博碩士論文 101522020 詳細資訊

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姓名 吳孟修(Meng-hsiu Wu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊工程學系
論文名稱 結合情境提升寫作語料量與能力之作文語料庫
(To Increase the Amount of Material and Enhance the Ability in Writing by Corpus with Situation Learning)
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摘要(中) 現今的搜尋系統和工具書籍,在搜尋上必須依賴精確的文字,難以使用語意及情境的方式做搜尋。因此本研究提出結合知識本體概念與語料庫的系統,實作一個能依照情境搜尋的作文語料庫,希望能解決寫作時取材階段的困難。本系統能夠讓使用者藉由具體的詞彙去尋找相關語義關係的詞彙,並從眾多詞彙底下發現在寫作時能夠使用的作文語料。
摘要(英) Today’s search engine and reference books must rely on accurate keyword, and it’s difficult to use semantic and scenarios contexts way to search. Therefore, our study presents the concept of combining Ontology and corpus system. We implement an essay corpus can search from semantic and scenarios contexts way, and we hope it can solve the difficulties in searching materials stages when writing. Our system allows users to search by a specific keyword to related keyword in the semantic relationships, and users can view all the writing materials related on the keyword.
Our study presents the system architecture and design concept illustration, and explaining the writing material and keyword relations and interface presents in our system. Next we present our study two main functions: system will show the vocabulary ontology to the users, allowing the user to understand the vocabulary semantic relations with other words; And will providing writing materials’ detail information to user, and including the examples of material use, it can let the user to understand the real use in essay. We demonstrate support by the our system in the process of writing. Finally, we give the conclusions based on the results and the development direction of future research as a summary.
關鍵字(中) ★ 語料庫
★ 作文
★ 本體論
★ 語料
關鍵字(英) ★ writing
★ corpus
★ ontology
論文目次 中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
圖目錄 v
表目錄 vi
一、 緒論 1
1-1. 研究背景 1
1-2. 研究動機 1
1-3. 研究目標 2
1-4. 研究問題 2
1-5. 解決方法 2
1-6. 論文架構 3
二、 文獻探討 4
2-1. 語料庫 4
2-1-1、 定義與類型 4
2-1-2、 語料庫教學 4
2-1-3、 語料庫比較 6
2-2. 智慧型文字 11
2-2-1、 本體論(Ontology) 12
2-2-2、 語意網 13
2-2-3、 語意網的研究與實作 18
三、 系統設計 20
3-1、 語料架構 20
3-2、 語料來源與輸入方式 22
3-3、 系統介面 24
四、 寫作案例 29
4-1、 案例說明 29
4-2、 Ontology呈現 29
4-3、 語料瀏覽 31
五、 結論與未來發展 35
參考文獻 36
附錄一 40
附錄二 42
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指導教授 陳國棟(Gwo-dong Chen) 審核日期 2014-7-29
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