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姓名 李妍霏(Fita Ariyanti)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 土木工程學系
(The Comparison Study of Various Surface Maintenance Alternatives in Taiwan Freeway)
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摘要(中) 高速公路是台灣的一個重要途徑,將繼續逐年增長。規範高速公路的管理應在維護和修復(M&R)被視為監視路面狀況。正確的M&R 是考慮成本和性能需求進行評估。壽命週期成本分析(LCCA)是一種經濟工具相比,路面M&R 項目,包括維護和修復項目的最佳替代選項。本研究通過利用廣西段為例高速公路3 號評估路面台灣高速公路基於全壽命成本的最佳厚度層這項研究創造了6 種替代和參數包括一個固定的摩擦層的厚度,三名康復厚度和2 康復週期。每一個替代指標是基於RealCost 軟件和國際平整度指數(IRI)值的基礎上的關係確定性分析的總成本。通過使用5 年,7 年,5 厘米,8 厘米和厚度層為10 厘米的康復週期給影響到它通過測量IRI 年M&R 的成本和路面狀況。直到16%至7年的康復週期與5 厘米厚度的作為比較基礎5 年10 厘米厚度層的康復週期是提高了IRI。然而,基於視年度M&R 成本點,這種替代是53%更昂貴相比的比較基數。對於M&R最低的機構和用戶的成本是7 年間重修週期與5 厘米的表面來實現,而EUAC(相當於統一年費)這個選擇是新台幣1.62 億,並得到了IRI 值是2,結果顯示更昂貴的年度M&R成本是指示更好的路面狀況的路面下IRI 性能。而作為本研究中提到的結論是用5 厘米的表面具有7 年生命週期分析是最佳可行的解決方案,值得台灣的高速公路被採用,尤其是在廣西科。
摘要(英) Freeway is an important pathway in Taiwan that will continue to increase every year.
Management of regulating freeway should be considered in maintenance and rehabilitation (M&R) to monitor the pavement condition. Proper M&R that considers the cost and performance have to be assessed. Life Cycle Cost Analysis (LCCA) is an economic tool to compare the best
alternative option for the pavement of M&R project, including the maintenance and rehabilitation projects. This study evaluates the optimum thickness layer for pavement in Taiwan Freeway based on LCCA by taking a case study of Guanxi Section in Freeway No. 3. This study
created six types of alternative and the parameter include one fixed friction layer thickness, three
rehabitation thickness and two rehabitation cycles. The indicators for each alternative are the total cost based on the deterministic analysis by RealCost software and International Roughness Index (IRI) value based on the relationship. By using 5 years and 7 years of rehabilitation cycle with 5 cm, 8 cm, and 10 cm of thickness layer gave the influenced of annual M&R cost and pavement condition which measured by IRI. 5 years of rehabilitation cycle with 10 cm of thickness layer was improved the IRI until 16% compared to 7 years of rehabilitation cycle with 5 cm of thickness as a comparative base. However, based on the annual M&R cost point of view, this alternative is 53% more expensive opposed to the comparative base. The lowest agency and
user cost for M&R were achieved by 7 years of rehabilitation cycle, with 5 cm of the surface,
and the EUAC (equivalent uniform annual cost) for this alternative, is NTD 162 million and got the IRI value is 2. The results show that more expensive the annual M&R cost, the lower IRI performance for the pavement that indicates better pavement condition. And as mentioned by
this study conclude that by using 5 cm of the surface with 7 years of life cycle analysis is the best feasible solution and worthy to be adopted in Taiwan freeway, especially in Guanxi Section.
關鍵字(中) ★ 高速公路
★ 壽命週期成本分析(LCCA)
關鍵字(英) ★ Freeway
★ Life Cycle Cost Analysis
摘要 ii
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
1.1 Research Background 1
1.2 Research Objectives 2
1.3 Research Scope 2
1.4 Study Skeleton 4
2.1 Freeway System in Taiwan 5
2.2 Taiwan Freeway No. 3 6
2.3 Pavement Structure in Taiwan Freeway 7
2.4 M&R of Road Pavement 8
2.5 International Roughness Index (IRI) 9
2.6 Budgeting and Taiwan Economic Growth 9
2.7 Traffic 10
2.7.1 Annual Average Daily Traffic 10
2.7.2 Traffic Annual Growth 10
2.8 Life Cycle Cost Analysis 11
2.8.1 Economic Analysis Components 13
2.8.2 Cost Factors 15
3.1 Data Collection and Pavement Performance Condition 18
3.1.1 Network Data 18
3.1.2 Traffic Data 21
3.2 Pavement M&R 24
3.2.1 Material Requirements 25
3.2.2 Material Costs 26
3.2.3 Time 27
3.3 Cost Analysis by RealCost 27
3.4 Limitation on Realcost 30
4.1 Current Condition of Road Section 33
4.2 Material Requirements 33
4.3 Estimated Time Schedule and Cost 35
4.4 Agency and User Cost from RealCost Software 41
4.5 M&R budget and International Roughness Index Relationship 50
4.6 Discussion 53
4.6.1 The Comparison of estimated workdays 53
4.6.2 IRI prediction of various alternatives 54
5.1 Conclusion 58
5.2 Recommendation 58
APPENDIX : Life Cycle Cost Analysis Steps using RealCost 62
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指導教授 陳世晃、林志棟(Shih-Huang Chen Jyh-Dong Lin) 審核日期 2016-4-7
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