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姓名 張家偉(Chia-Wei Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 應用地質研究所
論文名稱 三氯乙烯地下水污染場址整治後期傳輸行為分析¬-應用開源FreeFEM++有限元素模式架構
(Numerical analysis of TCE transport in a groundwater post remediation site: implementation of open source finite element module FreeFem++)
★ 延散效應對水岩交互作用反應波前的影響★ 序率譜方法制定異質性含水層水井捕集區
★ 跨孔式注氣試驗方法推估異質性非飽和層土壤氣體流動參數★ 現地跨孔式抽水試驗推估異質性含水層水文地質特性
★ iTOUGH2應用於實驗室尺度非飽和土壤參數之推估★ HYDRUS-1D模式應用於入滲試驗推估非飽和土壤特性參數
★ 沿海含水層異質性對海淡水交界面影響之不確定性分析★ 非拘限砂質海岸含水層中潮汐和沙灘坡度水文動力條件影響苯傳輸
★ 利用MODFLOW配合SUB套件推估雲林地區垂向平均長期地層下陷趨勢★ 高雄平原地區抽水引致汙染潛勢評估
★ 利用自然電位法監測淺層土壤入滲歷程★ 利用LiDAR點雲及影像資料決定露頭節理結合面之研究
★ 臺灣西部沿海海水入侵與地下水排出模擬分析★ 都會地區滯洪池增設礫石樁之入滲效益模擬與分析
★ 利用數值模擬探討二氧化碳於異向性及異質性鹽水層之遷移行為★ 三維離散裂隙網路水流與溶質傳輸模式發展
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摘要(中) 數值模式的發展日新月異,已廣泛應用到許多領域中,有限元素方法是一個功能強大的數值方法,可以靈活處理許多複雜的問題。但有限元素法的模式開發包括複雜程式撰寫、除錯與模式最佳化驗證等,需投入大量資源提高程式開發效率。本研究應用高階計算偏微分方程的模組FreeFEM++ (Free Finite Element ++),透過物理控制方程的變分推導,編寫包含吸附與自然衰減特性的地下水與污染傳輸模式。模式經與MODFLOW與解析解驗證結果顯示水流與污染傳輸擬合良好,方均根誤差(RMSE)分別為0.003 m與0.0784 mg/L。模式應用於實際的三氯乙烯(TCE)污染場址,本研究將現地水文地質參數的一般克利金法(ordinary kriging)統計分析結果代入模式中率定,運用場址過去豐富的觀測數據與模式結果交互驗證。結果顯示污染團濃度分布與觀測結果擬合, RMSE介於0.1~0.69 mg/L,證實本研究所開發的FreeFEM++地下水流與污染傳輸模式可適切反應污染場址內污染團之移動機制。最後本研究評估自然衰減和抽水兩種整治方法應用於整治場址後期的整治效益,分析結果顯示場址TCE濃度大於 0.1 mg/L時,使用抽水整治效果較顯著,而且在污染團下游抽水效益最高,但濃度低於0.05mg/L時,兩種方法的效益會趨於一致。
摘要(英) Numerical models have been widely applied to many research fields. The finite element method is a powerful numerical method that can solve for complex problems. However, the model developers need to devote much resources to complete complex codes, perform debugging and code optimizing. The completed model typically requires systematical testing and verification before implementations. The objectives of the study are to employ an open source module FreeFem++ to efficiently develop a finite element groundwater flow and transport model, validate the developed model, calibrate and implement the developed mode for a site-specific problem. This study used MODFLOW and a analytical solution to evaluate the accuracy of the developed model for groundwater flow and contaminant transport. The model is then applied to a practical trichlorethylene (TCE) contaminated site. Geostatistical ordinary kriging method was used to analysis the hydrogeological parameters. The results of the kriged parameters are then employed in the model for site-specific calibrations. Based on the extensive observations and remediation data from the study site, the simulation results showed reasonably the behavior of plume migration. The RMSE of concentration is from 0.1 mg/L to 0.69 mg/L depending on the locations of wells. This study used the developed model to assess the strategies of natural decay and pump and treat remediations. The simulation results indicated that pumping remediation method is effective in the downstram when TCE concentration higher than 0.1 mg/L. However, the remediation efficiency of pump and treat reduces with the low TCE concentration (<0.1mg/L). If the concentration in aquifer lower than 0.05 mg/L, the long term operations of pump and treat show results same as the natural attenuation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 有限元素法
★ 污染傳輸模式
★ 一般克利金法
★ 三氯乙烯
★ FreeFEM++
關鍵字(英) ★ finite element method
★ contaminant transport
★ ordinary kriging
★ FreeFEM++
論文目次 摘要 .................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRACT ..................................................................................................... ii
致謝 .................................................................................................................. iv
目錄 ................................................................................................................... v
圖目錄 ............................................................................................................ viii
表目錄 ............................................................................................................... x
符號說明 .......................................................................................................... xi
第一章 緒論 ..................................................................................................... 1
1-1 前言 ..................................................................................................... 1
1-2 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................. 2
1-2-1 地下水污染物議題 .......................................................................... 3
1-2-2 地下水污染傳輸模式研究 .............................................................. 5
1-3 研究目的 .............................................................................................. 8
1-4 研究流程與工作項目 .......................................................................... 9
第二章 研究區域概況 ................................................................................... 11
2-1 研究區域 ............................................................................................ 11
2-2 氣候與水文地質 ................................................................................ 14
2-3 地質鑽探 ............................................................................................ 15
2-4 污染整治歷程 .................................................................................... 16
第三章 研究方法與理論 ............................................................................... 20
3-1 FreeFEM++開放源模組 ................................................................... 20
3-2 控制方程式與變分形式 .................................................................... 22
3-3 現地水文地質參數統計模式 ............................................................ 28
第四章 模式驗證與應用 ............................................................................... 34
4-1 模式驗證 ............................................................................................ 34
4-2 場址尺度模式應用 ............................................................................ 36
4-2-1 概念模式 ........................................................................................ 36
4-2-2 水文地質參數設定 ........................................................................ 40
4-2-3 參數敏感度分析與模式率定 ........................................................ 41
4-2-4 整治情境模擬 ................................................................................ 49
第五章 模擬結果與討論 ............................................................................... 51
5-1 水流模式驗證 .................................................................................... 51
5-2 移流延散模式驗證 ............................................................................ 54
5-3 模式率定結果 .................................................................................... 57
5-4 後續整治情境模擬 ............................................................................ 63
5-4-1 自然衰減法 .................................................................................... 63
5-4-2 抽水整治法 .................................................................................... 66
第六章 結論與建議 ....................................................................................... 77
6-1 結論 ................................................................................................... 77
6-2 建議 .................................................................................................... 79
參考文獻 ......................................................................................................... 80
附錄一 ............................................................................................................. 86
附錄二 ............................................................................................................. 93

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指導教授 倪春發、郭志禹(Chuen-Fa Ni Chih-Yu Kuo) 審核日期 2015-8-24
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