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姓名 李素枝(Su-chih Li)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 高階主管企管碩士班
論文名稱 全球燃料電池備用電源系統之產業分析
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摘要(中) 近年來臺灣自國外引進第四代行動通訊 (4G) 技術,國內基地台的數量也隨之成長。由於這些無線基地台陸陸續續地建置,促使備用電源市場也因此蓬勃發展。目前電信業者所使用的備用電源大致可分成三類:鉛酸蓄電池、柴油發電機及燃料電池備用電源系統。其中燃料電池備用電源系統為新興產業產品,也相對於傳統備用電源產品─鉛酸蓄電池及柴油發電機較無環境汙染等問題。同時燃料電池也兼具高效、用途廣泛等特性,在現今環保、節能的意識抬頭下,被公認為可同時解除能源與環境危機的重要技術之一。
摘要(英) For the past few years, Mobile Telecommunication Base Station has increased significantly due to the Fourth Generation (4G) mobile telecommunication technology has introduced from abroad to Taiwan. The Backup Power Station market is having a great boom because of the continue deploying the Mobile Telecommunication Base Stations. There are three most common types of the Backup Power System (BPS) in current use for the Telecommunication Company, which are Lead-Acid Battery, Diesel Generator, and Fuel Cell. By comparing these three types of BPS, the Fuel Cell BPS, which has less pollute issues than Lead-Acid Battery, Diesel Generator, is the new product for the Emerging Industry. On the other hand, some advantages for the Fuel Cell, such as high efficiency and wide applicable usage…etc. Under the rising environmental and energy saving consciousness globally, the Fuel Cell is being acknowledge to the one of the most important technology to solve the energy and environmental crisis problems.
However, by comparing to research the global and Taiwan Fuel Cell BPS industry, the Developed Countries have some advantages, such as they own the key technology and have industry cluster. On the contrary, Taiwan have the limited research resource and plus Taiwan began on relative late stage. Then, among of the global market how to utilize and seek the better development space for the Taiwan’s Fuel Cell BPS Industry, in addition to achieve the human being and global sustainable development goals which is the merited subject need to be for paying attention to. Therefore, this thesis will be based on to analyze the current status of the global Fuel Cell BPS industry and to find a case study for the local company in Taiwan (information support), I hope it can provide some strategy recommendations to Taiwan’s political and economic industry.
In conclusion, in the last section, four recommendations can be isolated as follows: (1) Taiwan Government needs to assist our local companies and foreign companies to do the strategic industries alliance, in order to develop fully specification Industrial Value Chain for upper, middle, and downstream so that it will stabilize the raw material supply from upper stream. (2) Taiwan Government should encourage the local companies to focus on Research & Design. It not only can help local companies to obtain the key technology and to ensure the industry competition position, but also can approach to develop the product application from downstream, to expend the market for the middle/downstream, and to increase the niche market and to drive the whole industry development continue moving. (3) Taiwan Companies needs aggressively to increase its production technology, to enhance the power generation efficiency rate on Fuel Cell BPS product, and to find the alterative raw material or cost down on production in order to increase the profits. (4) It needs to keep an eye of global competition situation while Taiwan Government and local Companies push forward Fuel Cell BPS industry development. For example, China’s growing trend and its internal demand; therefore, it can prevent the potential competition threat and to create a new opportunity for this market.
關鍵字(中) ★ 燃料電池
★ 備用電源系統
★ 環境保護
★ 新興產業
★ 產業分析
關鍵字(英) ★ Fuel Cell
★ Backup Power System (BPS)
★ Environmental Protection
★ Emerging Industry
★ Industry Analysis
論文目次 第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究方法與架構 3
第二章 文獻探討 6
第三章 備用電源之產品介紹 10
第一節 備用電源產品之重要性 10
第二節 燃料電池備用電源系統之產品特色 11
第四章 燃料電池備用電源系統之產業背景 16
第一節 燃料電池產業之全球發展現況 16
第二節 燃料電池備用電源系統之產業背景 19
第三節 臺灣燃料電池備用電源系統之產業發展現況 21
第五章 燃料電池備用電源系統之產業分析 26
第一節 燃料電池備用電源系統之基本經濟條件分析 26
第二節 燃料電池備用電源系統之市場結構分析 36
第三節 燃料電池備用電源系統之廠商行為分析 46
第四節 燃料電池備用電源系統之經營績效分析 49
第五節 燃料電池備用電源系統之政府政策分析 50
第六章 個案研究分析 62
第一節 燃料電池備用電源系統產業之市場規模預估 62
第二節 個案公司簡介 65
第三節 個案公司之組織架構 66
第四節 個案公司之營運型態 69
第五節 個案公司之競爭優勢分析 70
第七章 結論及建議 72
第一節 結論 72
第二節 研究限制 72
第三節 建議 73
參考文獻 76
附錄 78
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指導教授 邱俊榮 審核日期 2014-6-27
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