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姓名 蔡默西(Mosi Cai)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 地球科學學系
論文名稱 臺灣中部陸海域台西盆地之二氧化碳地質封存系統評估
(An Assessment on CO2 Geosequestration Systems in the Taihsi Basin, Central Taiwan)
★ 台灣西南部中新世井下地層之沉積環境與層序地層研究★ 台灣西南海域含天然氣水合物地層之構造架構與沈積特徵
★ 台灣西南外海之構造與地形特徵及澎湖海底峽谷演化★ 台灣海峽及台灣西部平原之沈積層速度構造
★ 台灣西南外海碰撞帶前緣的近代沉積作用與新構造運動★ 台灣中部早期前陸盆地的地層紀錄
★ 台灣西南部前陸地區演育與古應力分析★ 台灣西北部漸新世至更新世盆地演化及層序地層
★ 煤岩材料與沉積環境綜合研判★ 二氧化碳地質封存潛能評估與封存場址選擇:以桃園台地為例
★ 臺灣西北部中新世-更新世沉積岩中黏土礦物和成岩作用研究★ 台灣西北部大漢溪剖面南莊層至楊梅層之沉積環境研究
★ 台灣東北外海沖繩海槽及龜山島附近之海床沉積物特徵★ 台灣西南外海高屏峽谷沉積物及沉積機制研究
★ 台灣西南海域天然氣水合物地質控制因素與資源量評估★ 台灣中部地區潛在二氧化碳封存層與蓋層之礦物組成分析及地體構造意義
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摘要(中) 二氧化碳地質封存是將二氧化碳灌注至地下深處岩層,藉由物理和化學的機制將其封存在地層中。了解地下岩性分布,並選擇適當的二氧化碳封存層及蓋層,對二氧化碳封存至關重要。本研究利用井測資料了解臺灣中部地區台西盆地之地下地層及構造分布,評估研究區域適當的二氧化碳封存系統。
摘要(英) Geological storage of carbon dioxide (CO2) is to inject and store a large amount of anthropogenic CO2 in deep and sealed porous rocks in order to mitigate the aggravated threat of global warning. Borehole data are used to understand the spatial distribution of suitable CO2 reservoirs and cap rocks in the Taihsi Basin, central Taiwan, where the level of seismicity is low.
Spatial distribution of formation thickness and depth for CO2 reservoirs and cap rocks indicates three CO2 storage systems existed in the study area. They are: (1) late Miocene to Pliocene Nanchuang Formation and Kueichulin Formation (reservoirs)-Chinshui Shale (cap rocks) system (hereafter abbreviated as NK-C system), (2) early to middle Miocene Shihti Formation and Peiliao Formation (reservoirs)-Talu Shale (cap rocks) system (SP-T system), (3) late Oligocene to early Miocene Wuchishan Formation and Mushan Formation (reservoirs)-Piling Shale (cap rocks) system (WM-P system).
According to distributions of depth for reservoirs and cap rocks, we assess appropriate areas for CO2 storage. Depth of reservoirs for NK-C system in the west of the study area, and depth of reservoirs for SP-T system offshore Mai-liao power plant is shallower than 800 m which are not suitable for CO2 storage. North of the study area and close to the Wu River, reservoirs for WM-P system and SP-T system reach a depth more than 3000 m, a depth too deep for storing CO2 economically. The areas mentioned foregoing are not suitable for CO2 storage, and others are applicable. However, for NK-C system, the cap rocks (i.e. the Chinshui Shale) become sand-prone due to facies changes, leading to fail to retard great amounts of CO2 underground in the south of Chang-Bin Site. There are four sites (Taichung Power Plant Site, Chang-Bin Site, Wong-gong Site and Mai-Liao Power Plant Site from north to south) considerably suitable to retard CO2 underground. Taichung Power Plant Site is suitable for NK-C system, Chang-Bin Site is suitable for SP-T system, Mai-Liao Power Plant Site is suitable for SP-T system and Wong-gong site is most prominent which can be applied to more storage system (SP-T and WM-P system). By USDOE assessment, calculated results of storage resource for CO2 show that total storage resource is about 3.54Gt, 2.71Gt and 5.82Gt for NK-C system, SP-T system and M-P system respectively.
關鍵字(中) ★ 二氧化碳
★ 地質封存
★ 錦水頁岩
關鍵字(英) ★ Geological storage
★ carbon dioxide
★ Chinshui Shale
論文目次 摘 要 i
Abstract iii
致 謝 v
目 錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 xi
第一章 前言 1
1.1二氧化碳地質封存之要素及類型 1
1.2研究動機與研究目的 3
第二章 地體構造與地層 11
2.1 臺灣新生代地體構造 11
2.2 台西盆地地層 12
2.3 地層對比 16
第三章 二氧化碳封存量評估方法 23
3.1 二氧化碳基本性質 23
3.2 美國能源部二氧化碳封存量估算方法 24
3.2.1儲集層孔隙率計算 25
3.2.2二氧化碳密度計算 27
3.2.3二氧化碳封存效率計算 28
第四章 地層對比與二氧化碳封存量 40
4.1 南莊層桂竹林層-錦水頁岩系統(NK-C system) 40
4.2 石底層北寮層-打鹿頁岩系統(SP-T system) 42
4.3 五指山層木山層-碧靈頁岩系統(WM-P system) 43
第五章 台灣中部濱海區域潛在CO2封存場址 56
5.1台中電廠場址 56
5.2彰濱工業區場址 57
5.3王功場址 57
5.4麥寮電廠場址 58
第六章 討論與結論 63
參考文獻 67
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指導教授 林殿順(Andrew Tien-Shun Lin) 審核日期 2016-1-19
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