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姓名 林俊廷(Chun-ting Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 企業管理學系
(Application of social media mining on the comparison between two-dimensional barcode and near field communication)
★ 美國軟體產業創新活動與財務效率分析★ Performance Measurements of Web 2.0, Social Media, and Mobile Apps for Municipal Emergency Management
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★ 應用文字探勘分析ERP之趨勢發展:以Twitter為例★ 社群媒體文字採礦之研究:以第三方物流公司為例
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★ 酒類消費與犯罪率之視覺化分析★ 零售業粉絲專頁分析
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摘要(中) 近年來資訊科技領域發展變動劇烈,諸如行動裝置的快速成長帶動了既有科技的進步與創新,例如二維條碼QR Code與近場通訊(NFC)技術。儘管過去針對此兩類科技應用的探討與研究種類繁多,然而透過社群媒體角度探討相關議題的研究則較為罕見。本研究應用社群媒體探勘技術,包含文字探勘與情緒分析等,試圖分析社群網站Twitter上之用戶觀點與意見,並提出關於此兩類科技應用之比較。最終研究結果呈現數種QR Code與NFC較常被提及或應用之使用情境,以及社群媒體大眾對此兩類科技之情緒反應。總結而言,本研究證實社群媒體分析之價值與文字探勘作為萃取大量社群媒體資料並加以探知大眾意見之優異能力,並於結論提出針對未來研究之建議方向與方法。
摘要(英) The whole field of information technology has witnessed unparalleled developments in recent years, and the rapid growth of mobile device like smartphone has driven the improvement of exist technologies, and also caused new waves of innovation to emerge, such as QR Code and NFC. While considerable attention has been paid in the past to research issues related to applications of the two technologies, there have been few attempts to focus on the social media aspects. This research applied several social media mining techniques including text mining and sentiment analysis to analyze user-generated data on Twitter, and presented an informative comparison of applications for the two different technologies. Results of the study reveal various scenarios that the QR Code and NFC have been mentioned or applied and the public sentiments toward the two technologies. To conclude, this research revealed the value of social media analysis and the ability of text mining as an effective technique to extract public opinions from the vast amount of available social media data. Recommendations were also provided to help future research explore profounder outcomes.
關鍵字(中) ★ 社群媒體
★ 文字探勘
★ 情緒分析
★ QR碼
★ 近場通訊
關鍵字(英) ★ Social media
★ Text mining
★ Sentiment analysis
★ QR Code
中文摘要 i
謝誌 iii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Objectives 2
2 Literature Review 4
2.1 QR Code 4
2.2 Near Field Communication 8
3 Research method 14
3.1 Data Collection 14
3.2 Text Mining 16
3.3 Sentiment Analysis 21
4 Analysis findings 23
4.1 QR Code 24
4.1.1 Concept Links 24
4.1.2 Sentiment Analysis 31
4.2 NFC 33
4.2.1 Concept Links 33
4.2.2 Sentiment Analysis 40
5 Conclusions 42
References 45
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指導教授 沈建文(Chien-wen Shen) 審核日期 2015-7-20
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