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姓名 明弘(Vasarhelyi, Bela)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 哲學研究所在職專班
論文名稱 An Outline of the Phenomenology of Discursivity
(An Outline of the Phenomenology of Discursivity)
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摘要(中) 本論文的研究目的,在於呈現一種概觀式的哲學探究,並可以名為「話語性的現象學(phenomenology of discursivity)」。這是一種結合不同哲學途徑的實踐作法。值得一提的是,即便本論文的確將「話語性(discursivity)」作為主題,也將會以「描述」來面對研究中將會呈現的各種問題,但在理論的建構上,本論文仍然會援引各種不同的分析模式。本論文所提出的「描述」,可以在意會、溝通以及語言交流等領域發揮作用,不過其最主要的應用仍是在哲學的領域:透過建構論證的元素,來對論證本身進行分析。這些元素則包含所有對建構哲學理論有所影響的各種要素在內。
本論文的主要目標,是傳達一種當哲學活動以語言及社會互動(social interactions)的方式呈現時,對其所做出的觀察。透過一種特定的敘事分析(narrative analysis),我們可以認知到敘事的根源,其實深深地埋藏在人類的存在與環境之中。敘事自身並不會單獨存在,當某人因為他者 (other) 的出現而進行描述時,敘事總會作為自我體現(embodied-self)的產物而呈現。
摘要(英) The purpose of this work is to present an overview of a specific way of philosophical inquiry which we call the ‘phenomenology of discursivity’. It is a practical exercise built by combining different philosophical approaches. Although it has a central theme (discursivity) and it uses a specific method to approach problems, it still advocates for multiple modes of analyses. It can be used in any field where sense-making, communication or language is used. Its specific application is in the field of philosophy: analysing arguments through their constituting elements. These elements include all the influencing factors that have an effect on the construction of a philosophical theory.
Our main objective is to propagate the observation of philosophical activities as they are expressed through language and social interactions. By a specific kind of narrative analysis that recognizes the roots of narrativity as deeply embedded in human existence. Narrativity is not considered existing in itself, it is always a product of an embodied-self who is performing a discursive action because of the presence of the other.
As a consequence, the focus of attention shifts from meaning as a product of a theory to meaning as a combination of narrative and embodied expressive formations produced by underlying, non-theoretical processes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 話語性
★ 敘事分析
★ 存在主義
★ 現象學
★ 體現
關鍵字(英) ★ discursivity
★ narrative analysis
★ existentialism
★ phenomenology
★ embodiment
論文目次 I. Introduction 1
I.1 Goal 1
I.2 Style and Content 5
I.3 Structure 7
I.4 Introduction/Forewords 9
II. Philosophical background 18
I. 1 The Proposed Method of Inquiry 21
II.2 An overview of the philosophy of language 28
(1) What is language philosophy? 32
(2) Conceptual and abstract thinking 34
(3) Language and reality 39
(4) Language and thought 47
(5) Ordinary Language Philosophy 53
(6) Semantic and pragmatic meaning 56
II.3 From the Self to the Other 60
(1) Everydayness 62
(2) The “Who” of Dasein 63
(3) The Dasein-with of Others and Everyday Being-with 67
(4) Care 70
(5) The They 71
(6) The “who” of everyday Dasein 73
II.4 The “Other” in Discursivity 75
(1) The other 77
(2) Responsibility and ethics 78
(3) On the “self” 80
(4) The third party and conceptualization 82
III. Towards a Theory of Discursivity 86
III.1 A Theory of Communication 88
(1) The first steps 90
(2) Thought and Expression 95
(3) The speaker and the listener 98
(4) Reading and Writing 100
(5) Others and “the Other” 102
(6) The dialogic nature of discursivity 106
(7) Personal involvement and opposition 108
III.2 Narrativity and Logic 113
(1) Narrative construction 114
(2) Word formation and semantic change 120
(3) Fallacies 123
(4) Self-reference and paradox 125
(5) Artificial narratives 128
(6) The curious case of cataphorology 130
(7) Mimesis 134
III.3 Conclusions 138
(1) Three modes of inquiry 140
1.a Projected meaning in movies 141
1.b Projected meaning in philosophy 143
2.a The composition of meaning in movies 144
2.b The composition of meaning in philosophy 146
3.a Observing the process of engagement in movies 147
3.b Observing the process of engagement in philosophy 149
(2) Comparison 152
(3) Inquiry into discursivity 155
(4) Closing thoughts 158
Bibliography 162
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Online Sources

Early Modern Philosophy, https://www.earlymoderntexts.com/
Perseus Digital Library Project https://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/
The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP) (ISSN 2161-0002) https://iep.utm.edu/
Wikisource, https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Main_Page
指導教授 孫雲平 審核日期 2022-1-19
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