摘要(英) |
Currently, family camping is a popular outdoor recreation activity in Taiwan. According to the statistics report from Republic of China Camping Association, there is about 2 million population in Taiwan who camp on a regular basis. In recent years, due to various professional camping equipment, camping’s original purpose is simply to be close to nature, which evolved into a form of professional camping. With this evolution, it created a new term , known as “Glamping”, which represents this kind of luxurious camping. For campsite selection, people will search and obtain the relevant information from camping associations, internet and other channels. Campers’ personal socio-economic background, consumer values, and original camping motives will lead campers to have different preferences. In addition, it will also affect consumers the willingness to pay for the campsite.
Through OLS/Tobit model empirical results, the willingness to pay for the different campsite situations is related to individual socio-economic conditions, the preference and the effects of past camper behaviors.
In Scenario 1, the original campsite condition "general and non-specific nature landscape" replaced to "nature landscape with mountains and clouds." Under this scenario, the consumer’s highest willingness to pay was NT$ 971 ~ 973. In Scenario 2, the original campsite condition "more primitive bathroom, water occasionally unstable" replaced to the "luxury bathroom and normal water supply." Under this scenario, the consumer’s highest willingness to pay was NT$943~944. In Scenario 3, the original campsite condition "insufficient space for outdoor activities" replaced to "adequate space." Under this scenario, the consumer’s highest willingness to pay was NT$942 ~ 946. In Scenario 4, the original campsite condition "general and non-specific nature landscape", campsite to replaced to "more primitive bathroom, water occasionally unstable " and "insufficient space for outdoor activities" replaced by "nature landscape with mountains and clouds" and "luxury bathroom and normal water supply" and " adequate space". For the first three scenarios, the preference variables are not significant. Under this scenario, the consumer’s highest willingness to pay was NT$1010 ~ 1014.
According to the estimated value of the three models, on behalf of consumers in campsite selection, the consumer is willing to pay a higher price for the campsite with more special nature landscapes, compared with campsites with hardware facilities and campsites that have greater space. For conducting any business decision, the owner of the campsite need to consider the site position before establishment, because consumers have special preference for the natural landscape, and give higher willingness to pay.
Keywords: camping, leisure facilities, campsite preferences, willingness to pay. |
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