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姓名 蘇子瑜(Tzu-Yu Su)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 機械工程學系
(The Study of Electrochromic Device Using Tungsten and Nickel Oxide Films by Physical Vapor Deposition)
★ 使用實驗計劃法求得印刷電路板微鑽針最佳鑽孔參數★ 滾針軸承保持架用材料之電鍍氫脆研究
★ 強制氧化及熱機處理對鎂合金AZ91D固相回收製程之研究★ 滾針軸承保持架圓角修正之有限元素分析
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★ 超塑性鋁合金5083用於機翼前緣整流罩之研究★ 輕合金輪圈疲勞測試與分析
★ 滾針軸承保持架之有限元分析★ 鎂合金之晶粒細化與超塑性研究
★ 平板式固態氧化物燃料電池穩態熱應力分析★ 固態氧化物燃料電池連接板電漿鍍膜特性研究
★ 7XXX系鋁合金添加Sc之顯微組織與機械性質研究★ 高延性鎂合金之特性及成形性研究
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摘要(中) 本研究之目的在於在可撓性基板(PET)上製備多層薄膜(IZO/NiO/Ta2O5/WO3/IZO)的電致變色元件。WO3作為主要電致變色材料、Ta2O5為固態電解質、NiO則為離子儲存層其中,外圍以IZO包夾作為透明導電層使用。實驗共可分為兩部分,為選取沉積各層薄膜的最佳化參數,實驗的第一部份為各層薄膜性質之研究,研究範圍包括沉積速率、結構分析、光學性質分析、電性分析與化學成分分析等,而使用之儀器有表面輪廓儀、X光繞射儀、拉曼光譜儀、紫外-可見光譜儀、能量散射光譜儀與X射線光電子能譜儀等。


摘要(英) WO3 is known to be an electrochromic material which can switch its color between transparent (bleach state) and dark blue (color state) by externally applied voltages. In this study, a stack of IZO/NiO/Ta2O5/WO3/IZO electrochromic device was fabricated on flexible substrate (polyethylene terephthalate, PET) by sputtering. Before stacking all layers, each material was separately deposited on a substrate and tested for their structure, compositions, properties and functions. These characterizations for materials are carried out by the following instruments: surface profiler and FE-SEM to inspect the thickness and surface morphology; XRD and Raman spectrometers to examine microstructures; EDX and XPS for the study of chemical compositions; UV-visible-NIR spectrometer for the assessment of optical properties; 4-point probe and Hall effect sensor to measure the electrical resistivity. The electrochromic function was achieved by the chemical insertion of cations (Li+) and electrons into WO3 and NiO layers before stacking. The potential static and cyclic voltammetry then is used to test the efficiency of color change in the devices. Based on the transparency of films by UV-visible-NIR spectroscopy, coloration efficiency and energy consumption in electrochromic function, we can determine the optimal sets of process parameters in sputtering. These parameters are crucial in the fabrication of flexible electrochromic devices by current PVD technologies for the display in mobile devices.
關鍵字(中) ★ 電致變色
★ 氧化鎢
★ 可撓性基板
★ 循環伏安法
關鍵字(英) ★ electrochromism
★ flexible display
★ tungsten oxide
★ polyethylene terephthalate
★ cyclic voltammetry

1.1 Introduction to “Electrochromism” 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.2.1 Electrochromic Device 2
1.2.2 Optical Band Gaps 3
1.2.3 Coloration Efficiency 4
1.2.4 Charge Reversibility & Power Consumption 5
1.3 Scope and Objective 5

2.1 Physical Vapor Deposition 8
2.1.1 Substrate Preparation 8
2.1.2 Film Deposition 9
2.2 Tools for Material Characterization 11
2.2.1 Surface Profiler 11
2.2.2 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope 12
2.2.3 X-ray Diffractometer 12
2.2.4 Energy-dispersive X-ray Spectrometer 13
2.2.5 Raman Spectroscopy 14
2.2.6 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer 15
2.2.7 UV-VIS-NIR Spectrometer 16
2.2.8 Four-point Probe 17
2.2.9 Hall Effect Sensor 18
2.3 Electrochemical Test for WO3-IZO and NiO-IZO Stack 19

3.1 Deposition Rate of All Films 21
3.2 XRD Spectra of All Films 23
3.3 Raman Spectra for WO3 and NiO Films 25
3.4 Elemental and Chemical Composition from EDS of All Films 28
3.5 Elemental Ratios from XPS of all films 30
3.6 UV-Vis-NIR Spectra 34
3.7 Optical Band Gaps Estimate for All Films 36
3.8 Electrical Resistivity for IZO Films 39

4.1 Electrochemical Test I - Potentiostat 40
4.2 Coloration Efficiency 42
4.3 Electrochemical Test II - Cyclic Voltammetry 44
4.4 Charge Reversibility and Power Consumption 45



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指導教授 李雄(Shyong Lee) 審核日期 2015-8-24
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