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姓名 黃宏宗(Hung-tsung Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 通訊工程學系
論文名稱 耐延遲網路下以動態叢集感知建構之訊息傳遞機制
(Message Forwarding with Dynamic Cluster Awareness in Delay-Tolerant Networks)
★ 非結構同儕網路上以特徵相似度為基準之搜尋方法★ 以階層式叢集聲譽為基礎之行動同儕網路拓撲架構
★ 線上RSS新聞資料流中主題性事件監測機制之設計與實作★ 耐延遲網路下具密度感知的路由方法
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★ 耐延遲網路下訊息傳遞時間分析與高效能路由演算法設計★ BitTorrent P2P 檔案系統下載端網路資源之可調式配置方法與效能實測
★ 耐延遲網路中利用訊息編碼重組條件之資料傳播機制★ 耐延遲網路中基於人類移動模式之路由機制
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★ 車載網路下結合路側單元輔助之訊息廣播機制★ 耐延遲網路下以靜態中繼節點(暫存盒)最佳化訊息傳遞效能之研究
★ 跨裝置影音匯流平台之設計與實作★ 耐延遲網路下基於封包複製模式的路由機制之模擬及效能比較
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摘要(中) 由於節點之間的連線在耐延遲網路(DTNs)下存在間歇性連線的問題,因此在這樣的環境下設計訊息傳遞機制極具挑戰性。間歇性的連線使得節點很難找到一條來源端到目的端的點對點傳送路徑。因此,在DTNs的環境中,訊息的傳遞必須透過儲存、攜帶與轉送的方式。
為了達到此目的,MDCA被細分為七個程序: (1) 面積估測 (2) 叢集決策 (3) Quality 值更新 (4) 訊息密度決策 (5) 根據節點的數個度量將節點排名 (6) 節點進入/離開叢集決策 (7) 訊息傳遞。主要做法如下。首先,在程序(1)節點會計算叢集節點密度的期望值。接著在程序(2)節點會判斷是否正位於叢集內。最後透過程序(5)和(6),節點篩選出適合的中繼節點將訊息留在叢集內或散播到各個叢集。此外,MDCA透過訊息密度決策來控制訊息的副本數量,也就是程序(4)。最後,本論文在不同的移動模型上進行大量模擬,包含Random Waypoint (RWP)、Time-Variant Community Mobility model (TVCM)以及真實軌跡檔Infocm06。模擬結果顯示,MDCA在具有人類移動行為的移動模型上有較好的訊息傳達率。
摘要(英) Designing a message forwarding scheme in delay-tolerant networks (DTNs) is a challenging problem due to intermittent connectivity between nodes. The problem of intermittent connectivity makes a node difficult to find an end-to-end path for any source-destination pair in a network. Therefore, the store-carry-and-forward messaging method is used in DTNs.
Movement behavior of humans in real life is not random. A societal relationship exists among nodes. However, dynamic changes of network topology make it difficult to define the general relationship between nodes in a network. This problem motivates the study of this thesis to design a novel message forwarding scheme with dynamic cluster awareness (MDCA), which exploits the nodes’ aggregation phenomenon caused by an implicit relationship among nodes in a network. Because the aggregation phenomenon of nodes will create some clusters in a network, the delivery probability can be improved if messages can be distributed to each cluster.
To achieve this goal, the MDCA design includes seven functional processes: (1) area estimation, (2) cluster decision, (3) quality value update, (4) determining message density, (5) ranking nodes’ metrics, (6) nodes moving in/out of a cluster, and (7) message transmission. Thus, the main idea of MDCA is as follows. First, the node calculates the expected density of nodes in process 1. Secondly, the node determines whether it is in a cluster or not in process 2. Lastly, the node chooses the appropriate relay nodes to carry messages in a cluster through processes 5 and 6. In addition, the MDCA controls the quantity of message copies by determining the message density, i.e., process 4. Furthermore, this study conducts many simulations with various mobility models, including random waypoint (RWP), time-variant community mobility model (TVCM) as well as real trace Infocm06. Performance results show that the MDCA has better delivery probability in the mobility models related to human behavior.
關鍵字(中) ★ 訊息傳遞機制
★ 奈延遲網路
★ 動態的叢集
關鍵字(英) ★ message forwarding
★ dynamic clustering
★ delay-tolerant networks
論文目次 1 Introduction 1
2 Related Work 5
2.1 General Message Forwarding Schemes 5
2.2 Cluster-Related Research 7
2.3 Schemes associate with cluster 8
3 System Model 10
3.1 System model 10
3.2 Forwarding Architecture 11
4 Communication Area Estimation 15
4.1 Single one-hop node 18
4.2 Multiple one-hop nodes 19
4.2.1 In-contact case 20
4.2.2 Non-contact case 25
5 Message forwarding with Dynamic Cluster 32
5.1 Cluster Decision 32
5.2 Message density decision 33
5.3 Quality Value 37
5.4 Leaving on nodes in/out a cluster 39
6 Simulations 40
6.1 Performance Metrics 40
6.2 Steps in simulation 41
6.3 Mobility Model Setting 42
7 Experimental Results 46
8 Discussion 64
9 Conclusions and Future Work 66
Bibliography 68
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指導教授 胡誌麟 審核日期 2014-8-27
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