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姓名 洪元曉(Horng-Youna Shiao)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所
論文名稱 經濟動物集約化飼養的省思:從動物道德地位與動物權觀之
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摘要(中) 中文摘要
摘要(英) 英文摘要
The raising of economic animals in farm factories is one of the hot issues of animal ethics. This paper employs the theories of Peter Singer, Tom Regan, Mary Anne Warren and others, basically with the three important perspectives of animal moral status, moral welfare and animal right in the analysis of the ethical problems of the animal farm factory for our reflections.
Singer takes the preference utilitarianism view and accepts that animals have sentience and interests. Hence, we should treat the interest s of animals equally and rejecting speciesism, liberate animals from such farm factories. He suggests that we may turn into vegetarian to give more pressure to such farm factories. Regan criticizes first Singer’s regarding animals as receptacles only though Singer responded with his preference utilitarianism to remedy the question saying that preference is closely related to the life of each animal. . Regan’ s second criticism lay upon the inconsistence between the principle of equal consideration of interest and utilitarianism, while Singer responds that the principle only asks for equal consideration not equal treatments for all. Regan proposes a strong animal right, which is strongly criticizes by Warren as unreasonable. Warren proposes a weak version of animal right and employs a multi-criteria theory in the estimation of the moral status of animals. Warren thinks that both Singer and Regan regard animal as holding the same moral status as human being, and according to the analysis with multi-criteria, Warren argues that animals have a hierarchy in values.
In conclusion, after analysis and reflections of the situation and problems of farm factory animals, it is morally commanded that we have to reduce their sufferings. However it is impracticable to eliminate farm factories at once because the number is too enormous. However, when more and more people become vegans, this will give pressure to farm factories to improve their treatment of economic animals. Furthermore, we could encourage animal farm owners adopting better and humanistic feeding methods by buying or support. We are looking forward in the future that humanistic raising of economic animals will be realized.
Keywords: economic animals, intensive farm, preference-benefit theory, weak animal rights theory, strong animal rights theory.
關鍵字(中) ★ 經濟動物
★ 集約農場
★ 偏好效益理論
★ 弱動物權利理論
★ 強動物權利理論。
關鍵字(英) ★ economic animals
★ intensive farm
★ preference-benefit theory
★ weak animal rights theory
★ strong animal rights theory
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
第一章 導論 1
第一節  研究動機與目的 1
第二節 經濟動物集約化飼養的幾項課題 7
第三節 文獻檢視 12
第四節  章節規劃之略述 18
第二章 從辛格之偏好效益論動物問題 20
第一節 古典效益主義 20
第二節 辛格的偏好效益理論 27
第三節 對動物福利的討論 35
第三章 辛格對經濟動物集約化飼養之質疑 46
第一節 辛格對批評論點的回應 46
第二節 論素食主義與動物權 62
第三節 TOM REGAN對經濟動物集約化飼養之見解 74
第四章 經濟動物道德地位之爭辯與判準 90
第一節 沃倫的弱動物權利理論 90
第二節 實驗動物道德地位之論證 101
第三節 對經濟動物道德地位之爭辯 115
第五章 集約農場與經濟動物之倫理回顧與前瞻 142
第一節 經濟動物集約化飼養所造成的問題 142
第二節 經濟動物集約化飼養的討論 143
第三節 未來展望 147
附錄一 動物保護法 149
附錄二 動物運送管理辦法 169
附錄三 畜牧法 174
附錄四 屠宰場設置標準 190
附錄五 屠宰作業準則 200
附錄六 畜禽人道屠宰準則 209
參考書目 212

參考文獻 參考書目
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指導教授 李瑞全(Sui-Chuen Lee) 審核日期 2017-1-18
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