摘要(英) |
Personal Accident Insurance and Financial Performance: Evidence from Taiwan Non-Life Insurance Companies.
The purpose of this study is to measure the financial performance of fourteen Taiwan non-life insurance companies by using annual statistics from 2007 to 2013. This study chose eight explanatory variables from other studies and two explanatory variables by me. The two explanatory variables are the ratio of personal accident insurance and the non-life insurance companies operating with the life insurance companies or not. This study also applied the panel data regression with fixed effect to the impact of financial performance.
The empirical results indicate:
1. The ratio of reinsurance, return on investment, operating with the life insurance companies or not, and economic growth rate had a positive and significant effect on return on assets. The ratio of loss, financial leverage, and the years in business had a negative and significant effect on return on assets.
2. The ratio of reinsurance, return on investment, operating with the life insurance companies or not, and economic growth rate had a positive and significant effect on return on equity. The ratio of loss had a negative and significant effect on return on equity.
3. The ratio of personal accident insurance, financial leverage, the years in business had a positive and significant effect on operating profit ratio. The ratio of reinsurance and assets had a negative and significant effect on operating profit ratio. |
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