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姓名 黃郁凱(Yu-kai Huang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 電機工程學系
論文名稱 音聲障礙復健遊戲系統之發展
(Development of a game system for voice disorder rehabilitation)
★ 獨立成份分析法於真實環境中聲音訊號分離之探討★ 口腔核磁共振影像的分割與三維灰階值內插
★ 數位式氣喘尖峰氣流量監測系統設計★ 結合人工電子耳與助聽器對中文語音辨識率的影響
★ 人工電子耳進階結合編碼策略的中文語音辨識成效模擬--結合助聽器之分析★ 中文發聲之神經關聯性的腦功能磁振造影研究
★ 利用有限元素法建構3維的舌頭力學模型★ 以磁振造影為基礎的立體舌頭圖譜之建構
★ 腎小管之草酸鈣濃度變化與草酸鈣結石關係之模擬研究★ 口腔磁振影像舌頭構造之自動分割
★ 微波輸出窗電性匹配之研究★ 以軟體為基準的助聽器模擬平台之發展-噪音消除
★ 以軟體為基準的助聽器模擬平台之發展-回饋音消除★ 模擬人工電子耳頻道數、刺激速率與雙耳聽對噪音環境下中文語音辨識率之影響
★ 用類神經網路研究中文語音聲調產生之神經關聯性★ 教學用電腦模擬生理系統之建構
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摘要(中) 摘要
為了評估本研究遊戲系統的適用性,除了對五位一般發音正常受測者進行實驗外,同時與衛生福利部桃園醫院復健科的語言治療團隊合作,徵求六位分別有嗓音不佳、嗓音異常等症狀的醫院受測者參與為期三週,每週一天,一天進行六次時間共約30分鐘的發音練習實驗 (4次音高遊戲以及2次音量遊戲)。根據不同受測者的發音表現,將給予合適的難度,並隨著實驗的進行逐步調整遊戲的難度,完成實驗後,我們將受測者第一次與最後一次的實驗數據進行比較,判斷受測者經本系統練習後發音進步與否。
為了瞭解醫院受測者與一般受測者在發音上是否有所不同,我們使用曼-惠特尼檢定 (Mann-Whitney U test) 來探討兩群受測者之間的差異。結果發現醫院受測者比一般受測者音量較小且音域廣度較窄,兩者間具有顯著差異 (p<0.05)。我們進一步討論醫院受測者發音的進步情況。比較第一次及最後一次的實驗結果發現平均音量增強為原本大小的12.6% (由70dB上升至78.8dB),平均發音時間增長為原本的21% (由1.4秒上升至1.7秒),而且平均發音基頻上限上升了10% (從162.8Hz上升到179.2Hz),平均發音基頻下限下降約12% (從132Hz下降至116.4Hz),最後平均音域變為原來的2倍 (由30.8Hz變寬至62.8Hz),經由上述實驗結果可知,醫院受測者完成實驗後,音量以及音域的表現皆有明顯的進步,這意味著經由本系統練習後,能有效幫助受測者提升發音的表現。

摘要(英) Abstract
For traditional rehabilitation of speech disorder, speech therapists need to assess and treat patients with voice disorder individually. This individual therapy process leads to a long waiting for patients to have next rehabilitation. In addition, patients have to spend a lot of time practicing, and this practice would bore them and make the efficacy of treatment poor.
Therefore, there is a need to develop a rehabilitation program for voice disorder patients to achieve their goal of recovery. The main purpose of this study was to design a computer game system for voice disorder rehabilitation. By playing game, we motivated the patients for speech rehabilitation. Our game system could record a short speech signal and calculated its volume (in decibel, dB) and fundamental frequency (in Hertz, Hz) immediately. These two parameters were used to control the animated character and provide visual feedback for patients when they practiced. With appropriate level setting, speech therapists would not only diagnosis the condition of treatment but also formulate rehabilitation schedule for the patients from their game performance. Based on each rehabilitation schedule, the patients might practice with the game system on the computer or notebook in their free time to achieve better efficacy of rehabilitation.
To evaluate the feasibility of the system, we collaborated with a speech therapist in Taoyuan General Hospital and design an experiment for five normal subjects (Normal subjects) and six subjects with voice disorder or poor voice (Hospital subjects). This experiment was reviewed by the Internal Review Board (IRB) and carried out for three weeks (one day per week and six times per day with a total time of 30 minutes). Each experiment included 4 pitch and 2 volume games. In terms of their performance, the subjects were trained with our game system in appropriate levels which were evaluated after each test. After finishing all the tests, we evaluated their performance by comparing the results of the first and last experiments.
The performance of the normal and hospital subjects were analyzed with the Mann-Whitney U test. The result showed the improved ranges of pitch and volume for hospital subjects were smaller. There was significant difference between these two groups of subjects (p<0.05). We investigated further to check if the hospital subjects improved their performance after 3 weeks training. We found that the average improvements of the hospital subjects were listed as follow: the volume was increased 10% (from 70 to 78.8 dB); the voicing duration was extended 21% (from 1.4s to 1.7s); the upper fundamental frequency was increased 10% (from 162.8 to 179.2 Hz); lower fundamental was decreased 12 % (from 132 to 116.4 Hz). As a result, the range of pitch was increased two times (from 30.8 Hz to 62.8Hz). These results indicated that all subjects attended this experiment improve their performance. This means that our game system is feasible for patients with voice disorder to improve their voicing after practicing.

Keywords: Fundamental Frequency, Volume, Voice disorder, Voice therapy, Serious game.
關鍵字(中) ★ 基頻
★ 音量
★ 音聲障礙
★ 音聲治療
★ 嚴肅遊戲
關鍵字(英) ★ Fundamental Frequency
★ Volume
★ Voice disorder
★ Voice therapy
★ Serious game
論文目次 目錄
摘要 I
Abstract III
致謝 V
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
表目錄 XI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 文獻探討 4
1.3研究目的 10
1.4論文架構 11
第二章 音聲障礙與音聲復健遊戲 13
2.1 音聲障礙介紹 13
2.2 音聲復健遊戲之可行性 17
第三章 語音復健遊戲系統設計 20
3.1 開發環境 20
3.2 系統架構 27
3.3 音量遊戲 28
3.3.1 音量遊戲設計 28
3.3.2 音量遊戲方式 29
3.4 音高遊戲 32
3.4.1 音高遊戲設計 32
3.4.2 音高遊戲方式 36
第四章 實驗方法 40
4.1 受測者身心特質介紹 40
4.2 實驗設備與環境 42
4.3 實驗流程 44
4.4 實驗分析方法 45
第五章 實驗結果與討論 48
5.1音量遊戲結果與分析 48
5.2音高遊戲結果與分析 56
5.3 問卷評估 72
5.4 綜合討論 73
第六章 結論與未來展望 77
6.1 結論 77
6.2 未來展望 79
附錄A 80
英文參考資料 82
中文參考資料 83
網頁參考資料 85

圖3.1 Unity 3D遊戲引擎開發畫面 23
圖3.2 Unity 3D遊戲引擎功能介紹:(a)功能選單 (b)工具列 (c)場景物件管理視窗 (d) Project專案管理視窗 (e)場景視窗 (f)檔案圖示區 (g)元件屬性視窗 24
圖3.3 (a)程式編輯區 (b)Unity專案架構視窗 (c)程式類別內的函數 (d)程式撰寫區視窗。 26
圖3.4 系統架構圖 27
圖3.5 遊戲介面圖 27
圖3.6 音量遊戲設定 30
圖3.7 音量遊戲流程圖 30
圖3.8 音量遊戲介面 31
圖3.9 音高遊戲設定 37
圖3.10 半音基頻對照表 37
圖3.11 音高遊戲介面 39
圖3.12 音高遊戲流程圖 39
圖4.1 (a)醫院受測者實驗示意圖 (b)醫院受測者操作圖 43
圖4.2 實驗流程圖 44
圖5.1 遊戲平均發音參數比較 49
圖5.2 每次練習遊戲參數比較 50
圖5.3 每次練習遊戲參數比較 (一般受測者) 53
圖5.4 每次練習遊戲參數比較 (醫院受測者) 54
圖5.5 受測者平均音域比較 57
圖5.6 平均遊戲時間及成功率比較 59
圖5.7 每次練習平均音域 60
圖5.8 每次練習遊戲時間及成功率 62
圖5.9 每次練習平均音域(一般受測者) 66
圖5.10 每次練習遊戲時間及成功率 (一般受測者) 67
圖5.11 每次練習平均音域 (醫院受測者) 69
圖5.12 每次練習遊戲時間及成功率 (醫院受測者) 71
圖5.13 問卷評估結果 72

表4.1 一般受測者基本資料表 41
表4.2 醫院受測者基本資料表 41
表4.3 信度分析表 47
表5.1 Mann-Whitney U test對音量閾值單尾檢定 52
表5.2 Mann-Whitney U test對發音時間單尾檢定 52
表5.3 Mann-Whitney U test對基頻上限作單尾檢定 64
表5.4 Mann-Whitney U test對基頻下限閾值作單尾檢定 64
表5.5 Mann-Whitney U test對音域作單尾檢定 64
表5.6 Mann-Whitney U test對基頻上限遊戲時間作單尾檢定 65
表5.7 Mann-Whitney U test對基頻上限遊戲時間作單尾檢定 65
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曾進興,民國94年,語言病理學基礎 — 第一卷,心理出版社股份有限公司,台北市,台灣。


沈明來,民國96年,實用無母數統計學 第二版,九州圖書文物有限公司,台北市,台灣。

Dr.speech software group 2015: http://www.drspeech.com/index.html
Family Caregiver Alliance, San Francisco,C.A., USA, 2015:https://caregiver.org/
Gerry Beauregard, 2015 : https://gerrybeauregard.wordpress.com/
指導教授 吳炤民(Chao-Min Wu) 審核日期 2015-11-26
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