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姓名 劉力嘉(Li-chia Liu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 生命科學系
論文名稱 北台灣腐生絲孢菌綱之採集與描述
(Characterization of selected saprobic hyphomycetes from Northern Taiwan)
★ 有益微生物的真菌學和細菌學研究: 在農業和人類健康中的應用★ 台灣海邊耐鹽植物濱刺草之內生真菌
★  Fungi on leaves of Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.★ 台灣白粉菌分類
★ 結合依賴培養法、不依賴培養法與伺機採集之方法研究台灣沿海植物濱刺草之內生與非內生真菌★ 仙草的可培養性內生真菌之多樣性
★ Selected fungicolous Hypocreales in northern Taiwan★ Fungi on banana in northern Taiwan
★ 野生植物的白粉菌鑑定在北台灣★ 台灣海岸植物之內生真菌多樣性研究
★ Classification of powdery mildews on ornamental plants in northern Taiwan★ Brevibacterium sp. TX4 與 Pseudomonas nitroreducens TX1 異化辛基苯酚聚氧乙基醇及其代謝物之生物分解途徑研究
★ 多種方法鑑定皮膚和指甲上真菌多樣性於台灣北部★ 藉由從環境中分離的真菌進行內分泌干擾物辛基酚 之生物降解與其預測之代謝途徑
★ 台灣沉香樹相關的內生菌
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摘要(中) 絲孢菌綱 (Hyphomycetes) 菌類隸屬於半知菌亞門 (Deuteromycotina), 是一群不具有有性世代或者有性世代尚未被發現的類群。在台灣,尚有許多真菌未被發現、進行鑑定和描述繪圖。這項研究的重點是針對腐生絲孢菌綱的鑑定和描述繪圖。自 2012 至 2014 年從北台灣共 10 處不同自然生態環境且海拔由 0 至 1800 公尺之區域中採集各類枯枝腐葉共 10 種宿主植物超過 16 個樣品。 Clonostachys epichloe, Cl. rogersoniana, Cylindrocladium floridanum, Selenodriella fertilis, Tubercularia longispora 和 Verticillium insectorum 等六種台灣新紀錄。此外尚發現 Myrothecium sp. 1, Myrothecium sp. 2, 及 Venustosynnema sp. 等三種世界新種。其中Venustosynnema sp. 同時擁有周邊剛毛及中央剛毛, Myrothecium sp. 1 其 synnemata 周邊包覆豐富的勾狀邊緣菌絲, Myrothecium sp. 2 有少量的鉤狀邊緣菌絲和大量剛毛圍繞在 sporodochia 周邊。研究中菌類的型態特徵描寫以生長在玉米粉瓊脂與天然基質培養的形貌進行比較,並描述和說明, Cl. rogersoniana 和 T. longispora 則是第一次在天然基質中被描述。在對比培養形態學中, Cl. rogersoniana 在自然基質上很少形成 Verticillium-like 的分生包子梗。研究中使用核內 rDNA 的 ITS 區域 DNA 序列數據進一步證實形態學物種概念。
摘要(英) Hyphomycetes belonging to Fungi Imperfecti subphylum (Deuteromycotina) is a group of fungi that do not have sexual generation or sexual generation yet to be discovered. In Taiwan, many fungi have not yet been found, identified and characterized. This study is focused on the identification and characterization of saprobic hyphomycetes. More than 16 samples on 10 host plants were collected in this study in Northern Taiwan. Clonostachys epichloe, Cl. rogersoniana, Cylindrocladium floridanum, Selenodriella fertilis, Tubercularia longispora, and Verticillium insectorum are new records to Taiwan. In addition, Venustosynnema sp. nov., Myrothecium sp. 1, Myrothecium sp. 2 are new species of the world. Venustosynnema sp. has central setae and peripheral setae, Myrothecium sp. 1 has abundant hook-like marginal hairs surrounding entire synnemata, and Myrothecium sp. 2 has a small amount of hook-like marginal hairs and numerous setae surrounding sporodochia. The morphology of specimens derived from cultures grown on CMA and from natural substrata was compared and described and illustrated. Cl. rogersoniana and T. longispora are described from natural substrata for the first time. In contrast to culture morphology, Cl. rogersoniana on the natural substrate rarely forms Verticillium-like conidiophores. DNA sequence data of ITS regions within nuclear rDNA confirmed the morphological species concept.
關鍵字(中) ★ 絲孢菌
★ 形態學
關鍵字(英) ★ Hyphomycetes
★ Mophology
論文目次 目錄       

中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
Abbreviation Index ix
1 Introduction 1
2 Materials and methods 7
2.1 Specimen preservation 7
2.2 Light-microscopes 7
2.3 Isolation of fungi 8
2.4 Media 8
2.5 CMA ager with Banana Leaf 9
2.6 DNA isolation 9
2.7 PCR 11
2.8 Protocol for PCR 12
2.9 Agarose gel electrophoresis 14
2.10 Purification of PCR products 14
2.11 DNA sequencing 16
2.12 Morphological and molecular identification 16
3 Results 17
3-1 Result analysis 17
3-2 Description of species 18
3.2.1 Clonostachys epichloe 18
3.2.2 Clonostachys rogersoniana 21
3.2.3 Cylindrocladium floridanum 24
3.2.4 Cylindrocladium cf. ilicicola 27
3.2.5 Monocillium sp. 29
3.2.6 Myrothecium sp. 1 31
3.2.7 Myrothecium sp. 2 34
3.2.8 Selenodriella fertilis 38
3.2.9 Tubercularia longispora 40
3.2.10 Venustosynnema sp. nov. 43
3.2.11 Verticillium insectorum 46
4 Discussion 48
5 References 52
6 Appendixes 100
參考文獻 References

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指導教授 羅南德(Roland Kirschner) 審核日期 2014-6-23
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