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姓名 林建德(Jian-De Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 濾光片植物光譜用於互聯網植物工廠之研究
(A Study of the Internet Plant Factory with Plant spectrum filter)
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摘要(中) 本論文新設計的濾光片,藉由顏料與螢光粉互相調配之光源,使其植物光譜可達到較佳的效能。對一般植物栽培的光源系統,如:日光、 白光LED,可以加上本濾光片,增加其植物生長能力。
本論文所建立的植物工廠是微型化的培育系統,建立低成本、操作簡單、佔用空間小、採用嵌入式系統與物聯網架構的植物培育裝置。系統有:感測端、資料處理與存取。感測端有酸鹼值計、溫溼度計。控制端採用Arduino Mega2560開發板為核心,透過繼電器來控制水閥並進行灑水。並透過Arduino Mega2560開發板之視窗讀取得量測數據,了解植物的生長。可長距離遙控各種自動化的工具,例如:自動灑水系統或冷氣開關,只行遙控栽培的指令,將來可加大數據培育中心所傳來的培育條件控制參數互相連結,變成全自動化培育可以用在客廳、美化環境也可以得到新鮮的食物。
摘要(英) In this paper, the new design of filters formulate of each light source by the pigment and fluorescent powder, so that plant can achieve better spectrum efficiency. For general plants cultivate light source systems, such as , sunlight, white LED, can be added the filter, the ability to increase the growth of plants.
Plants require different spectrum in the process of growing. Isolated seedlings need chlorophyll a according to the literature, the contribution of this paper deploy of chlorophyll a filters in the same manner, and deploy of chlorophyll b, carotene spectrum.
This paper established a plant cultivation factory is miniaturized system, the establishment is low-cost, use simple operation, small footprint, embedded systems architecture and networking equipment plant breeding. System: a sensing end, data processing and access. Sensing end has pH meter, hygrometer. Control terminal uses Arduino Mega2560 development board as the core, through the relay control valve and sprinkler. Reads the measured data obtain through the development board Arduino Mega2560 window to understand the growth of plants. Long distance remote control can be a variety of automated tools, such as: automatic sprinkler system or an air-conditioning switch, and cultivation remote commands, data can be increased in the future training center of the control parameters coming from the incubation conditions linked to each other, can become fully automated nurturing in the living room, landscaping can also get fresh food.
關鍵字(中) ★ 濾光片
★ 螢光粉
★ 發光二極體
★ Arduino
★ 嵌入式系統
★ 物聯網
關鍵字(英) ★ Filter
★ Fluorescent powder
★ Light Emitting Diode
★ Plant Tissue Culture
★ Arduino Mega2560
★ Embedded System
★ Internet of Things
論文目次 中文摘要...I
第一章 緒論...1
1-1 研究背景...1
1-2 研究動機...1
1-3 研究目的...2
1-4 論文架構...2
第二章 光源理論與技術之相關研究...4
2-2 CIE色彩空間...6
2-2-2 CIE xy色度圖...7
2-2-3色度圖展示了CIE XYZ色彩空間性質...8
2-2-4 CIE XYZ色彩空間定義 ...9
2-2-5 格拉斯曼定律...11
2-2-6 從Wright-Guild數據構造CIE XYZ色彩空間...11
2-4 螢光燈原理與技術之相關文獻研究...20
2-4-1 前言...20
2-4-2 螢光燈之氣體放電原理...20
2-5-1物聯網(Internet of Things)緒論...23
2-5-2 嵌入式系統...25
2-5-3 嵌入式 Linux...26
2-5-4 培養液酸鹼度效果...26
2-5-5 培養液導電度效果...27
第三章 研究方法與實驗...28
3-1 實驗架構...28
3-2-1 材料介紹...28
3-2-2 實驗樣本製作...32
3-2-3 實驗樣本製作實驗的系統分析與過程...35
3-2-4 Arduino開發板...38
3-2-5 使用開發軟體與程式庫...39
第四章 實驗結果與分析...41
4-1 不同染料針對不同光源照射不同的膜之穿透光譜變化...41
4-1-1 LED光源照射PET膜後之光譜變化...41
4-1-2 LED光源照射大棚膜後之光譜變化...44
4-1-3 太陽光光源照射PET膜後之光譜變化...48
4-1-4 太陽光光源照射PET膜後之光譜變化...52
4-2 螢光粉針對不同光源照射不同膜所產生顏色轉移之穿透光譜變化 ...56
4-2-1 LED光源照射PET膜後之光譜變化...56
4-2-2 LED光源照射大棚膜後之光譜變化...57
4-2-3 太陽光光源照射PET膜後之光譜變化...58
4-2-4 太陽光光源照射大棚膜後之光譜變化...58
4-2-5 增加大棚膜所產生顏色轉移之穿透變化...60
4-2-6 增加大棚膜所產生顏色轉移之穿透光譜變化...63
4-3 實體感測端應用...82
4-3-1 感測器校正與使用...83
4-3-2 EC 導電計...83
4-3-3 PH 酸鹼計...83
4-3-4 Arduino整合感測程式...84
第五章 結論與未來展望...91
5-1 結論 ...91
5-2 未來展望...91
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指導教授 張榮森(Rong-Shen Chang) 審核日期 2016-7-22
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