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姓名 陳峙瑋(Chih-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 化學工程與材料工程學系
(Reaction Crystallization Kinetics of Dimethyl Fumarate by Anti-Solvent Addition)
★ 藉由結晶製程製備高水溶性化合物: 十二烷基硫酸鈉(SDS) 以及控制其水合物★ 唑來膦酸三水合物的初始溶劑篩選和在羥基磷灰石之表面吸附行為
★ 乙烯氨酚的結晶研究:溶劑.界面與固態分散的篩選★ 外消旋(R/S)-(+/-)伊普的初始溶劑篩選及伊普鈉鹽結晶動力學
★ 外消旋(R,S)-(±)-伊普鹽二水化合物的介晶質,成核與結晶成長★ 卡爾指數與溶解速率常數的交叉行為關係與混合率的應用:批次對乙醯氨基酚的研究
★ 蔗糖的同質異構型構★ 磺胺噻唑的初始/雞尾酒混合溶劑式篩選和利用多型晶體的耕作方式篩選
★ 關於量產路徑之初步鹽類篩選程序:以外消旋布洛芬之兩個不同鹽類為例★ 卡馬西平的初始溶劑篩選應用在球形結晶技術來做固體藥劑的精益製造
★ 西咪替丁的初始溶劑篩選應用在球形結晶技術來做固體藥劑的精益製造★ 利用超音波結晶法降低小分子有機半導體分子的昇華點 以及藉由蛋殼膜增進AlQ3奈米管的光激發螢光強度
★ 仿效生物膽結石的形成:在逐漸演化的(牛磺膽酸鈉-卵磷質-膽固醇)複雜脂質系統中結晶碳酸鈣★ 蔗糖的多構形多形晶體與乙醯氨酚共溶劑篩選
★ 共晶化合物的篩選、製備、鑑定、分子辨認及應用: 胞嘧啶和二羧酸的研究★ 生命的起源與天門冬氨酸在水中的結晶
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摘要(中) 此篇研究的主要目的在於結合反應與結晶的觀點,對於富馬酸二甲酯的合成與反結晶製程進行討論。首先,關於反應部分,利用富馬酸與甲醇進行酯化反應,並選擇以硫酸作為均相的酸性催化劑進而得到富馬酸二甲酯。然而,即使催化劑的添加能促使反應的進行,但過量的催化劑會導致副反應的產生進而影響產物的純度,因此,本反應過程中的催化劑濃度,參考文獻訂於富馬酸與硫酸的莫耳比等於4。而動力學研究是透過改變起始反應濃度及不同的反應溫度求得反應速率式與速率常數。此外,大多數的化學反應皆為放熱反應,在本研究中,透過理論計算去估計反應焓對於不同放大規模、熱力學系統及冷卻設備的效能需求進行討論。再者,有關結晶部分,比較冷卻結晶與反溶劑添加的結晶方法之差異,其中,反應後直接冷卻結晶的產物顆粒大小相較於透過反溶劑添的結晶方法大。另外,由於酸性催化劑的使用,中和步驟與否亦是重要的課題,我們發現在反溶劑添加的同時,有中和反應的產物之溶解度測試較沒有中和的產物緩慢。因此,我們推論在此系統中,顆粒大小分布並非為決定溶解度測試的關鍵因素,透過單晶X光繞射儀(SXD)的分析結果,結晶平面的官能基可能是造成親疏水性的重要因素。另外,利用MSMPR模型的顆粒平衡計算成核速率和晶體生長速率,透過濕篩法求得晶體尺寸分布。最後,從光學顯微鏡(OM)、示差掃描量熱儀(DSC)、傅立葉轉換紅外線光譜儀(FT-IR)、粉末X射線繞射儀(PXRD)和單晶X光繞射儀的檢測結果分別確認富馬酸二甲酯的晶貌、熔點及結構。
摘要(英) The aim of this thesis was about the kinetic studies for the formation of dimethyl fumarate and the crystallization of dimethyl fumarate by anti-solvent addition. The esterification of fumaric acid with methanol was in the presence of a homogeneous sulfuric acid catalyst. The catalyst concentration used in this reaction was the molar ratio of fumaric acid to sulfuric acid of 4. The reaction rate expressions and the enthalpy of reaction were estimated from experimental data and theoretical calculations. Dimethyl fumarate crystals produced by anti-solvent addition with and without neutralization were compared with the control patent method by cooling. The dimethyl fumarate generated from cooling had the largest crystal sizes and the one prepared from anti-solvent addition had relatively small crystal sizes. However, dimethyl fumarate crystals produced from anti-solvent crystallization with simultaneous neutralization exhibited a different dissolution profile from the one from anti-solvent addition without simultaneous neutralization. In addition, nucleation rate and crystal growth rate were investigated through the MSMPR formalism for the population balance by using wet sieving method for crystal size distribution. Finally, the solid-state characterizations for all sample solids by OM, FT-IR, DSC, PXRD and SXD were carried out for ensuring the chemical identity and polymorphism of dimethyl fumarate.
關鍵字(中) ★ 富馬酸二甲酯
★ 反應動力學
★ 反溶劑結晶
關鍵字(英) ★ Dimethyl fumarate
★ Reaction kinetics
★ Anti-solvent crystallization
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
List of Figures vii
List of Tables xi
List of Schemes xii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Development of Drug Synthesis in Pharmaceutical Industry 1
1.2 Crystallization Process in Pharmaceutical Industry 3
1.3 Reactive Crystallization 5
1.4 Conceptual Framework 6
1.5 References 8
Chapter 2 Experimental Materials and Methods 10
2.1 Materials 10
2.1.1 Chemicals 10
2.1.2 Solvents 11
2.2 Experimental Procedures 12
2.2.1 Kinetics Studies for the Synthesis of Dimethyl Fumarate 12
2.2.2 Analytical Titration Method 14
2.2.3 Solubility Curves Measurement 15
2.2.4 Anti-Solvent Addition Method 16
2.2.5 Wet Sieve Analysis Method 17
2.2.6 Dissolution Test 18
2.3 Analytical Measurements 19
2.3.1 Thermocouple 19
2.3.2 pH-indicator Strips 19
2.3.3 Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrophotometer (UV/Vis) 19
2.3.4 Optical Microscopy (OM) 20
2.3.5 Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Spectroscopy 20
2.3.6 Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) 20
2.3.7 Powder X-Ray Diffraction (PXRD) 21
2.3.8 Single Crystal X-ray Diffraction (SXD) 21
2.4 References 22
Chapter 3 Reaction Crystallization Kinetics of Dimethyl Fumarate by Anti-Solvent Addition 23
3.1 Introduction 23
3.2 Results and Discussion 28
3.2.1 Efficacies of Various Catalysts 28
3.2.2 The Mechanism for Esterification 30
3.2.3 Kinetic Studies 32
3.2.4 Enthalpy of Reaction 40
3.2.5 Solubility Curves 45
3.2.6 Mixed Suspension Mixed Product Removal (MSMPR) 51
3.2.7 Dissolution Test 58
3.2.8 Overall Mass Balance 61
3.2.9 Solid-State Characterizations 63
3.3 Conclusions 71
3.4 References 72
Chapter 4 Conclusions and Future Works 77
4.1 Conclusions 77
4.2 Future Works 79
4.3 References 80
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Chapter 4
1 Rönnback, R.; Salmi, T.; Vuori, A.; Haario, H.; Lehtonen, J; Sundqvist, A.; Tirronen, E. Development of a kinetic model for the esterification of acetic acid with methanol in the presence of a homogeneous acid catalyst. Chem. Eng. Sci. 1997, 52 (19), 3369-3381.
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指導教授 李度(Tu Lee) 審核日期 2015-7-29
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