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姓名 彭舒慧(Shu-hui Peng)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所在職專班
論文名稱 便利商店現煮咖啡銷售之研究
(A Study on the Sales of Freshly Brewed Coffee at Convenience Stores)
★ 銀行授信行為之研究★ 經發會前後台股指數、期貨指數、電子指數與金融指數之關聯性
★ 台灣家庭夏天用電需求分析★ 影響台銀黃金存摺價格因素之研究
★ 國際原油投資報酬與資金行情之探討-GARCH模型★ 電子商務對企業經營績效之影響
★ 有害廢棄物之處理與再利用研究:以A公司為例★ 台灣電燈用電需求量探討--以縣市資料為例
★ 台美股價、匯率、利率之動態關聯-VECM與VECM-GARCH應用★ 台灣攤販業獲利決定因素-人力資本的影響
★ 航空客運經濟帶油決定因素之實證分析★ 台灣都會區用電需求影響因素實證分析
★ 大陸鋼鐵出口與台灣鋼鐵價格的關聯性★ 人口結構變遷對財政教育支出之影響
★ 運動鞋製業的市場結構、行為與績效分析★ 台灣偏遠地區國中學生學習成效之實證分析
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摘要(中) 2007年便利商店跨界經營現煮咖啡市場,加速咖啡文化的流行,便利商店具備廣大的通路據點及營業24小時的便利性,目前是全台最大的連鎖咖啡業者,台灣咖啡市場規模高達600億元,從精品咖啡的星巴克咖啡館、平價連鎖的85度C咖啡店、緊鄰生活圈的便利商店,消費者購買咖啡的據點至少萬家,咖啡市場的競爭越趨白熱化,咖啡型態的多元化讓消費者的選擇更多樣,業者為提高獲利在行銷手法及商品開發上積極突破,首要即是要了解消費者對現煮咖啡的需求,以往文獻多用問卷方式統計出消費者對現煮咖啡的購買及決策考量,本研究則以北部某家便利商店的特定商圈範圍內的店舖現煮咖啡銷售進行回歸分析,因店鋪間具有相同的咖啡品質、相同的價格與促銷活動,因此在樣本選擇上已排除咖啡本身及價格差異的因素,在分析方法上建立各店家咖啡銷售模型,利用回歸統計最小平方法進行估計,探討影響咖啡銷售的變數,分析溫度變化、商圈特性、促銷活動對咖啡銷售所產生的影響。
摘要(英) Convenience store crossovers brewed coffee market in 2007, accelerating the popular coffee culture, with the majority of the convenience store channel presence and operating a 24-hour convenience, as currently Taiwan′s largest chain of coffee industry. Taiwan′s coffee market sizes up to 60 billion NT dollars, from specialty coffee Starbucks coffee shop, 85 degrees chain coffee shop, to convenience store adjacent to the living area. A stronghold of coffee consumers are at least ten thousand, increasingly intense competition in the coffee market. Types of coffee are more diverse, and the industry is eager to improve profitability on a positive breakthrough in product development and marketing strategies in order to understand consumers’ demand for coffee. Previous literatures on multi questionnaire statistics show demand and the consideraion for consumers to buy. This study retrieves coffee sales data from September 1, 2013 to March 31, 2014. Since the coffee shops in northern have the same quality, same price and promotional activities, and therefore they have been excluded factors coffee itself and the difference in sample selection. Based on the analysis of Ge Dianjia coffee sales model, this study uses least squares regression to estimate, the effect of coffee sales. We analyze temperature changes, district characteristics, promotional activities on the impact of the sale of coffee.
The empirical results show a rise in temperature of hot coffee sales have significantly reduced the increase in sales of iced coffee, on the whole , as the temperature rises, the total sales of coffee is reduced; statistics of the study also showed that sales over the latte coffee, is more than 2 times American coffee. When the consumers choose to buy coffee at a convenience store, price sensitivity, price promotions have a significant impact on enhancing coffee sales numbers, set point activity without significant positive impact. There are better coffee sales in the commercial and office district, and that is to say, consumer groups still display the coffee workers as much.
Price promotions on freshly brewed coffee sales have significant positive effects, shows the impact on consumer prices. However, price competition of the brewed coffee cannot be sustained, not only the industry itself compressed profit margins, but also the discount war of all of the industries are vulnerable to poor circulation. We recommended that the coffee industry can provide potential consumer by enhancing the coffee of the nature, modeling the situation of the store, and themed marketing tools to create topics.

關鍵字(中) ★ 便利商店
★ 連鎖咖啡店
★ 跨界經營
★ 商圈特性
★ 溫度變化
關鍵字(英) ★ convenience store
★ coffee shop chain
★ cross-border operations
★ district characteristics
★ temperature changes
論文目次 中文摘要 I
誌謝 IV
目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
一、 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 2
1-3 研究方法 3
二、 便利商店與咖啡市場現況分析 4
2-1 便利商店現況分析 4
2-2 咖啡市場現況分析 10
三、 文獻回顧 17
四、 實證研究方法與資料來源 21
4-1 實證模型 21
4-2 資料來源及基本敘述統計 24
五、 實證結果 32
5-1 個別商圈的統計結果 32
5-2 考慮商圈特性的統計結果 46
六、 結論與建議 48
6-1 結論 48
6-2 建議 49
6-3 研究限制與未來研究方向 49
參考文獻 51
附錄 54

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指導教授 劉錦龍(J-long Liu) 審核日期 2014-7-17
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