摘要(英) |
Teacher-parent communication is an indispensable element in education. However, schools in Taiwan, lacking a proper teacher-parent communication channel has been a long-term problem. Traditionally, parents tend to entrust education to school. However, they had a hard time knowing their children’ learning conditions as well as communicating to teachers. This study continued our previous researches of online platform Parent-Teacher Ark. Parent-Teacher Ark is specially for parents in order to assist in observing children’s learning process. However, we noticed that the use ratio was far beyond expectation. Besides, this platform didn’t provide interaction function for parents and teachers. This study is aimed to extend the function of Parent-Teacher Ark, raise usage ratio, enhance teacher-parent interaction and deepen learning analysis by educational data mining. The researcher practice design-based research method in this study. The whole study lasted for two years. There are three phases, namely activating Parent-Teacher Ark, parent-teacher communication and the import of app version, in introducing parent-teacher communication to school. Revising Parent-Teacher Ark is divided into two parts, one is to digitize the communication book based on the original Parent-Teacher Ark’s design, providing a new communication tool for parents and teachers. Also, we launch the mobile phone version based on the web version, which enables parents can be easier and more efficient to control their kids’ learning condition. We explored educational data by using big data as the fundamental element to provide parents with deeper information, such as diagnosis and warning. We revise our design a dozen of times, making Parent-Teacher Ark meet schools, teachers and parents’ requirements. The subjects were teachers of first to fifth graders and their parents from a local elementary school in Taoyuan, Taiwan. We chose 18 core members of parent group to try our system and conducted an interview to understanding their thoughts about Parent-Teacher Ark. The results showed that parents holds positive attitude toward both teacher-parents communication and the app version of Parent-Teacher Ark. Conversely, teachers hold more preserved attitude, reputing that the reinforcement of teacher-parent communication will be burdensome to them. |
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