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姓名 林挺毅(Ting-Yi Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 探索結論需求對獎勵計畫與忠誠度關聯性之影響
(The Relation between Reward Programs and Loyalty: The Moderating Effect of Need for Closure)
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摘要(中) 購買,是每個人的日常生活中非常重要的行為。當產品或服務的選項相近時,消費者會選擇購買價值較高或能更符合消費者喜好的選項。獎勵計畫便是一種能有效提升消費者知覺價值的促銷方式。
企業廣泛的使用獎勵計畫來提高收益和建立顧客忠誠度。當面臨眾多不同的獎勵計畫時,消費者會根據自己個人的偏好以及人格特質而做出不同的選擇。在過去的研究中指出,「結論需求(need for closure)」是一種可以用來了解消費者選擇和決策的個人特質。
摘要(英) Purchasing is an important behavior that nearly every people do in their daily lives. While the product or service choices are similar, customer will look for the product value which are more worthy or attracted to their demand. Reward programs are an effective way to engage customer′s attention.
Reward programs have become popularly used tools for managers to increase their revenue and build customer loyalty. While facing various reward programs, customers make decisions based on their preference and personal characteristic. According to previous research, "need for closure (NFC)" is an important variable of individual difference that influences customers′ choice and decision.
In this study, need for closure was used as a moderator to explore customer′s preference and loyalty to different reward programs. We examined three characteristics of reward programs: reward timing (immediate/delayed), reward probability (100%/50%) and reward precision (precise/imprecise). The results of this study indicated that, first, regardless the level of NFC, respondents show preference to immediate rather than delayed reward. Second, when the rewards varied in probability and precision, respondents with high NFC significantly prefer to 100% and precise rewards, whereas, low NFC reveals no difference between high and low probability, and between high and low precision. Last, when the coupon usage was extended to next patronage, respondents with high NFC showed higher loyalty when they were provided 100% or precise rewards; conversely, respondents with low NFC showed no difference in loyalty.
關鍵字(中) ★ 結論需求
★ 獎勵時間性
★ 獎勵機率性
★ 獎勵明確性
★ 消費者忠誠度
關鍵字(英) ★ need for closure
★ reward timing
★ probability reward
★ precise reward
★ loyalty
論文目次 1.Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 1
2. Theory Background ............................................................................................................ 3
2-1. Need for Closure (NFC) ......................................................................................... 3
2-2. Customer Loyalty ................................................................................................... 4
2-3. Timing of Redemption ............................................................................................ 5
2-3-1. Timing of Redemption and Need for Closure ............................................ 6
2-4. Reward Probability ................................................................................................. 7
2-4-1. Reward Probability and Need for Closure .................................................. 8
2-5. Reward Precision .................................................................................................... 9
2-5-1. Reward Precision and Need for Closure................................................... 10
3. Research Methods ............................................................................................................ 12
3-1. Characteristic of Rewards ..................................................................................... 12
3-2. Pretest for the Value between Immediate Reward and Delayed Reward ............. 13
3-3. Measurement ........................................................................................................ 14
3-3-1. Need for Closure ....................................................................................... 14
3-3-2. Scale of Preference ................................................................................... 15
3-4. Sample .................................................................................................................. 15
3-5. Research design .................................................................................................... 17
3-5-1. The moderating effect of NFC on the preference for reward programs ... 17
3-5-2. The moderating effect of NFC on the relationship between reward
program and customer loyalty .................................................................................. 18
4. Analysis and Results ......................................................................................................... 19
4-1. Reliability ............................................................................................................. 19
4-2. Validity ................................................................................................................. 20
4-3. Hypothesis Testing................................................................................................ 22
4-3-1. The moderating effect of NFC on the preference for reward programs ... 22
4-3-2. The moderating effect of NFC on the relationship between reward
program and customer loyalty .................................................................................. 25
5. General Discussion ........................................................................................................... 27
5-1. Conclusion ............................................................................................................ 27
5-2. Managerial Implications ....................................................................................... 29
5-3. Limitations and Future Research .......................................................................... 30
Reference ................................................................................................................................. 31
Appendix: Questionnaire .......................................................................................................... 38
List of Tables
Table 1: Percentage of Discount for Immediate/Next Patronage ............................................. 13
Table 2: Demographics of Respondents ................................................................................... 16
Table 3: Reliability and Validity of Loyalty ............................................................................. 21
Table 4: Reliability and Validity of NFC .................................................................................. 21
Table 5: The Results of Hypothesized Model........................................................................... 26
List of Figures
Figure 1: The hypothesis model for H1, H2 & H4 ................................................................... 12
Figure 2: The hypothesis model for H3 & H5 .......................................................................... 12
Figure 3: Preference for NFC and Reward Timing .................................................................. 23
Figure 4: Preference for NFC and Reward Probability ............................................................ 24
Figure 5: Preference for NFC and Reward Precision ............................................................... 24
Figure 6: Loyalty to NFC and Reward Probability .................................................................. 25
Figure 7: Loyalty to NFC and Reward Precision ..................................................................... 26
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指導教授 謝依靜(Yi-Ching Hsieh) 審核日期 2014-7-7
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