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姓名 陳昱佑(Yun-You Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
(Impacts of Customer Orientation, Inter-firm Information Sharing, and Supplier-Buyer Relationships on New Product and Business Performance)
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摘要(中) 行銷與創新在這個動態改變的環境中比起以往更加的重要,能夠滿足客戶需求的創新產品對組織來說已成為一個重要的課題。客戶導向的組織必須在了解客戶所傳達的渴望上投入更多的精力,並發展能夠符合客戶需求的產品或服務。因此,與客戶之間的資訊分享對組織來說變得變成一個很重要的課題。本篇研究將以技術與分享意圖的層面共同去探討資訊分享的議題。此外,對於非正式治理機制對於跨組織資訊分享的影響也是本研究著重的議題之一,本研究的目的是探索客戶導向、跨組織資訊分享、供應商與買家關係對新產品績效與組織績效的影響,並進一步探討新產品績效是否對組織績效產生影響。
摘要(英) Marketing and innovation are more important than ever in the dynamic changing environment. Innovation that is able to meet the customer requirements has become one of the most important issues for firms. A customer oriented organization must put more focus on understanding the expressed desire of the customers and on developing products and services that satisfy those desires. Therefore, information sharing among customers becomes an important issue for firms. This research will view the information sharing issue in both the technical dimension and willingness dimension. Moreover, investigating whether informal governance mechanisms would have an influence on inter-firm information sharing is also an important issue in this study. The object of this study is to explore the effects of customer orientation, inter-firm information sharing, and supplier-buyer relationship on new product performance and firm performance. Moreover, this study also investigates whether new product performance would have an influence on firm performance.
The study collects data survey from top 1000 Taiwanese manufacturing firms to test the hypotheses. The result shows that customer orientation and inter-firm information sharing are positive associated with new product performance, and supplier-buyer relationship, inter-firm information sharing, and new product performance are positive associated with firm performance. Our results provide both theoretical and practical implications that contribute to a better understanding of the effects.
關鍵字(中) ★ 客戶導向
★ 供應商─買方關係
★ 跨組織資訊分享
★ 新產品績效
★ 組織績效
關鍵字(英) ★ Customer Orientation
★ Supplier-Buyer Relationship
★ Inter-firm Information Sharing
★ New Product Performance
★ Firm Performance
論文目次 Abstract i
中文摘要 ii
誌謝 iii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1
1.2 Research Purposes and Questions 4
Chapter 2 Literature review 5
2.1 Customer Orientation 5
2.2 Supplier-Buyer Relationship 6
2.3 Inter-firm Information Sharing 9
Chapter 3 Research Model and Hypotheses 13
3.1 Research Model 13
3.2 Hypothesis Development 14
3.2.1 Customer Orientation and Supplier-Buyer Relationship 14
3.2.2 Customer Orientation and Inter-firm Information Sharing 15
3.2.3 Customer Orientation and New Product Performance 16
3.2.4 Customer Orientation and Firm Performance 17
3.2.5 Supplier-Buyer Relationship and Inter-firm Information Sharing 18
3.2.6 Supplier-Buyer Relationship and Firm Performance 19
3.2.7 Inter-firm Information Sharing and New Product Performance 20
3.2.8 Inter-firm Information Sharing and Firm Performance 21
3.2.9 New Product Performance and Firm Performance 22
Chapter 4 Research Method 23
4.1 Research Design 23
4.2 Instrument Development 23
4.2.1 Customer Orientation 25
4.2.2 Supplier-Buyer Relationship 26
4.2.3 Inter-firm Information sharing 27
4.2.4 New Product Performance 28
4.2.5 Firm Performance 29
4.2.6 Control Variables 30
Chapter 5 Data Analysis and Results 31
5.1 Sample Characteristic 31
5.2 Measurement Model 35
5.3 Structural Model 44
Chapter 6 Conclusions 47
6.1 Findings and Discussion 47
6.2 Implications and Future Research 49
6.3 Limitations 50
References 51
Appendix Questionnaire 57
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指導教授 王存國(Eric T.G. Wang) 審核日期 2014-6-25
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