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姓名 翁正諴(‎Cheng-hsien Weng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
論文名稱 超塑5083與非超塑5052鋁合金氣壓成形性比較
(Superplasticity Effect Demonstrated by Gas Forming Superplastic 5083 and non-Superplastic 5052 Aluminum Alloy)
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摘要(中) 本論文以超塑成形(SuperplasticForming,SPF)之工法應用於飛機製造業所使用之鋁合金蒙皮零件”機翼前緣整流罩(Fairing Cover)”為研究方向,一般超塑成形多以平鈑進行氣吹且成形輪廓都以對稱形狀、深寬比較小為主,複雜曲面及不對稱工件則較少有。因此針對機翼前緣整流罩所使用之模具為複雜曲面且深寬比較大及兩側的V型端深度相對於中間鞍部要來的深,在鈑片進行預折彎時,其材料內部的輪廓變化也相當大。最後在成形結果中產生了皺褶現象,而皺褶的位置剛好顯現在產品零件的裁切線(Ending Opposite Position,E.O.P.)上,針對此一問題會有下列幾項來進行改善:吹製不同條件P-T曲線、不同的材料厚度(AA5052、SP5083)、減少V型端深度(以附加墊塊減少模具成本的花費)等進行研究,以此完成最佳的吹製成形零件(即整流罩)。
摘要(英) This thesis focuses on using superplastic forming to manufacture the aluminum "Airplane Fairing Cover" used on an actual commercial airliner. General superplastic forming usually uses flat sheet to produce symmetrical and less depth-width shape contour, however, the complicated and non-symmetrical work pieces are rarely produced by using superplastic forming. The sheet contour deform is large when flat sheet do the bending process, because fairing cover forming mold have complex shape, high aspect-ratio and the mold V-shape is deeper than middle saddle zone.
Finally, wrinkle phenomenon occur in the forming results, and it is occur inside the cutting line area (Ending Opposite Position, EOP) of the product. In order to get the best forming result (i.e. fairing cover) and solve this problem, several improvement are perform, such as: blow with different P-T curve conditions, different material and material thickness usage (AA5052 and SP5083) and reduce the depth of V-side by modify mold (by add pads to reduce the mold cost).
關鍵字(中) ★ 超塑成形
★ 整流罩
關鍵字(英) ★ superplastic forming
★ Fairing Cover
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 xi
第一章、緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 超塑成形概論 2
1-2-1 超塑性(Superplasticity) 2
1-2-2 組織超塑性(Structural Superplasticity) 3
1-2-3 環境超塑性(Environmental Superplasticity) 3
1-3 超塑成形製程 4
1-4 全尺寸零件超塑成形製程 6
1-5 研究目的 7
第二章、實驗方法與步驟 12
2-1 實驗設備 12
2-2 實驗材料 14
2-3 超塑成形模具 14
2-4 平鈑熱折彎 16
2-5 氣吹成形 16
2-6 微結構觀察 17
2-7 高溫拉伸測試 17
第三章、實驗結果與討論 28
3-1 平鈑V型預折彎 28
3-1-1 材料厚度與成形溫度比較 28
3-1-2 模具附加墊塊 29
3-2 平鈑V型預折彎+氣吹成形 30
3-2-1 超塑性與非超塑性材料比較 30
3-2-2 模具附加墊塊比較 32
3-2-3 成形厚度分析 33
3-3 超塑性效應對氣吹成型影響 34
第四章、結論 63
參考文獻 66
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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2014-7-16
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