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姓名 朴莉媮(Tyas Wahyu Pramesthi) 查詢紙本館藏 畢業系所 土木工程學系 論文名稱 以生命週期評估滾筒碴與轉爐石應用於瀝青混凝土之研究
(Life Cycle Assessment of BSSF and BOF Slag DGAC Pavement)相關論文 檔案 [Endnote RIS 格式]
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摘要(中) 本研究聚焦於瞭解使用天然粒料與採用鋼碴取代粗粒料之兩種密級配瀝青混凝土,其對於全球暖化潛勢(Global Warming Potential, GWP)之影響。使用的鋼碴材料分別為轉爐石(Basic Oxygen Furnace, BOF)及滾筒碴(Baosteel’s Slag Short Flow, BSSF),並藉由Gabi 6 生命週期計算軟體之使用,深入瞭解鋪面活動產生之全球暖化潛勢,發現使用轉爐石或滾筒碴取代粗粒料會使全球暖化潛勢上昇。依據模擬運算結果顯示,全球暖化潛勢會隨粒料使用量多寡而增加,使用10%、20%、30%及100%之鋼碴取代粗粒料於面層內相較於傳統密級配瀝青混凝土會使全球暖化潛勢增加4.78%至7.13%之間,然而以鋪築成本考量,使用鋼碴會帶來巨大效益。
摘要(英) This research is focused on how Global Warming Potential (GWP) was influenced by natural aggregates and replacement of coarse natural aggregate with steel slag on Dense Grade Asphalt Concrete (DGAC). Two types of steel slag, Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) and Baosteel’s Slag Short Flow (BSSF) slag were used to replace coarse natural aggregates. By using GaBi 6 Education software, this research discovered GWP which caused by pavement’s activities. Replacement of coarse aggregate with steel slag including BOF or BSSF slag will increase GWP. According to the simulation result, the GWP will increase varies depending on the amount of aggregate used. By using 10%, 20%, 30% and 100% steel slag which replace coarse aggregate in surface layer, GWP was increase between 4.78% until 7.13% compared to the traditional DGAC. However, based on construction cost point of view, using steel slag give significant benefit. The results show that by using BOF or BSSF slag save 3.66% (DGAC 10% steel slag) until 36.47% (DGAC 100% steel slag) of total cost compare to traditional DGAC. Based on the results of GWP simulation and cost analysis, replacement of coarse natural aggregate with steel slag (BOF or BSSF) in DGAC is acceptable and worthy of further research. 關鍵字(中) ★ 密級配瀝青混凝土鋪面
★ 鋼碴
★ Gabi6
★ 全球暖化潛勢
★ 成本關鍵字(英) 論文目次 ABSTRACT i
Contents iii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 2
1.3 Research Scope 2
1.4 Research Flowchart 4
2.1 Steel Slag and Asphalt Concrete 5
2.2 Steelmaking Processes in Taiwan 6
2.3 Type and Utilization of Steel Slag 6
2.3.1 Steel Slag as Waste Material 7
2.3.2 Steel Slag as Recycled Material 7
2.4 Benefit Using Steel Slag in Road Construction 8
2.4 Life Cycle Assessment 9
2.5 Life Cycle Assessment on Pavement 11
2.6 Greenhouse Gasses Emissions 12
2.7 GaBi 6 as LCA software 13
3.1 Life Cycle Inventory Data 15
3.1.1 Road Section 15
3.1.2 Production Phase 16
3.1.3 Construction Phase 21
3.2 Impact Assessment Phase using GaBi 6 26
3.2.1 Gabi 6 26
3.2.2 Limitation on GaBi 6 27
3.3 Cost Calculation 27
4.1 General Design Scheme 28
4.2 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for traditional DGAC 28
4.3 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for Pavement with BOF slag 29
4.4 Life Cycle Inventory Analysis for Pavement with BSSF slag 31
4.5 Impact Assessment of Traditional DGAC pavement 32
4.6 Impact Assessment of Pavement with steel slag 36
4.6.1 Impact Assessment of BOF DGAC Pavement with Steel Production 37
4.6.2 Impact Assessment of 100% BOF DGAC Pavement without Steel Production 39
4.6.3 Impact Assessment of BOF DGAC using 30%, 20%, 10% slag without Steel Production 41
4.6.4 Impact Assessment of BSSF DGAC Pavement with Steel Production 47
4.6.5 Impact Assessment of 100% BSSF DGAC Pavement without Steel Production 49
4.6.6 Impact Assessment of BSSF DGAC using 30%, 20%, 10% of slag without Steel Production 52
4.6.7 Construction Phase 57
4.7 Cost Analysis 59
4.7.1 Traditional DGAC Cost 59
4.7.2 BOF DGAC Cost 60
4.7.3 BSSF DGAC Cost 61
4.8 Discussion 63
4.8.1 Global Warming Potential 63
4.8.2 Pavement Construction Cost 64
4.8.3 Transportation Cost 65
4.8.4 GWP and Cost Comparison 66
5.1 Conclusion 68
5.2 Recommendation 68
Reference 70
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指導教授 陳世晃、林志棟 審核日期 2015-7-3 推文 plurk
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