博碩士論文 102222012 詳細資訊

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姓名 黃寘耕(Ji-Kong Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 物理學系
(Study of the b-tagging Scale Factor using the tt ̅ Events from pp collisions at √s =13 TeV with the CMS Detector)
★ 7 TeV 和2.76 TeV 質子對撞下,光子散射截面積的測量★ Search for Pair Production of t*-> t + photon : Estimation of Photon Purity and Study of the Top and W Mass Resolution
★ 以大型強子對撞機裡的緊湊渺子線圈偵測器尋找重夸克在半輕子頻道衰變成頂夸克和光子★ Search for Z′→Zh→llbb in pp Collisions at √s =8 TeV Using the CMS Detector at the LHC
★ Search for heavy resonances decaying into a Z boson and a Higgs boson in the 2l2b final state in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeV★ 從質子質子對撞在質量中心能量 13 兆電子 伏特利用緊湊渺子偵測器尋找重粒子衰變 到一對希格斯粒子於四個底夸克最終態
★ 在大型強子對撞機的緊湊渺子線圈偵測器,使用13兆電子伏特的質子-質子對撞尋找會衰變到一對希格斯玻色子且最終狀態為四個底夸克的重共振態★ 在緊湊渺子線的質心對撞能量為 13 兆電子伏特的數據裡, 用字母法輔以突起搜尋之方法來尋找類 Z 玻色子衰變為 Z 玻色子及希格斯粒子在衰變為輕子與底垮克
★ 在與希格斯玻色子有關聯的暗物質搜索中去測量深度雙底夸克標記校正因子的誤判率★ The Study of the Di-Higgs Production via Vector Boson Fusion Channel for the Phase II CMS at √? =14 TeV
★ 於尋找單希格斯粒子中研究噴流子結構可觀測量★ The analysis of the TASEH CD102 data
★ 找尋具有長生命週期新粒子的物理模型所預測的暗物質★ Toward discovering the low-mass dark matter: Constraints on Searches of Low-mass Weakly Interacting Massive Particle (WIMP) with Earth Attenuation Effect incorporated && Exploring the physics of germanium internal amplification for low-energy detection
★ 利用LC電路開發低質量軸子探測器★ Large-volume Microwave Cavity Design for the Taiwan Axion Search Experiment with Haloscope
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摘要(中) 源於b夸克所產生的粒子流(稱為b粒子流),在新物理的研究與探索過程中扮演著不可或缺的角色。其出現於許多重要的物理過程中,分析家使用所謂的「b標記演算法」來辨識之。本研究所選用的樣本,富含 tt ̅ 粒子的半輕子衰變事件,接著比較模擬事件與所觀察到的數據中幾項與粒子運動有關的變數分布,並使用FTC方法估算b標記演算法的效率與誤判率。本研究所採用的數據,來自於2015年質子對的對撞,其對撞總能量為13TeV,總亮度為2.1 fb-1.
摘要(英) The jets originated from b quark (b-jets) play a significant role in new physics researches. They show up in many important physical processes and we use the so-called b-tagging algorithm to identify them. This study select a sample enriched with tt ̅ semileptonically decayed events and compare various kinematic distributions in Monte Carlo simulation sample and the data, further use the FTC method to calculate the b-tagging scale factor and mis-tag rates. The data used in this study were recorded in 2015 from pp collisions at s = 13TeV and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 2.1 fb-1.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高能物理
★ b夸克
★ 緊湊緲子線圈
★ b標記演算法
關鍵字(英) ★ b-tagging
論文目次 Chapter 1 Introduction and Standard Model 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 The Standard Model 1
1.2.1 Elementary fermions 2
1.2.2 Elementary bosons and fundamental forces 4
Chapter 2 The LHC and CMS detector 6
2.1 Large Hadron Collider 6
2.2 Compact Muon Solenoid 8
2.2.1 the coordinate system of CMS 9
2.2.2 The Silicon Tracker 9
2.2.3 The Electromagnetic Calorimeter 11
2.2.4 The Hadronic Calorimeter 13
2.2.5 The Magnet system 14
2.2.6 The Muon Chamber 14
2.3 The Trigger System 16
2.3.1 Level 1 Trigger 16
2.3.2 High Level Trigger 17
Chapter 3 Event Reconstruction 18
3.1 Physic Particles Reconstruction 18
3.1.1 Track reconstruction 19
3.1.2 Electron reconstruction 21
3.1.3 Muon reconstruction 23
3.1.4 Jet reconstruction 25
3.1.5 Reconstruction of missing transverse momentum 29
3.2 Primary vertex Reconstruction 29
Chapter 4 The b-tagging algorithm and the FTC Method 31
4.1 B-tagging algorithm 31
4.1.1 Track selection and secondary vertex reconstruction 32
4.1.2 The combined secondary vertex algorithm 35
4.2 performance of b-tagging algorithm 37
4.3 The flavor tag consistency method 39
Chapter 5 The Analysis and Results 41
5.1 The Monte Carlo simulation and data sample 41
5.1.1 The Monte Carlo sample 41
5.1.2 The data sample 45
5.2 tt semileptonic event selection 45
5.2.2 Jet selection 46
5.2.3 Event selection 47
5.3 data and MC comparison 49
5.4 Scale factor of B-tagging efficiency and mis-tag rate 56
5.5 Systematic uncertainties 58
5.5.1 Sources of systematic uncertainties on MC 58
5.5.2 Sources of systematic uncertainties on data 60
Chapter 6 Conclusion and outlook 61
6.1 Conclusion 61
6.2 Outlook 61
Bibliography 62

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指導教授 余欣珊(Shin-Shan Eiko Yu) 審核日期 2017-7-28
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