摘要(英) |
The printed circuit board (PCB) industry of Taiwan, with its scale of production in Taiwan and continued expansion of capacity oversea, has become the world’s largest PCB supplier. This study aims to examine how to maintain the competitive advantage when a Taiwanese PCB supplier faces the pressures of global competition.
This study examines the case company, which the researcher works for, to investigate how the company has transformed from a small company with many difficulties in the early days to finally become the world’s largest TFT-LCD Optical PCB manufacturer.
With observation, interviews and secondary data collection, the case study analyzed the case company in a competitive environment, examining the key reasons of its success in its management and its strategies of growth and expansion. The results of this case study provide the following suggestions of future business strategies and action programs for the case company in particular and the PCB-related companies in general:
1.The key success factors, in addition to enhancing automated production, include promoting internal efficiency, increasing economies of scale through expansion, and maintaining good relations with customers.
2.The business strategy of PCB manufacturers, in addition to low-cost strategy, must be combined with industry trends and growth directions, avoid the Red Sea markets, increase the added value of products, and expand product application markets.
3.With the rapid changes in the global environment, companies should actively upgrade the technical level and production management technology, develop potential new product, and diversify the development of niche products.
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