摘要(英) |
Whereas supply chain is defined as the set of processes and resources that produces and delivers finished goods from raw materials, conventional Supply Chain Management (SCM) aims at high efficiency and precise deliveries. However, with insufficient consideration of demand factors, this conventional practice takes long time to respond to demand variation that leads to poor communication and bullwhip effect. In contrast, Demand Chain Management (DCM) provides better a solution for responding to demand variation and establishes strong relationship with trading partners. In terms of information communication, DCM has been proven having quicker response and greater accuracy than SCM.
This study proposes a methodological framework for Business Process Analysis and Design. Specifically, ARIS, a business process modeling methodology, is adopted to analyze and improve demand chain process. Furthermore, to integrate DCM with and SCM, object-oriented methodology is applied to construct the information platform for the communication between trading partners. Thus, with the improved processes and information platform, bullwhip effect can be reduced.
Lately, car manufacturers are facing intense competition and demands even better relationships with their customers. This study will take Taiwan’s automobile industry as an example to demonstrate the application of ARIS and object-oriented methodology to design demand chain processes and information platform for improving performance and efficiency.
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