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姓名 李昆融(kun-Rong Li) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 物理學系 論文名稱
(Adsorption and desorption of atomic hydrogen on the surface of thin Ag films on Au(111) studied with ARPES and XPS)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式] [Bibtex 格式] [相關文章] [文章引用] [完整記錄] [館藏目錄] [檢視] [下載]
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摘要(中) 在此實驗中我們研究氫原子在銀薄膜表面的吸附與脫附行為。首先,我們在金(111)表面成長原子級平坦的銀薄膜。這些銀薄膜在低溫下曝露在熱裂解的氫原子束中,然後升溫讓氫原子脫附。實驗過程中,運用光電子能譜術來監看薄膜的表面態,以檢測薄膜表面的演變。實驗結果顯示,銀薄膜表面態會因低溫曝氫而嚴重衰減,但表面態會在樣品溫度回升時部分復原。此外,我們也探討了薄膜表面態衰減與復原溫度與薄膜厚度之間可能的關聯。 摘要(英) We have studied the adsorption and desorption of atomic hydrogen on the surfaces of Ag thin films. Atomically flat Ag films were grown on Au(111), exposed to a flux of thermally generated hydrogen atoms at a low sample temperature, and annealed for the desoprtion of hydrogen atoms. During annealing, the evolutions of the surfaces of the thin films were characterized on monitoring their surface states with angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Our experimental results showed that, with the exposure of hydrogen atoms, the surfaces states of thin Ag films deteriorated severely, and the surface states recovered only partially during annealing. In addition, we also investigated the relationship between the deterioration of the surface states and the thickness of the thin films. 關鍵字(中) ★ 角解析光電子能譜術
★ 曝氫實驗
★ 超高真空系統
★ 電子動能分佈曲線關鍵字(英) ★ ARPES
★ Adsorption and desorption of atomic hydrogen on the surface論文目次 第一章 簡介1
第二章 背景2
2.1 光電子能譜術2
2.2 三步驟模型2
2.2.1 電子被入射光子激發2
2.2.2 入射光子激發電子遷移到固體表面3
2.2.3 入射光子激發電子從固體表面脫離到真空中3
2.3 電子動能分布曲線4
2.4 角解析光電子能譜5
2.5 X-ray光電子能譜6
2.6 表面態6
2.7 曲線擬合分析8
2.8 表面線寬9
2.9 表面態衰變的原因10
第三章 儀器16
3.1 簡介16
3.2 超高真空16
3.2.1 機械幫浦17
3.2.2 分子渦輪幫浦17
3.2.3 冷凍幫浦18
3.2.4 離子幫浦18
3.2.5 鈦昇華幫浦19
3.2.6 非蒸氣式吸收幫浦19
3.3 同步輻射光源19
3.4 電子動能分析儀20
3.5 蒸鍍槍21
3.6 濺鍍槍22
3.7 樣品加熱22
3.8 熱裂解器22
3.9 傳送機制23
第四章 結果與討論30
4.1 樣品製備30
4.2 不同厚度的銀膜系統31
4.2.1 Au(111)31
4.2.2 0.5ML Ag/Au(111)32
4.2.3 1.1ML Ag/Au(111)33
4.2.4 1.5ML Ag/Au(111)34
4.2.5 2.1ML Ag/Au(111)35
4.2.6 Au(111) test 36
4.2.7 Ag/Au(111) test 37
4.3 結果與討論38
第五章 結論65
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