博碩士論文 103326012 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳又新(You-Sin Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 環境工程研究所
論文名稱 下水污泥與工業區廢水污泥共同蒸氣氣化產能效率與重金屬分佈特性之研究
(The study on energy yield and metals partitioning characterization by co-steam gasification of sewage sludge and industrial wastewater sludge)
★ 大學生對綠建材認知與態度之研究★ 塑膠廢棄物催化裂解產能效率與裂解油物種特性變化之評估研究
★ 應用高壓蒸氣技術製備抗菌輕質材料及其 特性評估研究★ 加速碳酸鹽反應對都市垃圾焚化灰渣捕捉二氧化碳之可行性評估研究
★ 應用無機聚合物技術探討都市垃圾焚化飛灰 無害化之可行性研究★ 動畫與教學介入對桃園市某國小六年級學童環境行動影響之研究
★ 應用自製催化劑評估廢車破碎殘餘物氣化產能效率及污染物排放特性★ 應用熱裂解技術評估廢車破碎殘餘物轉換能源效率及重金屬排放特性
★ 應用揮發性有機物自動採樣技術評估工業區異味污染物來源及指紋之可行性研究★ 評估傳統濕式洗滌塔對印刷電路板防焊製程之揮發性有機氣體去除效率之研究
★ 污水處理廠逸散微粒之物理、化學及生物特性分析★ 應用熱氣清淨系統提升稻稈氣化過程合成氣品質及污染物去除之可行性研究
★ 台北都會區PM1.0微粒物理特徵描述與含碳氣膠來源分析★ 以無人飛行載具(UAV)平台探討空氣污染物之垂直分佈特徵及搭載之氣膠儀器性能評估
★ 淨水污泥與漿紙污泥煅燒灰共同製備輕質化 材料之抗菌特性評估研究★ 評估機械處理(MT)技術製備一般事業廢棄物固態衍生燃料之可行性研究
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摘要(中) 本研究利用氣化處理技術探討下水污泥與工業區污水處理廠衍生之污泥(以下簡稱廢水污泥),在控制當量比(equivalence ratio, ER)、氣化溫度(600~800℃)、廢水污泥摻混比例(0~60%),以及蒸氣生質物比(Steam/Biomass, S/B) (0、0.5及1.0)等條件下,下水污泥與廢水污泥共同蒸氣氣化反應過程,合成氣及產氣組成特性、產物分佈特性、產能效率及重金屬排放分佈特性之影響。此外,本研究亦利用熱重-紅外線光譜儀,在改變不同升溫速率條件下,探討兩種污泥共同熱處理過程之反應動力,以及物種官能基之變化。
根據熱重-紅外線光譜試驗分析結果可知,熱反應主要區分為三個階段,分別為200~400℃之纖維素/半纖維素分解階段,400~600℃木質素之分解階段,以及800~900℃之固定碳分解階段。其中裂解反應條件過程,主要由脫揮發、脫氫等反應,產生羰基、芳香族類,以及含O-H和C-H鍵之官能基產物。當反應條件改為二氧化碳之反應氣氛時,則會在第三階段發生Boudouard反應,氣相物種亦有C-O鍵結之官能基物種產生。至於以ER為0.3之空氣氣化反應條件時,除前述之物種外,氣相產物增加醚類及有機酸等物種之產生。反應活化能分析結果顯示,反應活化能隨廢水污泥比例增加而降低,其中裂解條件之反應活化能自44.5 kJ/mol降至22.1 kJ/mol,而反應條件改為二氧化碳及空氣氣化時,反應活化能則分別由37.7 kJ/mol及40.7 kJ/mol降至19.5 kJ/mol及19.1 kJ/mol,其說明增加廢水污泥比例,能使反應活化能降低,而氣化反應相較於裂解反應,亦較易將污泥轉化成氣相產物。
根據下水污泥與廢水污泥之共同氣化反應結果顯示,氣化反應溫度為800℃,廢水污泥比例由0%增加至40%時,合成氣之氫氣組成比例約自9.10 vol.%增加至12.46 vol.%,穩定階段之冷燃氣效率則由37.89 %增加至60.85 %。控制不同S/B及廢水污泥比例之條件下,隨著蒸氣量增加,有助於下水污泥及廢水污泥共同氣化之反應,其中穩定階段之冷燃氣效率最高可達60.85%。根據氣化產物之能量分佈特性結果顯示,產物能量分佈以氣體產物為主,約佔30~50%,而固體產物與液體產物之能量分佈比例皆小於10%。此外,氣化反應溫度為800℃,且控制不同廢水污泥添加比例與蒸氣生質物比之條件下,總能源回收效率約介於31.59~50.91%,同時,增加廢水污泥比例,能有效地提昇能源轉換效率。根據氣化產物之重金屬分佈特性結果可知,廢水污泥添加比例增加,固體殘餘物之Cu、Zn及Cr等重金屬含量亦隨之增加,至於重金屬Pb含量則呈現降低之現象,此與污泥之化學特性有關。此外,揮發溫度較高之金屬(如Cu、Cr等),則主要分佈於固體產物。
摘要(英) This research investigates that evaluation on energy yields and metals partitioning characterization in co-gasification of sewage sludge (SS) and industrial wastewater sludge (IS) using fluidized bed gasifier with controlling temperature (600~800℃), IS ratio (0% to 60%), and steam-to-biomass ratio (S/B)(0 to 1.0).The functional group of gaseous speciation, thermal and kinetic characteristics in co-gasification of SS and IS by a thermal gravimetric analysis connected with a Fourier-transformed infrared spectrometer (TGA-FTIR) were also discussed.
The experimental results indicated that the thermal decomposition stages of tested sludge were including cellulose/semi-cellulose cracking stage (200~400℃), lignin decomposition stage (400~600℃), and fixed carbon volatilization stage (800~900℃) by TGA-FTIR. In the case of pyrolysis condition, the functional group of carbonyl, aromatic, O-H, and C-H were identified via devolatilization and dehydration reaction during thermal conversion process. When the CO2 used as reaction atmosphere, the functional group of C-O was identified in the gaseous products resulting in Boudouard reaction. In the case of gasification reaction (ER 0.3), the above functional groups were also identified in thermal conversion. However, the functional groups of ether and organic acid were extra speciation identified in the gaseous products. Based on the analysis results of pyrolysis condition, the activation energy was significantly decreased from 44.5 kJ/mol to 22.1 kJ/mol with IS addition ratio increasing from 0% to 100%. In the case of CO2 and air gasification, the activation energy was also decreased from 37.7 kJ/mol to 19.5 kJ/mol and from 40.7 kJ/mol to 19.1 kJ/mol with an increase in IS addition ratio, respectively. This is because the catalytic effect on the promotion of thermal reaction resulting in IS contains some Fe/Mn contents.
In the case of gasification temperature 800℃, the hydrogen production was increased from 9.1 vol. % to 12.46 vol.% with the IS addition ratio increasing from 0% to 40%. The cold gas efficiency (CGE) was significantly increased from 37.89% to 60.85%. Meanwhile, the energy conversion and CGE were increased with the steam-to-biomass ratio increasing. This is due to the steam will enhance the water gas reaction in the gasification process. Based on the energy distribution analysis results, the energy yield was approximately 30%~50% produced from gaseous products in co-gasification of tested sludge. In the case of gasification temperature 800℃, the total energy recovery rate was approximately ranged from 31.59% to 50.91%. By increasing IS addition ratio, it could enhance the total energy recovery rate in co-gasification. The metals partitioning results indicated that the Cu, Zn, and Cr were partitioned in solid phase with an increase in IS addition ratio. However, Pb partitioning percentage of solid phase was decreasing with IS addition ratio increasing. The metals partitioning characteristics were affected by sludge and metals physicochemical properties. In summary, the basic characterization of sewage sludge and industrial wastewater sludge and their kinetic parameters during thermal process were established, but also the confirmation on performance of industrial wastewater sludge used as co-gasification material and feasibility of improving energy yield. Therefore, the results of this study could provide the good information for energy conversion technologies selection of organic sludge waste.
關鍵字(中) ★ 下水污泥
★ 氣化
★ 共同氣化
★ 廢水污泥
★ 重金屬分佈
關鍵字(英) ★ sewage sludge
★ gasification
★ co-gasification
★ industrial wastewater sludge
★ heavy metals partitioning
論文目次 誌謝 i
摘要 iii
Abstract v
目錄 vii
圖目錄 xi
表目錄 xv
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 5
2-1 台灣地區污泥現況分析 5
2-1-1 下水污泥現況分析 6
2-1-2 工業區廢水污泥現況分析 9
2-1-3 污泥再利用現況 9
2-2 氣化技術原理及應用 15
2-2-1 氣化反應階段之探討 16
2-2-2 氣化操作因子對產氣效率之影響 18
2-2-3 下水污泥共同氣化提昇產能效率之探討 26
2-3 蒸氣氣化產能效率之評估 30
2-3-1 蒸氣含量對蒸氣氣化之影響 34
2-3-2 原料含水率對蒸氣氣化之影響 36
2-4 催化劑對蒸氣氣化效率之影響 39
2-4-1 催化劑之種類與選擇 43
2-4-2 催化劑之反應機制 48
第三章 研究材料與方法 55
3-1 實驗材料 55
3-1-1 下水污泥 55
3-1-2 廢水污泥 56
3-2 實驗方法 57
3-2-1 實驗設備 57
3-2-2 試驗操作條件 59
3-2-3 試驗流程 61
3-2-4 動力學分析 62
3-3 分析項目及方法 65
3-3-1 下水污泥與廢水污泥基本特性分析 65
3-3-2 氣化產物分析 69
3-3-3 評估指標 74
第四章 結果與討論 77
4-1 原料基本物化特性 77
4-1-1 下水污泥之基本性質分析 77
4-1-2 廢水污泥之基本性質分析 80
4-2 下水污泥與廢水污泥之熱動力分析 83
4-2-1 熱重損失之分析結果 83
4-2-2 反應活性及活化能之分析結果 85
4-2-3 下水污泥與廢水污泥熱反應過程之氣相物種分析 107
4-3 廢水污泥與下水污泥共同氣化產能效率之評估 117
4-3-1 氣化反應操作穩定性分析 117
4-3-2 共同氣化之產氣組成變化影響 124
4-3-3 共同氣化之液相產物特性分析 138
4-3-4 共同氣化之固相產物特性分析 149
4-3-5 質量平衡 157
4-4 共同氣化之產能效率評估 166
4-4-1 共同氣化之合成氣特性分析 166
4-4-2 能量分佈特性 172
4-5 氣化產物之污染物分佈特性 177
4-5-1 氣化產物之氯分佈特性 177
4-5-2 氣化產物之重金屬分佈特性 181
第五章 結論與建議 197
5-1 結論 197
5-1-1 廢水污泥比例與反應條件對熱反應行為與活化能之影響結果 197
5-1-2 廢水污泥比例與S/B 對氣化產氣組成之影響結果 197
5-1-3 廢水污泥比例與S/B 對氣化產能效率提昇之影響結果 198
5-1-4 廢水污泥比例與S/B 對污染物分佈特性之影響 199
5-2 建議 200
參考文獻 201
附錄 217
附錄一 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(600℃, SS:IS=100:0, S/B=0) 217
附錄二 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(700℃, SS:IS=100:0, S/B=0) 218
附錄三 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=100:0, S/B=0) 219
附錄四 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=80:20, S/B=0) 220
附錄五 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=60:40, S/B=0) 221
附錄六 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=40:60, S/B=0) 222
附錄七 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=100:0, S/B=0.5) 223
附錄八 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=80:20, S/B=0.5) 224
附錄九 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=60:40, S/B=0.5) 225
附錄十 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=40:60, S/B=0.5) 226
附錄十一 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=100:0, S/B=1.0) 227
附錄十二 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=80:20, S/B=1.0) 228
附錄十三 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=60:40, S/B=1.0) 229
附錄十四 共同氣化之氣體組成變化(800℃, SS:IS=40:60, S/B=1.0) 230
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江康鈺,陳雅馨,葛家賢,呂承翰,都市下水污泥轉換能源技術之回顧與評析,工業污染防治,Vol. 128,pp.31-64,2014。
江康鈺,廖雋凱,呂承翰,催化劑對生質物氣化過程能源產率提升之影響探討,工業污染防治,Vol. 139,pp.93-119,2017。
指導教授 江康鈺(Kung-Yuh Chiang) 審核日期 2018-8-20
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