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施旻汶(Shih-Min Wen)
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營建管理研究所 |
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自動化無人飛行載具輔助擷取橋梁影像之研究 (Capturing Images for Bridge Inspection using Automated Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
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摘要(中) |
臺灣地區2.8萬座橋梁之檢測方式以目視檢測方式為主。近年來,國內外應用無人飛行載具(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, UAV)於現地勘災或近遠景拍攝等高空作業,從未使用自動飛行之UAV進行橋梁檢測。因此,本研究嘗試以自動飛行之UAV代替檢測人員至危險地域,或不易到達處進行橋梁檢測,並比較其與傳統橋梁檢測之優劣點。
摘要(英) |
There are twenty eight thousands of bridges in Taiwan which are mainly inspected visually with hand-held devices. Recently, popular unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have been used in many places such as elevated shooting of images for disastrous areas. However, UAV with automated route-flying capabilities have not yet been used in bridge inspection. Thus, this research explores the feasibility using such UAV equipped with cameras in dangerous or hard to reach areas where bridges are located, and compares the quality differences of photos that are taken by inspectors.
This research firstly obtained relevant knowledge regarding current status of UAV through literature review and expert interviews. A few UAV were then assembled using various commercially available parts or hardware to test their abilities in automated route-flying for bridge inspection. The automated route-fly capabilities of UAV were specially programmed using available computer codes accompanied with the hardware. It is found that such UAV are suitable for inexperienced bridge inspectors to obtain images of bridge components with many advantages; better or no less than that of traditional inspection, in time, labor, cost, and safety aspects. The only deficiency is that the UAV only can capture 19 out of 21 bridge components. Notably, using such UAV for bridge inspection should avoid bridges wider than 60 meters, piers shorter than 5 meters, or 100 meters above or 20 meters below the bridge to maintain normal operation of the UAV.
Based on the aforementioned criteria, there are 4,807 bridges in the Taiwan Bridge Management System (TBMS) that are suitable for using such automated UAV for bridge inspection. Results of this research can serve as useful references for bridge management agencies in Taiwan in planning bridge inspection tasks so as to improve the quality of bridge inspection.
關鍵字(中) |
★ UAV ★ 橋梁檢測工具 ★ 橋梁檢測 ★ 橋梁管理 |
關鍵字(英) |
★ UAV ★ Bridge Inspection ★ Bridge Inspection Tool ★ Bridge Management |
論文目次 |
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖目錄 XIV
表目錄 XVII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的 5
1-3 研究範圍與限制 5
1-4 研究方法與流程 5
1-5 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 8
2-1 國內外UAV之使用情形 8
2-1-1 UAV簡介 8
2-1-2 國外UAV之使用情形 10
2-1-3 國內UAV之使用情形 12
2-2 橋梁檢測[10] 13
2-2-1 橋梁檢測時機 13
2-2-2 橋梁檢測方式[34] 13
2-3 橋梁種類 14
2-4 橋梁檢測工具與設備 16
2-4-1 橋梁檢測車 16
2-4-2 吊索與橡皮艇(船艇) 18
2-5 小結 21
第三章 臺灣橋梁檢測現況探討 23
3-1 臺灣目視檢測現況問題 23
3-1-1 縣市政府 23
3-1-2 公路總局 23
3-1-3 高速公路總局 24
3-2 使用UAV輔助橋梁目視檢測現況 24
3-2-1 公路總局景美與復興工務段 25
3-2-2 中興工程顧問社 26
3-3 小結 27
第四章 UAV的組成與特性 29
4-1 UAV的組成 31
4-2 自組UAV之特性 36
4-2-1 穩定性及續航力 37
4-2-2 GPS精準度與抗風能力 40
4-2-3 影像處理 43
4-3 小結 44
第五章現地測試與比較分析 46
5-1 檢測概要 46
5-1-1 「新大崛溪橋」檢測概要 47
5-1-2 「61號快速道路桃科段」檢測概要 47
5-1-3 「牛欄河二號橋」檢測概要 48
5-1-4 「內灣大橋」檢測概要 49
5-1-5 「羅浮橋」檢測概要 49
5-1-6 「巴陵大橋」檢測概要 50
5-1-7 「圓山橋」檢測概要 51
5-2 UAV與飛行系統操作方法 51
5-3 UAV現地實測 56
5-3-1 手動與自動飛行模式 56
5-3-2 橋梁構件影像擷取 62
5-3-3 橋梁影像劣化擷取 71
5-4 傳統檢測工具與UAV之比較分析 71
5-4-1 案例比較 71
5-4-2 成本假設案例 76
5-5 UAV橋梁檢測之限制與篩選橋梁 77
5-5-1 UAV檢測時之限制條件 77
5-5-2 篩選橋梁 78
5-6 小結 81
第六章 結論與建議 85
6-1 結論 85
6-2 建議 86
參考文獻 87
附錄一、橋梁檢測表﹝28﹞ 90
附錄二、使用UAV專家訪談紀錄 93
附件三、橋梁基本資料﹝30﹞ 99
參考文獻 |
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審核日期 |
2015-7-28 |
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