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姓名 張凱力(Kai-Li Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 工資僵固與雙率政策法則─台灣動態隨機一般均衡模型分析
(Wage Rigidity and Two Policy Rules - a DSGE analysis for Taiwan)
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摘要(中) 本文以Escude(2013)的模型為基本架構,建立了一個小型開放經濟體系的動態隨機一般均衡模型,我們將透過本模型,利用貝式估計法來估計台灣重要的結構參數與政策參數,並透過衝擊反應函數來觀察國際情勢變化、政府支出增加等衝擊所帶來的影響,最後我們會比較有工資僵固性與無工資僵固性模型之間的優劣。

摘要(英) We create a small open economy using dynamic stochastic general equilibrium(DSGE)model, which is built on Escude(2012), and use this model to estimate some important parameters by Bayesian estimation. We also use this model to observe how exogenous shocks influence Taiwan′s economy. Compared with the original model, we add wage rigidity which is a common design in a DSGE model and a new production function.

The result finds that the nominal price and wage rigidity in Taiwan are more flexible than Euro area. Taiwan′s central bank prefers to use nominal interest rule to reduce the inflation gap, and adopts nominal exchange rate to decrease the output gap. In the end,by using impulse response function (IRF), we can know how the increase of some factors such as international risk-free rate and government expenditure influences Taiwan′s economy.
關鍵字(中) ★ 動態隨機一般均衡模型
★ 小型開放經濟體系
★ 工資僵固
★ 衝擊反應函數
關鍵字(英) ★ DSGE model
★ small open economy
★ wage rigidity
★ impulse response function
論文目次 1. 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
2. 文獻回顧-------------------------------------------------3
3. 理論模型-------------------------------------------------6
3.1 家計單位-----------------------------------------------6
3.2 商品市場----------------------------------------------12
3.3 生產部門----------------------------------------------13
3.3.1 最終財廠商-----------------------------------------13
3.3.2 中間財廠商-----------------------------------------14
3.3.3 物價僵固性-----------------------------------------16
3.4 出口部門----------------------------------------------17
3.5 公部門------------------------------------------------18
3.5.1 中央銀行-------------------------------------------18
3.5.2 政府單位-------------------------------------------19
3.6 貨幣政策法則-------------------------------------------21
3.7 函數形式----------------------------------------------22
3.8 外生衝擊----------------------------------------------23
3.9 市場結清條件-------------------------------------------23
4. 實證分析------------------------------------------------25
4.1 資料來源與處理-----------------------------------------25
4.2 參數先驗分配設定---------------------------------------25
5. 實證結果------------------------------------------------29
5.1 參數後驗估計結果----------------------------------------29
5.2 衝擊反應函數-------------------------------------------30
5.2.1 國際無風險利率衝擊-----------------------------------30
5.2.2 政府支出衝擊----------------------------------------31
5.2.3 國內利率衝擊----------------------------------------33
5.2.4 其他外生衝擊----------------------------------------36
5.2.5 小結----------------------------------------------36
5.3 模型比較----------------------------------------------36
6. 結論---------------------------------------------------38
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指導教授 徐之強(Chih-Chiang Hsu) 審核日期 2014-6-25
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