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姓名 陳致瑋(Chih-Wei Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 光電科學與工程學系
論文名稱 以漸變銦含量的主動層增加氮化銦鎵光伏元件的載子收集率
(Improving carrier collection with graded InGaN based solar cell)
★ 影像式外差干涉術之建立★ 陶瓷基板上的高壓薄膜氮化鎵發光二極體之設計、製作與分析
★ 光譜解析單像素重建顯微術於雙光子激發螢光與拉曼造影之研究★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵異質磊晶術
★ 矽基板上的氮化物太陽能電池★ 矽摻雜氮化鎵之光伏特性:中間能帶太陽能電池的潛力評估
★ 以氧化鋅薄膜輔助成長於矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶層★ 氮化物光伏元件之製程優化及硒化鎘量子點的應用
★ 矽基板上的氮化鎵磊晶術:以氧化鎵為緩衝★ 具穿隧結構之反向極化電場氮化銦鎵發光二極體
★ 強度敏感式影像橢圓儀及應用★ 成長於同調性基板的氮化鎵及氮化鋁磊晶層
★ 以奈米異質磊晶術在矽基板上成長的半極性氮化銦鎵量子井★ 氧化鋅的熱分解對矽基板上氮化鎵奈米異質磊晶的影響
★ 溫度效應對矽基板上的氮化鎵有機金屬氣相沉積法之探討★ 氮化物表面電漿生醫感測之理論分析
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摘要(中) 由於氮化銦鎵材料的能帶可調範圍從0.7eV 到3.4eV,此三元化合物便成為光伏元件的熱門材料,理論上,多接面太陽能電池可透過適當的銦摻雜,使得全光譜的太陽能電池得以實現,但在氮化銦鎵太陽能電池的研究上的轉換效率仍低於3 % ,其歸因於許多的材料限制,例如材料成長品質與長波長吸收的權衡,不足的載子收集等。
在此研究中,我們以漸變銦含量的氮化銦鎵作為主動層,其目的為增加載子的收集及吸收光譜的範圍。我們準備了三種樣品: 兩種漸變銦含量的氮化銦鎵太陽能電池,其厚度分別為 172 nm 及184 nm,及一固定15 % 銦含量的傳統型 p-i-n 結構。所有樣本皆由有機金屬化學氣相沉積法成長於藍寶石基板上,根據電流-電壓曲線及量子光譜圖的結果,漸變結構的太陽能電池的轉換效率高於傳統的p-i-n結構,但增加主動層的厚度卻導致較低的轉換效率。結果顯示漸變能帶結構能夠有效地增加載子的收集,除此之外,模擬結果指出極化效應亦對於載子收集有重大的影響。
摘要(英) The tunable band gaps of InGaN, spanning from 3.4eV (GaN) to 0.7eV (InN), make the ternary alloy an attractive material system for photovoltaic devices. Although the absorption of nearly full solar spectrum is theoretically possible with the multi-junction containing properly selected indium compositions, the measured conversion efficiencies of InGaN-based solar cells are typically below 3 %.The unsatisfactory performances can be attributed to many material issues such as the trade-off between long-wavelength absorption and high material qualities, insufficient carrier collection etc.
In this work, a single InxGa1-xN layer with graded composition was employed as the active region for nitride-based solar cells. The goal is to increase carrier collection efficiencies and the wavelength range of optical absorption. Three types of solar cells were studied: the graded InxGa1-xN junctions with the lengths of 172 nm and 184 nm, and InxGa1-xN junction with fixed indium composition (x = 0.15). All the devices were grown by metal organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). According to the results of J-V curves under solar illumination and quantum-efficiency spectra, it is found that photovoltaic performances measured with the graded junctions are superior to those obtained with fixed indium content, but lengthening the junction leads to lower efficiencies. The results indicate that carrier collection can be enhanced by the graded conduction and valence band edges. In addition, theoretical analyses based on self-consistent 1D Poisson and Schrödinger equations indicate that polarization effect also plays an important role in photo-current generation.
關鍵字(中) ★ 漸變銦鎵太陽能電池 關鍵字(英)
CHINESE ABSTRACT…………………………………………….…i
ENGLISH ABSTRACT…………………………….……….…….….ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………..v
LIST OF TABLES…………………………………………………..vii
LIST OF FIGURES………………………………………………...viii
LIST OF SYMBOLS………………………………………………..xi
1. INTRODUCTION………………………………………………...1
1.1 Why III-nitrides for solar cells?………………………………….….....1
1.2 Brief history and progress in III-nitride solar cells……………….….....3
1.3 The challenges………………………………………………………......8
1.4 The advantages of graded InGaN absorption layer………….………...12
1.5 Motivation and thesis overview…………….……………….………...15
2. EXPERIMENTS…………………………………………………17
2.1 Design of device structure………………………………….………….17
2.2 Epitaxial growth…………………………………………………….…19
2.3 Device fabrication……………………………………………………..21
2.4 Measurement instruments……………………………………………..23
2.4.1 External quantum efficiency……………………………………..23
2.4.2 I-V curve under AM1.5G illumination…………………………..25
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION……………………………….…28
3.1 EQE feature……………………………………………………….…..28
3.2 J-V curve feature…………………………………………………….…31
3.3 Theoretical analyses with calculated band diagrams………………….34
4.1 Conclusion…………………………………………………………….40
4.2 Future work……………………………………………………………41
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指導教授 賴昆佑(Kun-Yu Lai) 審核日期 2016-12-28
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