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姓名 黃瑞欽(Jui-Chin Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 他人的炫耀行為對品牌態度之影響
(A study on the influences of others′ conspicuous behavior on brand attitude)
★ 半導體二手設備之行銷策略-以應用材料公司為例★ 從創新擴散角度探討新科技技術行銷策略之影響 —以全球資訊大廠推廣Web Services為例
★ 企業多角化經營策略之研究 ─以某機構拓展資訊應用服務市場為例★ 汽車產業網站行銷之應用與效益探討研究-以N品牌為例
★ 系統整合業轉型策略之探討--以A公司為例★ 顧客關係管理系統導入之研究-以A、B公司為例
★ 策略聯盟個案分析 - 以台灣光碟機廠商為例★ 資訊教育訓練機構的轉型策略 —以某資訊教育機構為例
★ 組織文化及組織承諾對組織變革影響之研究- 以外商銀行與本國銀行資訊部門為例★ 高階資訊教育市場行銷策略與會員制度之研究-資訊教育產業為例
★ 探討平衡計分卡在售前技術支援部門績效管理的運用 - 以外商資訊科技公司為例★ 軟體行銷策略與競爭優勢分析-以全球二家資訊大廠為例
★ 綠色供應鏈管理研究-以A公司為例★ 企業專案管理系統 - 提升專案即時資訊透通性及其效益分析
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摘要(中) 在全球化的趨勢下,消費者有更多機會購買奢侈品牌,使得奢侈品的交易量逐年成長,在2013年奢侈品交易金額高達2170億美金,消費者認為奢侈品牌是具有地位、聲望的象徵,在消費者炫耀性心理的影響下,消費者在使用奢侈品牌時會故意做出炫耀行為來吸引他人注意,只為了獲得社會地位和得到他人的稱讚與羨慕,但炫耀行為卻會影響他人對於該品牌的評價和態度,故本研究以「奢侈品牌」與「炫耀行為」作為研究背景,深入探討兩因素對於品牌態度的影響。



摘要(英) Due to the globalization trend, customer has more chance to buy luxury brand. The transaction amount of luxury brand reaches to 2170 billion in 2013. A Customer believes luxury brand is a symbol of high status and high reputation. In the impact of conspicuous psychological, customer tends to show off their behavior to attract attention and get social status and praise. Conspicuous behavior affects others’ reputation and attitude to luxurious brand. This study discusses about the impact of attitude based on luxury brands and
conspicuous behavior.

Past studies show that a lot of factors influence consumer brand attitudes, but these studies don’t integrate the factors of conspicuous behavior and brand attitudes. This study integrated these two factors and classified the factors to "brand identity" and "self-concept". Brand identity is defined as the features and ieads of position and value. Self-concept is defined as building up the personal feelings of self-perception and behavior. According to these factors, this study explores the brand identity and self-concept as the moderators to the
influence of brand attitudes.

This study uses questionnaire as experimental method. Through the questionnaire, the study discusses about whether the conspicuous behavior and luxury brand will negatively affect consumer′s brand attitude and uses brand identity and self-concept as adjustment variables. The study explores the brand identity and self-concept for the influence of brand

The results show that the conspicuous behavior will negatively affect consumers′ brand attitude. The difference of luxury brand has significant differences in brand identity and brand attitude. The higher the brand recognition and self-concept, the higher the customer’s brand attitude. According to the results, company market strategy can’t be exaggeration or using different view to show their product. Company needs to enhance and keep their brand recognition because brand recognition reflects the company′s value and strategy. Company must effectively manage their customer relationship in order to enhance consumer brand
關鍵字(中) ★ 奢侈品牌
★ 炫耀行為
★ 品牌識別
★ 自我概念
★ 品牌態度
關鍵字(英) ★ luxury brands
★ conspicuous behavior
★ brand identity
★ self-concept
★ brand attitude
論文目次 目錄
中文摘要 ...................................................................................................................................i
Abstract .....................................................................................................................................ii
目錄 ....................................................................................................................................iii
圖目錄 ................................................................................................................................iv
表目錄 .................................................................................................................................v
第一章 緒論 ..........................................................................................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機 ..............................................................................................1
第二節 研究目的與問題 ..............................................................................................5
第三節 研究流程 ..........................................................................................................7
第二章 文獻探討 ..................................................................................................................9
第一節 炫耀行為 ..........................................................................................................9
第二節 奢侈品牌 ........................................................................................................11
第三節 品牌識別 ........................................................................................................17
第四節 自我概念 ........................................................................................................22
第五節 品牌態度 ........................................................................................................31
第三章 研究方法 ................................................................................................................34
第一節 研究架構 ........................................................................................................34
第二節 研究假說 ........................................................................................................35
第三節 變數定義與衡量問項 ....................................................................................38
第四節 研究設計 ........................................................................................................42
第四章 資料分析與結果 ....................................................................................................49
第一節 前測分析 ........................................................................................................49
第二節 正式實驗樣本之分析 ............................................................................58
第三節 信度與效度之分析 ....................................................................................61
第四節 假說檢定 ........................................................................................................64
第五節 補充 ........................................................................................................69
第五章 結論 .....................................................................................................................81
第一節 研究結論 .....................................................................................................81
第二節 管理意涵 ........................................................................................................83
第三節 研究限制 ........................................................................................................85
第四節 後續研究建議 ................................................................................................86
參考文獻 ................................................................................................................................87
附錄一 ..............................................................................................................................104
附錄二 .................................................................................................................................107
附錄三 ..................................................................................................................................110
附錄四 ..................................................................................................................................113
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指導教授 李小梅 審核日期 2014-7-3
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