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姓名 王資淳(Tzu-Chun Wang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 湯瑪斯.瓊斯(Thomas Jones, 1742-1803)藝術史定位的轉變——論其風景油彩速寫再發現的契機與影響
(The Changes ofThomas Jones′s Status in Art History: The Rediscovery of His Landscape Oil Sketches and Its Influence)
★ 論卡拉瓦喬羅馬時期公共祭壇畫的世俗形式與宗教理念★ 論Grosvenor Gallery展覽對於英國藝術的推展,1877-1890
★ 公共理念的實踐:1824至1865年早期倫敦國家畫廊的定位與革新★ Mark Catesby 《自然史》插圖在十八世紀西方博物學圖像中的創新與意義
★ 收藏家的自我形象塑造:嘉德納夫人與其同代繪畫收藏★ 從「被遺忘」到「典範」之形塑─ 維梅爾藝術史地位變遷探討
★ 由建築圖到風景畫:十八世紀英國威爾頓莊園圖像的變遷★ 走出莎劇:維多利亞時期精靈畫的轉變
★ 在欺眼之外——John Frederick Peto 的文件架畫與貼片畫★ 法式品味在英國: 倫敦華勒斯典藏館藝術收藏與展示發展
★ 再現「海克力斯的選擇」:十五到十八世紀的圖像傳統與創新★ 菲利普典藏館1918-1960年代的美國現代藝術收藏與推展
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★ 西洋藝術教育的接受與推動——奇美博物館的角色與功能★ J. M. W. Turner(1775-1851)身後首檔回顧大展:1899年倫敦城區市政廳藝廊(Guildhall Art Gallery)特展的意義與影響
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摘要(中) 今日湯瑪斯.瓊斯(Thomas Jones, 1742-1803)被視為十八世紀末重要的英國戶外畫家,但二十世紀中葉以前他還只是理查德.威爾森(Richard Wilson, 1714-1782)的模仿者。直到家人賣出私藏的風景油彩速寫後才改寫其藝術史定位。然而,是什麼原因使瓊斯的風景油彩速寫消失在先前的藝術史論述中?十九世紀又有哪些發展,使瓊斯的風景油彩速寫能迅速地在二十世紀受到收藏家與美術館員的賞識?此外,二十世紀以後的評論,又呈現了哪些觀看瓊斯油彩速寫的方式?
摘要(英) Thomas Jones (1742-1803) is now acknowledged as a primary open-air painter in late 18th century Britain, but before the mid-20th century he had been an imitator of Richard Wilson (1714-1782). His status in art history was not changed until his family sold his landscape oil sketches to the markets. However, what caused the absence of his works in earlier art-historical narratives? What led to the rapid recognition of his landscape oil sketches by collectors and curators in the mid-20th century? Furthermore, what perspectives did they adopt to look at his landscape oil sketches?
Chapter one traces his development in art history by considering the changes of his career path and reputation, and then looks at his landscape oil sketches in details. Chapter two explores the development and significance of landscape oil sketches and tries to find out the reasons why Jones’s works did not attract much attention. Next, by examining the evolution of landscape painting in the 19th century, the second part of chapter two investigates the possibility of Jones’s sketches being collected as exhibits. Chapter three points out that since the mid-20th century landscape oil sketches have become prominent through increasing sales, exhibitions and collections in the art institutions. Finally, this study analyzes the conceptual frameworks of discourses on Jones’s oil sketches.
關鍵字(中) ★ 湯瑪斯.瓊斯
★ 風景油彩速寫
★ 戶外繪畫
關鍵字(英) ★ Thomas Jones
★ landscape oil sketches
★ open-air painting
論文目次 論文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝辭 iii
目錄 iv
圖版來源 v
緒論 1
研究動機與問題意識 1
文獻回顧與探討 2
章節概述 7
第一章 十八世紀風景畫家湯瑪斯.瓊斯 9
第一節 生平與時人評價 9
一、 成為風景畫家 9
二、 旅義七年(1776-1783) 12
三、 從職業畫家轉向業餘愛好者 15
第二節 正式油畫之外——瓊斯的油彩速寫 17
一、 英國的故土 17
二、 羅馬遺跡與那不勒斯民宅 19
三、 再製回憶 24
第二章 風景油彩速寫的發展史 27
第一節 十九世紀初期以前 27
一、 速寫的析解 27
二、 歐陸戶外繪畫的溯源 28
三、 英國戶外速寫的發展 32
第二節 十九世紀自然風景的關注與油彩速寫的展示 36
一、 將戶外經驗帶入正式風景畫 36
二、 進入展覽的風景油彩速寫 40
第三章 二十世紀以後湯瑪斯‧瓊斯的再發現 45
第一節 瓊斯油彩速寫的出現與收藏 45
一、 「沉入藝術史的堆肥中」 45
二、 成為博物館的收藏 46
第二節 二十世紀中葉以後的評論 54
結論 63
參考書目 65
圖版 70
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14.The Morgan Library & Museum, New York, founded by Pierpont Morgan〈http://www.themorgan.org〉
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指導教授 謝佳娟(Chia-Chuan Hsieh) 審核日期 2017-1-20
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