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姓名 周哲維(Che-Wei Chou)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 大氣物理研究所
論文名稱 OSSE實驗架構下利用系集預報敏感度工具探討觀測對於颱風路徑預報及結構之影響
★ 利用WRF-LETKF同化系統探討掩星折射率觀測對於強降水事件預報之影響★ 改善區域系集卡爾曼濾波器在颱風同化及預報中的spin-up問題-2008年颱風辛樂克個案研究
★ LETKF加速就位法於颱風同化預報之應用★ 利用系集重新定位法改善颱風路徑預報-2011年南瑪都颱風個案研究
★ 利用局地系集轉換卡爾曼濾波器雷達資料同化系統改善定量降水即時預報:莫拉克颱風(2009)★ 利用系集資料同化系統估算區域大氣化學耦合模式中trace物種之排放與吸收:以CO2為例
★ 利用局地系集轉換卡爾曼濾波器雷達資料同化系統改善短期定量降雨預報: SoWMEX IOP8 個案分析★ 利用系集重新定位法改善對流尺度定量降水即時預報:2009年莫拉克颱風個案研究
★ LAPS 短時(0-6小時)系集降水機率預報之評估與應用★ 利用辛樂克颱風(2008)建立的觀測系統模擬實驗評估系集奇異向量在颱風系集預報之應用
★ 雷達資料同化於多重尺度天氣系統(梅雨)的強降雨預報影響:SoWMEX IOP#8 個案研究★ 基於高解析度系集卡爾曼濾波器之渦旋初始化及其對於颱風強度預報之影響:2010年梅姬颱風個案研究
★ 系集轉換卡爾曼漸進式平滑器在資料同化之應用★ 不同微物理方案在雲可解析模式的系集預報分析: SoWMEX-IOP8 個案
★ 利用正交向量改善系集卡爾曼濾波器之系集空間及其對同化與預報之影響★ 系集資料同化系統與高解析度海氣耦合模式於 颱風預報之應用
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摘要(中) 在颱風資料同化預報議題中,觀測資料除了本身的品質之外,其位置亦是對於能
模擬2008 年颱風辛樂克,並使用Local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF),
Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model 及系集預報敏感度工具來探討對於颱風
此外,本研究使用Kalnay et al.(2012)提出之系集預報敏感度計算觀測影響,並以
ALL_PF 實驗結果討論同化哪些位置的觀測有助於減少預報誤差,並進一步以系集路
海洋觀測在24hr 預報中能夠發揮其最大效益,其修正量亦多位於有效修正區(颱風北側
摘要(英) For typhoon assimilation and prediction, the quality of observations and its location
plays an important role in the problem of acquiring useful analysis increment. To discuss the
impact of observation location on typhoon track and structure, a series of OSSEs were carried
out with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Local ensemble transform Kalman
filter (LETKF) system and the ensemble based forecast sensitivity method is used to estimate
the observation impact. In this study, five different sets of observation locations were
constructed based on the natural run, including ALL (on ocean and land), LAND (on land),
OCEAN (on ocean), LAND_PF (on land and dropsonde of penetrated flight) and ALL_PF (on
ocean and land and dropsonde of penetrated flight). The experiment results show that the
ensemble mean track forecasts are closer to the natural run when there are observations over
ocean. Mainly, the effective corrections for improving the track prediction are over the
northern and eastern side of typhoon. In this case, we also found that assimilating the
penetrating flight dropsonde is helpful for establishing reliable typhoon circulation, but is not
useful enough for improving the overall track prediction, due to the lack of environment
Based on the results of ALL_PF, we use the ensemble-based forecast sensitivity to
observation (EFSO) method (Kalnay et al., 2012) to estimate the observation impact, and
investigate which location of observations can significantly reduce the forecast error. The
result indicates that most of observations outside the typhoon circulation and over the ocean
region can bring out best benefit within the 24hr forecast. Results also confirm that
observations with positive corrections are mainly located near north and east region of
typhoon, as we expected that assimilating these observations can improve the track forecast.
In addition, assimilating dropsondes provides positive contribution to the short forecast,
especially with the observations in the typhoon inner core.
In addition, two sensitivity experiments were carried out to test the effectiveness of the
environment observations on improving the track forecast. Results are able to echoed the
observation impact calculated by EFSO.
關鍵字(中) ★ 系集預報敏感度
★ 系集卡爾曼濾波器
★ 颱風系集預報
★ 觀測對於颱風預報影響
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iv
目錄 v
圖表目錄 vii
第一章 前言 1
1.1.背景及文獻回顧 1
1.2.研究動機 3
第二章 研究方法 5
2.1.數值模式 5
2.2.資料同化系統 5
2.2.1. 系集卡爾曼濾波器 (Ensemble Kalman Filter, EnKF) 6
2.2.2. 局地系集轉換卡爾曼濾波器 (Local Ensemble Transform
Kalman Filter,LETKF) 9
2.3.利用系集預報敏感度評估觀測影響 11
第三章 OSSE 實驗設定 13
3.1. 觀測系統模擬實驗介紹 13
3.2.2008 年辛樂克颱風 14
3.3. 真實場與初始系集設定 15
3.4.觀測資料設定 15
3.5 實驗設定 16
第四章 實驗結果與討論 18
4.1. 觀測位置配置對於路徑預報之影響 18
4.1.1. 9 月10 日1200UTC 之系集平均路徑預報 18
4.1.2 9 月11 日0000UTC 之系集平均路徑預報 19
4.1.3 9 月11 日0000UTC 之系集路徑預報 20
4.2.觀測位置配置對於颱風結構以及環境場之影響 21
4.2.1.颱風風場結構 21
4.2.2.駛流場 22 高度場 23
4.3. ALL_PF 2008 年9 月11 日0000UTC 之觀測影響 23
4.3.1.水平觀測影響 24
4.3.2 垂直觀測影響 25
4.4.敏感度測試1 26
4.4.1 路徑預報 26
4.4.2 觀測影響 27
4.5.敏感度測試2 28
第五章 總結與未來展望 29
5.1.總結 29
5.2 未來展望 31
參考文獻 32
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指導教授 楊舒芝(Shu-Chih Yang) 審核日期 2015-1-8
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