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姓名 謝宸韡(Chen-Wei Hsieh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 網路學習科技研究所
論文名稱 探討認知風格在行動學習中對於客製化與個人化系統的影響
(The Effects of Cognitive Styles on Mobile Learning:Customization vs. Personalization)
★ 將可用性整合融入遊戲式學習★ 探討認知風格對於行動學習與合作學習的影響
★ 學習型網站的可用性評估:從問題到解決方案★ 從人因的觀點評估遊戲式學習
★ 探討認知風格在遊戲式學習中對於客製化與個人化系統的影響★ 性別差異與認知風格對合作化遊戲式學習的影響
★ 探討認知風格如何影響使用者在行動載具下使用電子期刊★ 探討專家和新手對遊戲式學習進行可用性評估的觀感差異
★ 毒品經驗與遊戲先備知識對客製化與個人化遊戲式反毒宣導系統的影響★ 探討背景音樂和認知風格對遊戲式學習的影響
★ 以多媒體科技和數位遊戲為小小人兒及患者家屬發展線上生活百科★ 先備知識對註記式多媒體電子書的影響研究:從個別環境到分享環境
★ 從認知風格的角度探討提示對學習英文片語與文法的影響★ 探討先備知識對學習者在使用鷹架英文學習系統的影響: 限制與扣分機制
★ 發展動畫電子書之研究:從性別差異到性別均等之歷程★ 探討認知風格於數位遊戲式英語學習環境對遊戲行為與學習成效之影響
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摘要(中) 近年來隨著行動學習的普及化,其需要面對各種不同的學習者,他們擁有不同的背景知識,技能以及需求。因此,要如何滿足這些學習者的個別差異性成為很大的挑戰。然而,過去文獻曾指出客製化 (Customization)以及個人化 (Personalization),可以被運用在解決學生的個別差異上。而在個別差異中,「認知風格」在學生的學習方面,扮演舉足輕重的角色。為此,本研究進行兩個實證研究,在實驗一中,建立了一個客製化行動學習系統,主要用來探討客製化行動學習系統對於不同認知風格學生的影響。根據實驗一中不同認知風格的學生反應,建立了個人化行動學習系統,並且於實驗二中探討學生對於客製化以及個人化行動學習系統的不同反應。
實驗一的研究結果顯示出,Serialists 在使用主選單 (Main Menu)和關鍵字搜索(Keyword Search)後能表現出較好的學習效能。此外,他們往往把閱讀工具放在右側,並把搜索工具放在左側的。另一方面,Holists在使用主選單 (Main Menu)和上一章/下一章 (Previous/Next) 後能表現出較好的學習效能。此外,他們偏好把閱讀工具放在左側,並把搜索工具放在右側。另一方面,從實驗二的研究結果則指出,學生在客製化行動學習系統花費了較少的任務時間。另一方面,學生在客製化行動學習系統與個人化學習系統都表現出相似的任務分數、進步分數以及後測分數。此外,學生在個人化系統表現出更正面的學習經驗。根據這些研究結果,將提出一個使用者模型 (User Model)可用來支援學生、指導者、研究學者和教材設計者,以提升行動學習系統的發展。
摘要(英) Mobile learning, which has become widespread in educational settings, faces students with diverse background, in terms of knowledge, skills and needs. Two approaches, i.e., Customization and Personalization, can be applied to sort out diversity. These two approaches have different advantages and disadvantages. To this end, two empirical studies are conducted to examine how students react differently to customization and personalization in the context of mobile learning. In Study One, a customized mobile learning system (CMLS) is developed and it is applied to investigate how cognitive styles affect students’ reactions to the CMLS. According to the results obtained from Study One, the different preferences of Holists and Serialists were identified and such preferences were employed to develop a personalized mobile learning system (PMLS) in Study Two. Furthermore, how students reacted differently to the CMLS and the PMLS was examined in Study Two.
The results from Study One suggest that Serialists with the best learning performance mainly used the main menu and the keyword search. In addition, they tend to put the reading tools on the right side and the searching tools on the left side. On the other hand, Holists with the best learning performance mainly used main menu and the previous/ next buttons. Moreover, they prefer to put the searching tools on the right side and the reading tools on the left side. On the other hand, the findings from Study Two demonstrate that student in the CMLS and those in the PMLS obtained similar task scores, gain scores and post-test scores. However, the former spent significant more amount of task time than the latter, regardless of Serialists or Holists. In addition, students in the PMLS showed more positive perception than those in the CMLS. Based on the results of each study, a user model is produced. This model can be applied to support students, designers, researchers and instructors to promote the effectiveness of mobile learning.
關鍵字(中) ★ 行動學習
★ 個人化
★ 客製化
★ 認知風格
關鍵字(英) ★ Mobile learning
★ Personalization
★ Customization
★ Cognitive styles
論文目次 摘要...............i
ABSTRACT ...................ii
Table of Contents....................iv
List of Figures...............vii
List of Tables ...............viii
Chapter 1 Introduction.............1
1.1 Background................1
1.2 Chapter Outline ..................4
1.3 Summary....................5
Chapter 2 Literature Review.............7
2.1 Mobile Learning .................7
2.2 Cognitive Styles................10
2.3 Individualization...............13
2.3.1 Customization.................13
2.3.2 Personalization ...............14
2.4 Summary..................15
Chapter 3 Research Design.............16
3.1 Introduction .............16
3.2 Research Questions ..........17
3.3 Overview of the Research Design ...............18
3.4 Research Instruments.................20
3.4.1 CMLS and PLMS ...........20
3.4.2 Study Preferences Questionnaire...............20
3.4.3 Task Sheet..............21
3.4.4 Pre-test and Post-test ...............21
3.4.5 Questionnaire..................22
3.5 Data Analyses...................23
3.6 Summary..................23
Chapter 4 Study One: Customized Mobile Learning System .....24
4.1 Development of the Customized Mobile Learning System....24
4.2 Empirical Study ................25
4.2.1 Participants ............25
4.2.2 Experimental Procedures.........26
4.2.3 Data Analyses.................27
4.3 Results and Discussions ............28
4.3.1 Learning performance of Serialists............29
4.3.2 Learning performance of Holists...............31
4.3.3 Selection of Navigation Tools ..........33
4.3.4 Arrangement of Display Formats ..............35
4.4 Learning Perception..........36
4.5 Summary..................39
Chapter 5 Study Two: Personalized Mobile Learning System.............41
5.1 Development of the Personalized Mobile Learning System ...........41
5.2 Empirical Study ................44
5.2.1 Participants ............44
5.2.2 Experimental Procedures.........44
5.2.3 Data Analyses.................45
5.3 Results and Discussions ............46
5.3.1 Learning Performance .............47 Serialists vs. Holists in the PMLS ...........48 Customization vs. Personalization...........49
5.3.2 Learning Preferences...............52 Serialists ..............52 Holists..................55
5.3.3 Learning Perception.................57 The Macro View ...........58 The Micro View............58 PMLS vs. CMLS ..........61
5.4 Summary..................62
Chapter 6 Conclusions...........63
6.1 Main conclusions..............63
6.2 Contributions...........67
6.3 Limitations and Future Work..............69
References ....................71
Appendix 1: Interaction Design: Pre-Test ........78
Appendix 2: Interaction Design: Task ..............83
Appendix 3: Interaction Design: Post-Test................85
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指導教授 陳攸華(Sherry Y. Chen) 審核日期 2013-7-23
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