpose of this study is to explore how to set up a successful business model for an organic agriculture food distribution firm. This study first uses the 8十Nation Model to analyze the external environment of L Company. By applying the scenario planning, it then uses 8十Business Model and 8十Finance & Accounting Model to forecast the financial performance for the periodfrom 2014 to 2018.
The results of study show that due to the aging of population and the pervasive healthy food concept, the the organic agriculture food industry has a high growth potential. If a new startup invests NT$5,000,000 each for the first two years, the firm only need to aquire 25customers in the first year, and 38 customers in the second year to break even. The key success factors of an organic agriculture food startup’s business model are that the firm is able to build a management team have experience and are skills in both supply chain management and maketing and selling activities in the early, and enter the targeted market with competitive prices. |
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