博碩士論文 101322022 詳細資訊

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姓名 白富毅(Fu-Yi Bai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 版牆結構隔減震設計
★ 變厚度X形消能裝置初步研究★ 鋼筋混凝土構架制震設計與分析
★ 連續壁防治土壤液化之初步研究★ 符合設計譜人工地震之相位角對樓板反應譜之影響
★ 樁基礎橋梁地震反應分析★ 利用連續壁防治土壤液化之探討
★ Nakamura方法估算土壤第一模態頻率之適用性研究★ 黏性土層中隧道開挖引致之地盤沉陷及破壞機制
★ 側向非均勻土層之地表受震反應★ 砂土層中井樁承受反覆水平荷重之初步研究
★ 以人工地震探討二維不規則土層對建築物受震反應的影響★ 以離心模型試驗探討高含水量黏性背填土 加勁擋土牆之穩定性
★ 以加勁長度改善高含水量下粘土加勁擋土牆穩定性之研究★ 內扶壁在基一區(K1)對連續壁變位之影響
★ 打樁引致非均質土層地表振動數值之模擬★ 深開挖工程與鄰近捷運隧道受震反應的三維分析
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摘要(中) 摘要

This research of a state-of-the-art structural system with aseismic columns and three-hinged dampers (THDs) in the first story (isolated story) has been accomplished.
At first, the configurations of the newly patented damping devices were introduced. Then, their mechanical properties of several different types of THDs were investigated through both mathematical simulation and experimentation in order to obtain the corresponding design parameters. Finally, parametric studies with different aspect ratios of THDs were fulfilled to clarify the relationship among the stain, strength, stiffness and ductility, which will be beneficial to the aseismic design of building structures.
To explain in detail the design procedure of the new aseismic structural system, a design example of 6-story building with one-story basement was demonstrated. During the structural analysis, the piers and spandrels of the building were modelled by using the frame members. In addition, the junctions between piers and spandrels were modelled by using the rigid member. After completing the structural modeling, the seismic lateral loadings were applied on the building according to the non-linear static pushover method to evaluate the performance-based design. Besides, the non-linear dynamic time-history analyses were carried out based on the same base-shear forces with the corresponding pushover cases.
Observed from the analytical results, building with aseismic columns and THDs in the ground story can survive more than the design maximum credible earthquakes. When the practical building subjected to severe vibration, the plastic rotations of the aseismic columns are within the life-safety performance and the relative displacements of the isolated story are also within the low-ductility range. Owing to the plasticity can happen on both the aseismic columns and THDs when the strong earthquake shakes the building, the seismic forces in the upper stories are approximately constant. So, the upper part of the well-designed structure can deform elastically without resulting in apparent concrete cracks.

KEYWORDS: base-isolation, damper, ANSYS, ETABS, SAP2000,
pushover analysis, time-history analysis, slab - wall structure. 
關鍵字(中) ★ 隔震
★ 阻尼器
★ SAP2000
★ 側推分析
★ 歷時分析
★ 版牆結構
關鍵字(英) ★ base-isolation
★ damper
★ SAP2000
★ pushover analysis
★ time-history analysis
★ slab - wall structure
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
表目錄 XI
圖目錄 XIII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究方法 3
1.3 本文內容 4
第二章 文獻回顧 6
2.1 前言 6
2.2 各種消能系統簡介 6
第三章 理論分析 12
3.1 前言 12
3.2 三鉸式阻尼元件設計原理 13
3.3 ANSYS有限元素分析軟體介紹 14
3.3.1 ANSYS前處理(Pre-processor) 15
3.3.2 ANSYS求解器(Slover) 16
3.3.3 ANSYS後處理(Post-processor) 17
3.4 ANSYS模擬結果 18
3.4.1 ANSYS模擬三鉸式阻尼元件的方法 18
3.4.2 ANSYS材料參數設定 19
3.4.3 ANSYS實體模型建立 20
3.4.4 ANSYS加載設定 21
3.4.5 ANSYS資料擷取 22
3.4.6 ANSYS初步驗證 22
3.5 ANSYS參數研究 22
3.5.1 參數研究-網格 23
3.5.2 參數研究-中間曲率半徑 24
3.5.3 參數研究-塑性模數比 25
3.5.4 參數研究-長寬比 26
3.5.5 參數研究-Von Mises 應變分佈 27
第四章 試體設計與實驗執行 30
4.1 實驗目的 30
4.2 三鉸式阻尼元件之尺寸設計 30
4.3 三鉸式阻尼器細部設計 32
4.4 試驗試體的架設 33
4.5 各組試體試驗施作方法 34
4.6 各個位移循環加載試驗結果 35
4.5.1 193S型位移循環加載試驗結果 35
4.5.2 235S型位移循環加載試驗結果 37
4.5.3 疲勞遲滯迴圈數試驗結果比較 38
4.7 比較於三角形鋼鈑阻尼器 39
第五章 數值模擬與試驗結果 42
5.1 前言 42
5.2 試驗結果與ANSYS分析結果比較 43
5.3 SAP2000模擬阻尼元件 46
第六章 隔震柱減震結構設計 50
6.1 前言 50
6.2 隔震柱減震結構物 51
6.2.1 結構系統介紹 51
6.2.2 隔震柱減震結構設計流程 52
6.2.3 結構ETABS分析模擬 55
6.2.4 非線性側推分析 56
6.2.5 案例分析與探討 57
6.3 ETABS模擬韌性樑柱構架 58
6.3.1 結構系統介紹 58
6.3.2 實例結構ETABS分析模擬 58
6.3.3 側推分析 60
6.3.4 案例分析結果與討論 61
6.4 隔震柱減震結構非線性動態歷時分析 62
6.4.1 減震結構模擬模擬方式 62
6.4.2 減震結構非線性動態地震歷時分析 62
6.4.3 分析結果與討論 63
6.5 一般結構設計與隔震柱減震結構設計耐震度比較 65
第七章 結論與建議 66
7.1 結論 66
7.2 建議 69
參考文獻 70
參考文獻 參考文獻
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指導教授 蘇源峰、陳慧慈(Yung-Feng Su Huei-Tsyr Chen) 審核日期 2014-7-28
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