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姓名 歐士豪(Shih-Hao Ou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 多路徑傳輸控制協定下可亂序傳輸之壅塞及排程控制
(Out-of-Order Transmission Enabled Congestion and Scheduling Control for Multipath TCP)
★ 基於馬賽克特性之低失真實體電路佈局保密技術★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下從無線區域網路到行動網路之無縫換手
★ 感知網路下具預算限制之異質性子頻段分配★ 下行服務品質排程在多天線傳輸環境下的效能評估
★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定下之整合型壅塞及路徑控制★ Opportunistic Scheduling for Multicast over Wireless Networks
★ 適用多用戶多輸出輸入系統之低複雜度比例公平性排程設計★ 利用混合式天線分配之 LTE 異質網路 UE 與 MIMO 模式選擇
★ 基於有限預算標價式拍賣之異質性頻譜分配方法★ 適用於 MTC 裝置 ID 共享情境之排程式分群方法
★ Efficient Two-Way Vertical Handover with Multipath TCP★ 移動網路下適用於閘道重置之群體換手機制
★ 使用率能小型基地台之拍賣是行動數據分流方法★ 高速鐵路環境下之通道預測暨比例公平性排程設計
★ 用於行動網路效能評估之混合式物聯網流量產生器★ Network Coding Aware Early Termination for Streaming over Multipath TCP
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摘要(中) 無線網路通訊技術的發展日新月異,行動裝置的普及直接也間接地促使了同一裝置使用多個網路介面的應用。

在傳輸層的多路徑傳輸控制協定 (MPTCP) 可在具多網路型態介面的端點裝置下同時進行彼此的資料傳輸,MPTCP 不僅相容於現今的網路規格並且能夠確實的提升傳輸效率以及降低延遲,對於日後物聯網的串流應用有著莫大的幫助。
為了提升 MPTCP 的效能,壅塞控制、公平性、以及路徑排程已經變成許多研究爭相討論的議題。

在此論文中,我們利用了可適應性的壅塞窗格耦合、預測網路狀態、以及亂序傳輸的控制器,最終提出了藉由允許亂序傳輸以結合壅塞控制以及路徑排程的演算法以全盤解決現在 MPTCP 中潛在的問題。
我們將此演算法寫入 Linux kernel 內並在真實世界的網路下做量測,最後的實驗環境包含了最小網路拓樸、共同網路瓶頸、以及獨立網路瓶頸。
摘要(英) With development of wireless communication technologies, mobile devices are commonly equipped with multiple network interfaces and ready to adopt emerging transport layer protocols such as multipath TCP (MPTCP).
The protocol is specifically useful for Internet of Things streaming applications with critical latency and bandwidth demands.
To achieve full potential of MPTCP, major challenges on congestion control, fairness, and path scheduling are identified and draw considerable research attention.
In this paper, we propose a joint congestion control and scheduling algorithm allowing out-of-order transmission as an overall solution.
It is achieved by adaptive window coupling, congestion discrimination, and out-of-order transmission enabled scheduling.
The algorithm is implemented in the Linux kernel for real-world experiments.
Favorable results are obtained in minumum topology and both shared or distinct bottleneck scenarios.
關鍵字(中) ★ 多路徑傳輸控制協定
★ 多路徑傳輸協定之Linux核心實現
★ 封包亂序
★ 壅塞控制
★ 封包排程
論文目次 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motication.......................................2
1.2 Contribution.....................................2
1.3 Framework........................................3

2 Background of Multipath TCP 4
2.1 MPTCP Network Delay Components...................5
2.2 MPTCP Congestion Control.........................6
2.2.1 New Reno...................................6
2.2.2 Linked Increases Algorithm.................7
2.2.3 Opportunistic Linked Increases Algorithm...7
2.3 MPTCP Path Scheduler.............................8
2.3.1 Congestion Aware Scheduler.................9
2.3.2 Confluent Sequence Numbering...............9
2.3.3 Out-of-Order Transmission for In-order Arrival Scheduling....................................10
2.4 Conclusion......................................10

3 Proposed Algorithm 12
3.1 Out-of-Order Transmission Enabled Congestion Control And Scheduler.................................12
3.2 Adative DWC Algorithm...........................12
3.3 Enhanced Out-of-Order Transmission Scheduling...16

4 Performance Evaluation 21
4.1 Evaluation Environment..........................21
4.2 Minimun Topology................................23
4.2.1 Grain Analysis of Performance.............23
4.2.2 Performances for different algorithms.....24
4.3 Shared Bottleneck...............................24
4.3.1 Grain Analysis of Performance.............26
4.3.2 Performances for different algorithms.....27
4.4 Distinct Bottleneck.............................27
4.4.1 Grain Analysis of Performance.............28
4.4.2 Performances for different algorithms.....29
4.5 Distinct Bottleneck (Obvious difference paths)..31
4.5.1 Grain Analysis of Performance.............31
4.5.2 Performances for different algorithms.....32
4.6 Overall Packet Loss Ratio.......................34

5 Conclusion and Future work 36
5.1 Conclusion......................................36
5.2 Future work.....................................37

6 Bibliography 38
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指導教授 黃志煒 審核日期 2016-8-30
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