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姓名 施凱倫(Kai-lun Shih) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 利用測繪車影像萃取道路標誌 重建細部道路模型
(Using Mobile Mapping System to Extract Road Marking for Road Model Reconstruction)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 隨著移動式測繪系統(Mobile Mapping System)的迅速發展,空間資料的蒐集變得更有效率且更有時效性,不論是三維坐標資訊、道路影像序列亦或是光達點雲資料,所需花費的蒐集成本皆大幅降低。因此,如何整合移動式測繪系統及遙測的資料,產生具有屬性資料之細部道路模型為空間資訊領域中的重要課題。本研究是以LOD-2三維道路模型為基礎,利用道路影像配合影像處理與攝影測量技術萃取有興趣的特徵區塊(region of interesting),重點為路面標誌種類辨識演算法的建立,並藉由辨識出的指向線標誌種類,重建具有車道屬性資料之細部道路模型。
摘要(英) The technology of Mobile Mapping System (MMS) is advancing rapidly. MMS can acquire image sequences and position data more efficiently and effectively. Thus, the integration of MMS and remote sensing data is an important task in geospatial technologies for various applications, such as road model reconstruction, building up three dimensional attribute databases, and so on. The primary objective of this research is to reconstruct the detailed road model and build up attribute database. Focus is placed on extracting and recognizing road markings, especially direction markings, automatically from MMS images.
The proposed scheme consists of four major parts: (1) region of interesting (ROI) extraction, (2) ROI filtering, (3) road markings recognition, (4) model integration. In the ROI extraction, the mean-shift based image segmentation is employed for automatically extracting ROI and solving the shadow area resulted from trees or cars. Secondly, in order to extract the features of ROI, Harris corner detector is utilized to detect the vertexes from ROI. Subsequently, three dimensional coordinates of vertexes from ROI are calculated using collinearity condition equations. In the third part, a proposed road markings recognition method is used to recognize ROI with road marking templates. Finally, recognized road markings and attribute information are placed to corresponding locations of Level of detail (LOD) 2 road model based on the calculated coordinates.
Experimental results demonstrate that ROI extraction is more efficient using the developed image segmentation techniques. Meanwhile the proposed algorithm can improve several ROI features of road markings recognition. In addition, the experimental results prove that using the proposed algorithms, integrating MMS data and other geo-information can reconstruct highly detailed road models with attribute database.
關鍵字(中) ★ 移動式測繪系統
★ 道路標誌辨識
★ 道路模型關鍵字(英) 論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 5
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2.1 道路標誌萃取 14
2.2 圖形辨識 16
第三章 研究方法 20
3.1 研究資料與流程 20
3.2 影像分割與特徵區塊萃取 23
3.2.1 Mean-shift影像分割法 23
3.2.2 特徵區塊萃取 26
3.3 特徵區塊篩選 27
3.3.1 Harris corner detector 27
3.3.2 角點特徵排序 30
3.3.3 直接地理定位 33
3.3.4 特徵區塊之幾何特性 34
3.4 路面標誌辨識 35
3.4.1 距離矩陣計算 37
3.4.2 特徵區塊歸類及遮蔽點判斷 38
3.4.3 起始點選取 39
3.4.4 相似性比較 40
3.5 模型整合 42
第四章 研究成果與分析 46
4.1 研究區域介紹 46
4.2 影像分割及特徵區塊萃取成果 49
4.2.1 無遮蔽影響案例 49
4.2.2 外部遮蔽影響案例 53
4.2.3 陰影遮蔽影響案例 55
4.3 特徵區塊篩選成果 57
4.3.1 角點特徵萃取及排序 59
4.3.2 幾何特徵篩選 61
4.4 道路標誌辨識成果 64
4.4.1 模擬標誌案例 64
4.4.2 真實標誌案例 67
4.4.3 標誌辨識成果及分析 68
4.5 模型整合 73
第五章 結論與建議 79
參考文獻 82
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指導教授 蔡富安 審核日期 2014-7-30 推文 plurk
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