摘要(英) |
Food production is an important issue among the effects of climate and environmental change. Furthermore, how to perform an appropriate management in paddy irrigation is a significant topic of water resource planning. This research takes Taoyuan county as research region , uses DSSAT (The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer) model to simulate the growing of rice which were planted on different time, i.e., ahead of one week, regular, one week delayed and two weeks delayed , and Investigate the changing of days and output of rice farming on 3 different period under climate change, namely, near future (2020-2039), future (2050-2069), far future (2080-2099). The mutual influence between crop growing and meteorology is complicated. It is expected that different time and environment will lead to dissimilar reaction. Crop simulating model needs all kinds of meteorological data and Situ data. Among all the meteorological data, temperature, rainfall and radiation are probed in more detailed.
This research uses principal components analysis of multivariate statistical analysis to investigate how these factors will influent output. The eight factors are listed below: 1.Solar radiation accumulation before bloom; 2.Growing degree before bloom; 3. Crop Evapotranspiration accumulation after bloom; 4. Growing days after bloom; 5. Solar radiation accumulation before bloom; 6. Growing degree after bloom; 7. Crop Evapotranspiration accumulation before bloom; 8. Growing days after bloom. The analysis was performed with meteorological data of nowadays (1985-2011), near future (2020-2039), future(2050-2069) and far future (2080-2099). The results show that the main factor to affect output is solar radiation accumulation before bloom in present, while the growing days before bloom is the main factor to affect output in the near future, future and far future under climate change.
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