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論文名稱 阿希雅‧潔拔《 房間裡的阿爾及爾女人 》: 女性禁錮之研究
(L’enfermement des femmes dans Femmes d’Alger dans leur appartement d’Assia Djebar)
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摘要(中) 2005年,獲選為法蘭西學院院士,阿希雅‧潔拔(Assia Djebar),成為少數女性院士之一,同時也是首位北非籍院士。二十世紀非裔法文女作家,她出生於法國殖民時期的阿爾及利亞,是所謂的穆斯林法國人。父親是小學法語教師,有別於其他深受父權社會壓迫的女性,阿希雅‧潔拔從小有著不同的成長環境,父母不斷地鼓勵她接受西方教育。1957年,出版第一本小說《渴望》(La Soif),由於受制於當時的風氣,她以筆名阿希雅‧潔拔問世,阿希雅(Assia)在阿拉伯文意為『安慰』,潔拔(Djebar)則是『永不妥協』。她終其一生創作不倦,留下許多不朽作品,論及她的作品,不難發現其中有許多關於女性地位的反思,尤其對於阿拉伯穆斯林社會的女性處境多有著墨,其作品正猶如她的筆名般不屈服於權威,不停歇的反抗,其中最具代表性的則是一九八零年出版的小說《房間裡的阿爾及爾女人》,作者透過今日與昨日故事的交織呈現出阿爾及利亞女性所面臨的困境。
本篇論文旨在透過不同面向來探討《房間裡的阿爾及爾女人》一書中所呈現出的女性禁錮。研究共分為三大部分: 論文首章探討阿爾及利亞女性在身體及言語上所遭遇到的禁錮,對於書中的女性角色而言禁錮不單只是活動空間上的囿限,藉由分析她們的處境,試圖了解父權壓迫對女性生理和心理的影響。第二章分析時間上的禁錮,探討女性如何被過往牽絆住腳步,以及阿爾及利亞獨立戰爭後,她們的聲音又如何被模糊與扭曲,並在歷史上處於邊緣位置。第三章則是探討禁錮所觸發女性對自由的嚮往與追尋,檢視作者如何透過書寫找回消逝在歷史迷霧中的女性聲音,而這些女性又是藉由何種方式對抗正史上的忽略,並填補歷史上的空白。透過《房間裡的阿爾及爾女人》,阿希雅‧潔拔不僅詮釋阿爾及利亞女性所面臨到的各種形式之禁錮 (有形暨無形,外在與內在,生理或心理),同時藉由書寫,她開拓出一個新的空間,讓長久被壓抑的女聲得以被聽見。
摘要(英) In 2005, Assia Djebar was elected to the Academie francaise as the first author of the Maghreb. She was born in 1936 in Algeria, which was at that time a colony of France. Her father, a French teacher, contrary to tradition, ensured that she received an education in a French school, which is a privilege in comparison to many Algerian women of that era. Due to the progressive ideas of her father, she escaped the confinement imposed on most of the Algerian girls around her age and was able to attend school. As one of the most significant North African writers of the 20th century, her first novel, La Soif was published in 1957. Due to the restrictive and conservative atmosphere during that period, she adopted the pseudonym Assia Djebar and has kept it ever since. In Arabic, Assia means consolation and Djebar stands for intransigence.
She devoted most of her time on writing and has left a legacy of immortal masterpieces. Her works often lead to a rethinking on the status of women, especially for those who live in Arab Muslim societies. Her writings, corresponded to the meaning of her pen name (consolation and intransigence), advocate Muslim women’s rights as an unflinching critic of patriarchal society, which can be seen notably in her novel Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, published in 1980. In this work of short stories, Djebar attempts to portray the dilemmas which confront Algerian women of the past and the present.
The purpose of this paper is to explore the confinement of women in this novel through different perspectives. This study is divided into three parts: The first chapter provides a discussion on the confinement imposed on Algerian women’s body and voice. For the female characters in the novel, the confinement is not only limited in the activity space. Through analyzing their situation, we try to understand the impact of patriarchal oppression both on the physical and psychological side of Algerian women. The second chapter attempts to analyze temporal confinement by exploring how women are trapped in the past, and how their voices are blurred and distorted even after Algeria’s independence. This is due to the official historical records, in which they are constantly represented with marginalization. The third chapter explores the Algerian women’s desire and pursuit of freedom triggered by confinement. In addition, it also examines how Djebar retrieves through her writings, the suppressed feminine voices lost in the fog of history in order to fill the gap in history. Through Women of Algiers in Their Apartment, Assia Djebar not only reveals different forms of confinement (visible or invisible, external or internal, physical or psychological) which confront Algerian women, but also gives a space and a voice to those women living behind an invisible veil of silence.
關鍵字(中) ★ 阿希雅‧潔拔
★ 房間裡的阿爾及爾?人
★ 禁錮
★ 女性
★ 阿爾及利亞
★ 阿拉伯穆斯林
關鍵字(英) ★ Assia Djebar
★ Women of Algiers in Their Apartment
★ confinement
★ women
★ Algeria
★ Arab-Muslim
論文目次 Tables des matieres
Sommaire chinois i
Sommaire anglais ii
Remerciements iv
Sigles v
Tables des matieres vi
Introduction 1
Chapitre I. Corps emprisonnes et la parole voilee 14
1.1 Les femmes confinees 15
1.1.1 La segregation sexuelle 15
1.1.2 L’espace domestique, un royaume des femmes ou une violence symbolique? 19
1.2 Les femmes voilees 25
1.2.1 Le voile ancestral: l’invisibilite du corps feminin dans l’espace public 26
1.2.2 La parole voilee 31
1.3 Le regard de l’Autre, le regard du male 38
1.3.1 Le panoptisme, le regard patriarcal 38
1.3.2 Le regard de l’Occident 42
Chapitre II. Les femmes enfermees dans le passe 48
2.1 Le passe, refuge ou prison? 49
2.1.1 La relation mere-fille: une chaine de l’enfermement 49
2.1.2 L’exil n’existe pas 55
2.2 L’effacement des femmes dans l’Histoire 61
2.2.1 Apres la guerre, tout est pareil! 61
2.2.2 Les traumatismes de la guerre 68
Chapitre III. De l’enfermement a l’emancipation 75
3.1 Regard devoile, parole liberee 76
3.1.1 Le regard de la femme 76
3.1.2 Partage de parole 81
3.2 Lieu de la memoire 85
3.2.1 L’aieule: une gardienne de la memoire 86
3.2.2 Le hammam: territoire feminin, espace de l’oralite 90
3.3 L’ecriture comme revelation 95
3.3.1 Assia Djebar: l’ecrivain entre les deux langues 96
3.3.2 Femmes d’Alger, un espace du devoilement 102
Conclusion 107
Bibliographie 113
Annexes 119
參考文獻 Bibliographie
I. ?uvres d’Assia Djebar
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II. Traduction chinoise d’Assia Djebar
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III. Filmographie
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IV. Etudes consacrees a Assia Djebar
BLANCKEMAN Bruno, Le roman depuis la Revolution francaise, PUF, 2011.
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—., ? Hearing Voices or, Who You Calling Postcolonial? The Evolution of Djebar’s Poetics ?, Research In African Literatures, Vol. 35, No. 4, 2004.
—., ? Writing Woman: The Novels of Assia Djebar ?, SubStance, Vol. 21, No. 3, 1992.
V. Etudes consacrees a l’Algerie et au musulman
ACHOUR Christiane, Dictionnaire des ?uvres algeriennes en langue francaise, L’Harmattan, 1990.
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—., La domination masculine, Seuil, 1998.
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—., Les damnes de la terre, La Decouverte, 2002.
GADANT Monique, Le Nationalisme algerien et les femmes, l’Harmattan, 1995.
HELM Yolande, L’Eau, source d’une ecriture dans les litteratures feminines francophones, Peter Lang, 1995.
KHANNA Ranjana, Algeria cuts: women and representation, 1830 to the present, Stanford University Press, 2008.
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VI. Theories critiques
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VII. Divers
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指導教授 翁振盛(Chen-Sheng Weng) 審核日期 2017-1-23
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