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姓名 葉芷華(Zhi-Hua Yeh)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 英美語文學系
論文名稱 關係作為貨幣:《威尼斯商人》與 《雅典的泰門》中的社會資本
(Relationships as Currency: Social Capital in The Merchant of Venice and Timon of Athens)
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摘要(中) 本論文探討劇本中社會脈絡中的經濟議題。本文的論點之一為:對債務的不同詮釋,來自於借貸雙方的社會關係。本文也論述兩個劇本反映前現代時期英國所經歷的經濟轉型。換言之,兩部劇本描繪了人類經濟與市場經濟間的衝突。基於不同經濟型態與社會關係的連結,本文論述劇中角色的幸與不幸,來自於他們所擁有的經濟資本,所花在他人身上的金錢,是否能有效轉變為有用的社會關係、社會資本。
摘要(英) This thesis looks at economic issues in their social contexts. It argues that the interpretation of debt depends on the social relation between the creditor and the debtor. Another part of the argument is that the plays reflect the economic transition in the early modern England. In other words, the plays portray the conflicts between different forms of economy. Based on the link between forms of economy and social relations, this thesis argues that the fortune and misfortune of analyzed characters depends on the question whether their money, economic capital used on other people can be altered into social capital, useful social relations.
Entitled “Representations of Human Economy in The Merchant of Venice: Antonio and Shylock,” the first chapter argues that Antonio’s fortune and misfortune are correlated to the quality and quantity of social relations that he has. Reading Timon of Athens in the context of the economic changes in the early modern England, the second chapter contends that the conflicts between characters suggest the economic transition in early modern England. The conclusion discusses the servants in the two plays. While restating the importance of social relations in economic exchanges, it suggests how the old type of economy survives in the new one.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社會關係
★ 社會資本
★ 人類經濟
★ 市場經濟
關鍵字(英) ★ social relations
★ social capital
★ human economy
★ market economy
論文目次 English Abstract .....i
Chinese Abstract .... ii
Acknowledgment .... iii
Contents .... v
INTRODUCTION. .............1

CHAPTER I. Representations of Human Economy in The Merchant of Venice: Antonio and Shylock..............14

CHAPTER II. Transition from Human Economy to Market
Economy: Timon of Athens.............................29

CHAPTER III. Human Economy in Market Economy: The Perspective of Servants..............................47

CONCLUSION. .................. 59

WORKS CITED ................. 61

APPENDIX .................66
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指導教授 林錥鋕(Spencer Lin) 審核日期 2016-1-19
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