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姓名 林旭敏(Hsu-min Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 資訊管理學系
論文名稱 多重商品類別的線上再購行為預測模型
(A Prediction Model for Online Repurchase Behavior in Multiple Product Categories)
★ 應用結構行動理論探討跨國企業導入供應鏈管理之個案研究-以資訊電子業為例★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討ERP卅MES系統導入、轉移和整合之個案研究
★ LCD面板製造廠資訊系統商業價值之個案研究★ 應用調適性結構行動理論探討CIM系統的導入 -以TFT-LCD產業為例
★ ERP系統品質Enhancement的實徵研究★ 以資訊處理理論探討出貨管理系統在TFT-LCD產業的導入及影響之個案研究
★ 連接器供應商於中國大陸地區導入出貨管理系統之個案研究★ 以AHP法探討跨國企業評選固網供應商之決策準則
★ 工具機製造業導入協作式接單服務之探討--以沖床製造廠商為例★ 製造業導入先進規劃與排程系統之探討—以筆電領導廠商為例
★ 經銷商管理的再造-台灣知名飲料業的個案研究★ 運用精實六標準差手法改善資料品質─某TFT-LCD業者之個案研究
★ 第三方物流業者之設施規劃與方案評估-以C物流公司為例★ 期望和認知差異對ERP導入專案的影響-以B公司導入SAP為例
★ 使用者主導系統導入時資訊單位的角色-以W公司導入產品資料管理系統為例★ 運用限制理論探討F公司大型資訊服務專案執行之研究
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摘要(中) 近年來電子商務環境的營業額成長快速,預估在2020年虛擬通路營業額更會成長至整個零售業的20%,因此企業應重視虛擬通路的經營。在台灣電子商務環境中,買家最常進行交易的平台有Yahoo!奇摩、露天以及PChome。由於購物平台之間的競爭相當激烈,我們透過觀察購物平台上消費者的再購行為,希望幫助業者找出影響買家再購行為的因素,設法留住這些有價值的顧客。根據哈佛商業評論一份跨產業調查報告,如果買家的再購率上升5%,整體獲利則可以上升25%至95%,再購率對獲利的正向影響在電子商務將更為可觀。因此本研究將買家在同一購物平台重複交易的行為視為平台再購行為,有平台再購行為的買家視為有價值的顧客。
摘要(英) E-commerce revenue has grown rapidly in recent years. It is estimated that revenue from the virtual channel in retailing industry will reach twenty percent in 2020. Enterprises should pay more attention to the operation of the virtual channel. Buyers in Taiwan are most commonly making online transactions on Yahoo!, Ruten and PChome. Given there is a fierce competition between e-commerce platforms in Taiwan, we hope to understand factors influencing buyers’ repurchase behaviors so to help identify valuable online customers. Based on a cross-industrial study in Harvard Business Review, if buyers’ repurchase rate increase five percent, the overall revenue can increase twenty five percent to ninety five percent, and this positive effect would be greater for e-businesses. Therefore this study defines repeated purchase on a certain e-commerce website as the platform repurchase behavior of online consumers, and who are considered valuable customers to the e-commerce website.
This study collected all transaction data from Yahoo! Taiwan auction website, including sixteen categories of products from January 1, 2014 to April 30, 2015, totaled 18 million transaction records. As a sequel to previous studies in platform repurchase behavior, we use January 1, 2015 as the prediction point in time, and three preceding months of transaction records as historical dataset and two succeeding months of transaction records as future dataset to generate 9 independent variables, including 4 RFM-related variables and 5 augmented variables, and the repurchase behavior variable. We conduct descriptive statistical analysis on 16 categories of data and then establish the prediction models of platform repurchase behavior in women apparel category, in popular experience goods categories and in entire experience goods categories respectively, to examine the effectiveness of the prediction model across multiple product category. Our findings show that recency, average monetary and purchase quantity are negatively related to repurchase behavior, while frequency, total monetary, last rating, number of purchased sellers, category diversity are positively related to repurchase behavior. In terms of analytical methodologies, we find that decision tree performs better than logistic regression. Based on the study results, we provide guidelines to identify valuable buyers and practical advices to the platform.
關鍵字(中) ★ 再購行為
★ 擴充的RFM模型
★ 購買經驗
★ 經驗品
關鍵字(英) ★ Repurchase Behavior
★ Augmented RFM Model
★ Purchase Experience
★ Experience Goods
論文目次 摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 i
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 vii
一、緒論 1
1-1 研究背景與動機 1
1-2 研究目的與研究問題 5
1-3 概念模型 6
1-4 預期結果與貢獻 6
二、 文獻探討 7
2-1 RFM模型擴充與顧客終身價值 7
2-2 商品類別多樣性與商品總數量 8
2-3 購買經驗 10
2-4 最後一次評價 11
2-5 忠誠度 11
2-6 經驗品與搜尋品 11
三、研究模型 13
3-1 研究模型與假說推導 13
3-1-1 RFM擴充模型 14
3-1-2 交易經驗 15
3-2 研究設計 17
3-2-1 資料蒐集 17
3-2-2 資料耙取流程 19
3-2-3 分析方法 23
四、資料分析 25
4-1 敘述性統計 25
4-2 羅吉斯迴歸分析 33
4-2-1 RFM變數 36
4-2-2 擴充變數 37
4-2-3 調節變數 38
4-3 預測模型 44
五、結論與建議 47
5-1研究結果與結論 47
5-1-1 準確率的提升 47
5-1-2全經驗品類別的擴充 47
5-1-3購買經驗對預測變數的調節作用 47
5-2 研究貢獻 48
5-3 管理意涵與實務意涵 48
5-4 研究限制 49
5-4-1 類別的限制 49
5-4-2 時間區段的限制 49
5-4-3 外部效度的限制 49
參考文獻 50
英文文獻 50
中文文獻 56
參考文獻 英文文獻
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指導教授 何靖遠、許文錦(Chin-yuan Ho Wen-chin Hsu) 審核日期 2015-7-24
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