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姓名 朱宗乙(Chung-I Chu)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 藝術學研究所
論文名稱 十九世紀美國攝影師彌爾頓 ‧ 米勒的 「中國式」 風格及中國攝影師的回應
(American Photographer Milton Miller′s “Chinese” Portrait Style and Chinese Photographer′s Response in the Nineteenth-Century)
★ 清王炳仿趙伯駒桃源圖研究 兼論乾隆朝畫院設色山水創作★ 畫學復興思救國-論黃賓虹畫學中的救國思想與其晚年的北宋畫風
★ 臺灣八景從清代到日據時期的轉變★ 傅抱石對<畫雲台山記>的詮釋與其國畫改革的關係
★ 董希文之「油畫中國風」研究★ 李日華繪畫鑑藏品味之研究
★ 豐子愷文人抒情漫畫研究--以1937年以前畫作為例★ 北宋墨竹繪畫研究
★ 金農.羅聘.黃慎的神佛鬼魅像研究★ 儒士.貳臣.收藏賞鑒家--孫承澤(1592-1676)之生活.繪畫品味與影響
★ 郎靜山﹝1892-1995﹞中國畫意攝影研究★ 梁鼎銘(1898-1959)大陸時期西畫創作研究
★ 休寧貴公子,邗上大畫師-查士標生平與繪畫研究★ 吳偉人物畫風格研究
★ 梅清(1623-1697)的生平與藝術★ 戴本孝生平與繪畫研究
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摘要(中) 本論文的研究對象為美國攝影師彌爾頓.米勒於 1860 年代來華後創作的一
摘要(英) The main idea of this thesis is that “Chinese” portrait style photos created by
American photographer Milton Miller in the 1860s, the special feature of this group of
photos was to point out the photography in the nineteenth century China′s spread,
adaptation and adjustment process, as well as penetrated some of Chinese cultural,
technical and business-oriented. From the works, in addition to look at the Western
photographers how to be influenced by the Chinese art tradition; similarly, this essay
has shown that as the craft of photography in China became well honed, the
conventions of Chinese painting were as likely to be embraced as avoided. In the
competition with the Western photographers, Chinese photographers how to use their
own way to understand and use these Western technology, is also to deal with.
關鍵字(中) ★ 十九世紀中國攝影
★ 商業肖像攝影
★ 中國攝影師
★ 彌爾頓‧米勒
★ 中國式風格
關鍵字(英) ★ Milton Miller
論文目次 中文摘要.........................................................................................................................i
第一章 中國早期商業肖像攝影的發展 ...................................................................11
第一節 西方攝影師的引介( 1842-1860) ..........................................................12
第二節 香港早期的中國商業攝影師....................................................................24
第二章 米勒中國肖像攝影的繪畫性 .......................................................................33
第一節 創造「中國式」風格................................................................................33
(一) 「無名氏」照片..........................................................................................33
(二) 人種學與商業攝影......................................................................................35
第二節 如何再造中國肖像風格............................................................................42
(一) 扮裝..............................................................................................................42
(二) 相術..............................................................................................................44
第三節 為何創造「中國式」 ................................................................................47
第三章 中國攝影師對「中國式」風格的回應:以賴阿芳、梁時泰為主 ...........54
第一節 賴阿芳的肖像照表現................................................................................54
(一) 西方觀察家對中國肖像攝影風格的評論..................................................54
(二) 中國人的「中國式」肖像..........................................................................56
(三) 米勒底片的晒印..........................................................................................59
(四) 中西攝影風格的善用..................................................................................62
第二節 梁時泰的肖像照表現................................................................................65
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指導教授 周芳美 審核日期 2017-10-25
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