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姓名 林旅安(Lu-an Lin)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 經濟學系
論文名稱 上游市場結構內生下的下游廠商研發決策
★ 存在中間財市場下的跨國廠商進入模式選擇★ 匯率與本國中間財廠商的直接投資決策
★ 太陽光電躉購制度國際比較★ 人口結構變遷對電力需求之影響
★ 企業社會責任對消費者剩餘的影響★ 從產業關聯表檢視中國大陸進口替代之情形
★ 網路外部性下的利潤廠商跟共營廠商競爭分析★ 寡占市場下的自動進口擴張政策分析
★ 寡占廠商成本歧異下之最適產業與貿易政策★ 雙邊市場下之平台定價策略之研究
★ 線上遊戲廠商定價策略之研究★ 雙邊貿易的最適關稅
★ 平行輸入、仿冒與服務品質★ Linux與Windows平台競爭的經濟分析
★ 經濟成長、消費者信心與銀行風險★ 網路外部性與最適民營化政策
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摘要(中) 本文建立一個垂直相關市場的理論模型,於存在可自由進出的中間財
摘要(英) This paper establishes a vertical-related model in which intermediate goods market is free entry to discuss the research and development (R&D) of downstream firms and the impacts of downstream firms’ R&D on the price of
intermediate goods under floating price contract and fixed price contract.
  The major findings of this paper are that: first, under the floating price contract, the price of intermediate goods won’t be affected by the R&D decisions of the downstream firms when the intermediate goods market is free
entry, regardless of R&D spillovers; second, the amount of R&D under the case that the intermediate goods market is free entry will be more than that the
intermediate goods market is monopoly; last, if there exists R&D spillovers, the R&D level of downstream firms will decreases but the quantities will increase at
first then decrease with the spillover effects. The above results are quite different from the previous literatures’ conclusions.
關鍵字(中) ★ 垂直相關市場
★ 自由進出
★ 研究與發展
★ 外溢效果
關鍵字(英) ★ Vertical-related market
★ Free entry
★ Research and development
★ Technology spillovers
論文目次 摘要................................................. i
Abstract............................................ ii
謝辭................................................ iii
目錄................................................. iv
圖表目錄............................................... v
第一章 前言............................................ 1
第二章 文獻回顧......................................... 5
2-1 水平關係的研發...................................... 5
2-2 垂直關係的研發 ..................................... 6
第三章 基本模型 ........................................ 9
第四章 存在技術外溢效果之垂直結構模型 .................... 18
4-1 浮動價格契約 ...................................... 18
4-2 固定價格契約 ...................................... 25
4-3 小結.............................................. 31
第五章 結論與未來研究方向 ............................... 32
參考文獻 .............................................. 33
參考文獻 蔡明芳 (2014) ,「垂直寡占市場結構下的最終財廠商研發誘因」,經濟論
文叢刊, 42, 273-296 頁。

Banerjee, S. and P. Lin (2001), “Vertical Research Joint Ventures,”International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19, 285-302.

Banerjee, S. and P. Lin (2003), “Downstream R&D, Raising Rivals’ Costs, and Input Price Contracts,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 21, 79-96.

Czarnitzki, D., F. Etro, and K. Kraft (2014), “Endogenous Market Structures and Innovation by Leaders:An Empirical Test,” Economica, 81, 117-139.

D’Asprémont, C. and A. Jacquemin (1988), “Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Duopoly with Spillovers,” American Economic Review, 78 , 1133-1137.

Etro, F. (2006), “Aggressive Leader,” Rand Journal of Economics, 37, 146-154.

Ishida, J., T. Matsumura, and N. Matsushima (2011), “Market Competition, R&D and Firm Profits in Asymmetric Oligopoly,” Journal of Industrial Economics, 59, 484-505.

Liao, P. C. (2008), “Downstream R&D Rivalry with Spillovers and Discriminatory Input Pricing,” Australian Economic Papers, 47, 376-388.

Yi, S. S. (1999), “Market Structure and Incentives to Innovate: The Case of
Cournot Oligopoly,” Economics Letters, 65, 379-388.
指導教授 邱俊榮、吳大任(Jiunn-rong Chiou Dach-rahn Wu) 審核日期 2014-7-15
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