博碩士論文 103322006 詳細資訊

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姓名 張顥(Hao Chang)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
論文名稱 二維固體有限元素之幾何非線性動力分析
★ 隔震橋梁含防落裝置與阻尼器之非線性動力反應分析研究★ 橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 應用位移設計法於雙層隔震橋之研究★ 具坡度橋面橋梁碰撞效應研究
★ 橋梁極限破壞分析與耐震性能研究★ 應用多項式摩擦單擺支承之隔震橋梁研究
★ 橋梁含多重防落裝置之極限狀態動力分析★ 強震中橋梁極限破壞三維分析
★ 隔震橋梁之最佳化結構控制★ 跨越斷層橋梁之極限動力分析
★ 塑鉸極限破壞數值模型開發★ 橋梁直接基礎搖擺之極限分析
★ 考量斷層錯動與塑鉸破壞之橋梁極限分析★ Impact response and shear fragmentation of RC buildings during progressive collapse
★ 應用多項式滾動支承之隔震橋梁研究★ Numerical Simulation of Bridges with Inclined
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摘要(中) 結構分析之首要目的為決定結構體系在已知載重下所對應構件
摘要(英) The main idea of structural analysis is to determine the stress, strain and
displacement of the system. Before the computational mechanics had
been developed, several analysis were conducted by treating the
structures as a series of bar, beam, plate and shell members and derived
the simplified governing equations which were based on the mechanics of
material and structural mechanics.
Since the computers have been developed, mechanics finally can combine
with the numerical analysis, the computational mechanics started to be
widely applied and had a great effect on convenience and solving difficult
problems. Among several numerical method, the nonlinear finite element,
which is based on the principle of virtual work, can give more accuracy in
the analysis, but sometimes the derivation is too complicated, also,
traditional finite element method is of coupled matrix formulation, this
phenomenon lead to a difficult point on solving the simultaneous
equations if the structural system is huge enough or the mechanical
behavior is complex, when a system contains the above problems the
matrix calculation will waste too much time or even can make the matrix
solution singular.
In order to solve the problems of traditional finite element, in this study
we consider an easy way to treat the geometric nonlinearity, that is,
corotational formulation, also, constructing the uncoupled-type equations
of motion and solving them by the use of implicit Newmark-β method,
and deriving nonlinear plane solid elements as well as testing their ability
at highly geometrically nonlinear analysis.
關鍵字(中) ★ 計算力學
★ 幾何非線性
★ 共轉座標演算法
★ 非耦合型態
★ 隱式Newmark-β 法
★ 二維固體元素
關鍵字(英) ★ computational mechanics
★ geometric nonlinearity
★ corotational formulation
★ uncoupled
★ implicit Newmark-β method
★ plane solid element
論文目次 摘 要……………………………………………………..……………….I
誌 謝…………………………………………………...……………….III
目 錄..…………………………………………………..…..…………..IV
表 目 錄………………………………………………..……….……VIII
圖 目 錄………………………………………………..…….………IX
第一章 緒論………………………………………...…..……………….1
1.1 研究動機與目的………………………………..………………1
1.2 文獻回顧……………………………………..…………………2
1.2.1 向量式有限元素法………………….………………….2
1.2.2 幾何非線性有限元素法……………..…………….4
1.3 論文架構…….…………………………………………………7
第二章 幾何非線性有限元素法…………………….……………..8
2.1 平衡方程式與虛功原理…………………………..…………8
2.2 應變與應力分析…………………………………..………..11
2.2.1 參考構形…………………………………..……...…..11
2.2.2 變形梯度…………………………………..……...…..12
2.2.3 應變與應力………………………………….…...…..15
2.2.4 應力與應變描述之空間轉換………………….…..19
2.3 幾何非線性有限元推演法…………….……………………24
2.3.1 更新式增量拉格朗日演算法.………………….…25
2.3.2 更新式增量共轉座標演算法.………………….…29
第三章 二維共轉固體有限元之推導…………………………...…39
3.1 離散模型與控制方程式………………….….………………39
3.2 共轉座標與剛體旋轉……………...………….………………41
3.2.1 共轉座標之取………………………………………..41
3.2.2 剛體旋轉計算………………………………..……..42
3.3 固體元素之節點應力與內力…………………………..……..46
3.3.1 三節點等應元…………………………………..…….47
3.3.2 四節點等參數元……………………………………...56
3.4 固體元素之節點外力…………………………………..……..61
3.4.1 三節點等應變元…………………………...…..……..61
3.4.2 四節點等參數元………...............................…..……..63
3.5 固體元素之節點質量………....................................…..……..64
第四章 採用隱式直接積分法之有限元素……………………..……..74
4.1 隱式 Newmark-直接積分計算程序…………….………74
4.2 二維固體元素勁度比例阻尼力計算……………………….83
第五章 數值算例分析與驗證…………………………………………90
5.1 元素之剛體轉動檢驗…………………………………………90
5.1.1 三節點等應變元之剛體旋轉測試…………………90
5.1.2 四節點等參數元之剛體旋轉測試…………………91
5.2 大變形與大變位之靜力分析…………………….………...…91
5.2.1 柔性懸臂梁受靜態集中載重分析…….………...…92
5.2.2 柔性懸臂梁受靜態均佈載重分析…….………...…93
5.2.3 方形框架之大變位分析….…………………...…...…95
5.2.4 無約束直梁端點受均佈剪應力之運動...……........…96
5.3 結構失穩行為分析…………………………………………....97
5.3.1 底端固接頂端自由之理想柱挫屈分析……...……....98
5.3.2 兩端鉸接之理想柱挫屈分析……...………………....99
5.4 動力分析…………………………………………………......101
5.4.1 兩端固定之繩索大變位振動分析……………......101
5.4.2 單點支承梁受自重之單擺運動………………......102
5.4.3 雷利阻尼之動力歷時分析驗證………………......103
第六章 結論與未來展望…………………………………...….…..…153
6.1 結論……………………………………………………...…153
6.2 未來展望……………………………………………………..156
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指導教授 李姿瑩(Tzu-Ying Lee) 審核日期 2016-1-27
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