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姓名 鍾一(Zhong Yi)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 不安之美——對David Lynch工廠系列攝影的多重詮釋
(The Unsettling Beauty: Interpretations of David Lynch′s Factory Photographs)
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摘要(中) 以電影導演身份聞名於世的David Lynch(1946 - ),多年來同時涉獵各領域視覺藝術創作,攝影媒材亦在其列。2014年,英國倫敦攝影家藝廊舉辦「工廠相片」(The Factory Photographs)攝影展, 選取Lynch 1980年至2000年間於歐陸及美國等地拍攝的80餘幅黑白工廠相片展出。工廠/工業一直以來是Lynch藝術生涯中重要的創作母題。此系列作品中,傾斜不穩定的構圖,幽暗不安的氛圍,既容易使人聯想至其影片標誌性的詭譎、神秘特質;同時藝術家尤其傾向機械結構所具備的抽象美感,以及工廠荒地透露的情緒與質地,為「工廠相片」打開多層次的解讀可能。

摘要(英) David Lynch (1946- ), best known as an American film director, has been involved in various visual art domains during his career. The exhibition “David Lynch: The Factory Photographs” held in The Photographers’ Gallery in early 2014, showed the black and white photographs taken by Lynch in disused industrial areas in Central Europe, the UK and the USA from 1980 to 2000. The “industrial motif” has become a repeated theme in Lynch’s work; in the factory photographs, the recurrent upward angle in framing, and the unsettling dark ambiance, both evoke Lynchian uncanny and mysterious scenarios. The artist’s special emphasis on abstract aesthetics of mechanical structures, as well as the mood and texture in the industrial wastelands, open up the series to diverse interpretations.

My first chapter begins with the general analysis of the catalogue The Factory Photographs, indicating the motifs of Lynch’s images. By reviewing the history of industrial landscape photography, and comparing Lynch’s images with the relevant works of other photographers, we see the difference in terms of technology, style and intention. The derelict factories, as a symbol of industrial ruin or wasteland, remain beautiful in Lynch’s eye, through which we discover his unique view and aesthetic attitude towards the decaying industrial architecture. In the second chapter, I discuss Lynch’s industrial-related drawings and paintings by comparing them with the machine aesthetics and avant-garde art trends between the first and second world wars. There also exist the traces of avant-garde photography, especially the New Vision, in Lynch’s factory photographs. Lynch treats drawing and photography as distinct media, as the tension and sublimity of industry are underlined in the photographs. The third chapter mainly focuses on the comparison between the “factory” in Lynch’s film and photography. With Eraserhead, we find the similar industrial atmosphere or composition in both moving pictures and still images, but it assumes distinct meaning and narrative possibility. In Inland Empire, the “factory” can be regarded as the metaphor of urban space, which plays a complex and bizarre role in the real life and image world. The dilapidated factory spaces captured by Lynch’s camera, express darkness and optimism, thrill and beauty in the same series; with the characteristics of photography, according to the diverse contexts, we may find a variety of interpretations
關鍵字(中) ★ David Lynch
★ The Factory Photographs
★ 工業景觀攝影
★ 黑白影像
★ 廢墟/荒地美學
★ 前衛藝術
★ 空間隱喻
★ 跨媒材
關鍵字(英) ★ David Lynch
★ The Factory Photographs
★ Industrial Landscape Photography
★ Black and White Image
★ Aesthetics of Ruin/Wasteland
★ Avant-Garde Art
★ Metaphor of Space
★ Inter-media
論文目次 緒論1
第一章 「工廠相片」與工業荒地10
第一節 Lynch「工廠相片」與同類主題攝影10
「工廠相片」(Factory Photographs)10
第二節 Lynch式工業荒地美學22
第二章 夢的工廠斷片——從繪畫至攝影30
第一節 Lynch機械工業繪畫之類型風格31
第二節 Lynch工廠攝影風格溯源與詮釋37
第三章 影像之間的工廠意象 44
第一節 Lynch電影風格的系譜源流45
第二節 Lynch跨影像媒材中的「工廠」51
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指導教授 曾少千(Shao-Chien TSENG) 審核日期 2016-7-14
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