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姓名 林欣儒(Hsin-ru Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
(Commercial Exchange and Social Exchange in Shakespeare′s Pericles, Prince of Tyre and The Merchant of Venice)
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摘要(中) 本論文以探討不同類型之「交換」行為如何影響人際關係為主題,在莎士比亞的劇作《佩瑞克里斯》與《威尼斯商人》中帶入馬修‧薩林和大維‧格雷伯的人類經濟學論點,分析社會交換及商業交換如何在人際互動中影響關係的形成或維持。這兩種交換模式為本論文主要的研究方向,而兩者差異在於執行者的目的與期待之不同。交換行為不僅會創造或塑造人際互動,也隱含了社會道德和規範。
摘要(英) This thesis aims to discuss how exchange affects human relationships in Shakespeare’s plays. In view of Marshall Sahlins’ and David Graeber’s essays on human economics, this thesis suggests examining Pericles, Prince of Tyre and The Merchant of Venice with two patterns of exchange. Social exchange and commercial exchange differ in the executer’s purpose and expectation of the outcome. Exchange creates and shapes interpersonal interaction, and it implies morality and social norms as well. From this perspective, one sees that human relations are related to economic ideas.
The first chapter discusses how social exchange is applied to create and maintain relationships in Pericles, Prince of Tyre. The protagonist, Pericles, practices social exchange in different scenes and achieves his goals which cannot be estimated or valued in monetary terms. His experiences show the crucial elements and spirits in social exchange. On the other hand, Marina’s experience exemplifies commercial exchange in the play. The second chapter explains that The Merchant of Venice involves both commercial exchange and social exchange as well. Adding discussion of social distance and comparisons in communities, this chapter demonstrates how exchange affects human relationship in a broader sense. The thesis concludes by suggesting that the two patterns of exchange form a part of social life, that everywhere shape and reshape people’s life.
關鍵字(中) ★ 商業交換
★ 社會交換
★ 人類經濟學
★ 道德
★ 關係
關鍵字(英) ★ commercial exchange
★ social exchange
★ human economics
★ morality
★ relationship
論文目次 English Abstract ____________________________________________________________ i
Chinese Abstract ___________________________________________________________ ii
Acknowledgement _________________________________________________________ iii

Introduction ______________________________________________________________ 1

Chapter I: How Exchange Affects Human Relationships in Pericles, Prince of Tyre _____ 12
Social Exchange in Pericles, Prince of Tyre ________________________________ 13
Commercial Exchange in Pericles, Prince of Tyre ____________________________19

Chapter II: How Exchange Affects Human Relationships in The Merchant of Venice_____ 23
Social Exchange in The Merchant of Venice _________________________________24
Commercial Exchange in The Merchant of Venice ____________________________36

Conclusion _______________________________________________________________48

Works Cited ______________________________________________________________52
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指導教授 林錥鋕(Spencer Lin) 審核日期 2016-1-21
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