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姓名 馬納西(Manassé ELUSMA)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 國際永續發展碩士在職專班
論文名稱 都市化與發展:對海地永續發展之意涵
(Urbanization and Development: Implication to Sustainable Development in Haiti)
★ 評估不同數值地型資料於降雨型崩塌作用模式之應用性-以小尺度坡面之崩塌事件為例★ 應用最大熵法於蒙古山區進行森林樹種分類
★ 利用Landsat衛星影像監測並預測中美洲瓜地馬拉首都–瓜地馬拉市之都市發展★ 客家文化重點發展區之客家政策研究:以龍潭大池整體環境規劃與營造計畫為例
★ 利用多時期Landsat衛星影像進行森林砍伐之評估 -以尼加拉瓜波沙瓦生態保護區為例★ 融合光學衛星影像及地形資訊進行崩塌地之判釋
★ 應用Sentinel-1 SAR影像進行水稻監測-以泰國中部大城府省為例★ 都市三維結構變遷之分析-以臺灣臺北市為例
★ 應用 Sentinel-1 合成孔徑雷達資料進行地層下陷監測 - 以 2017 年泰國曼谷都 會區為例★ 利用人工神經網絡模型建立多事件為基礎之崩塌模型-以台灣玉山國家公園為例
★ 應用衛星影像於都市發展之監測與預測 ─以台灣桃園為例★ 分析降雨及不透水面對台南水患發生之影響
★ 應用Google Earth Engine與影像分類技術於巴拉圭查科地區進行森林砍伐評估★ 應用多時期Sentinel-1 合成孔徑雷達影像進行崩塌及淹水偵測-以印尼爪哇島Pacitan地區為例
★ 母岩裸露指標之建立並應用於崩塌判釋與監測★ 應用邏輯斯迴歸整合土壤含水量與臨界降雨之崩塌預測模式-以高屏溪流域為例
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摘要(中) 永續發展是發展過程中一個不容忽視的重要課題。但在海地,永續發展顯然並沒有被適當地計畫在發展過程中。人口的成長導致經濟資源分配失衡,近期研究顯示迅速且未經妥善規劃的都市化是威脅海地社經的重大因素,因此我們可以發現都市化和發展之間存在著非常複雜的關係。此研究透過迴歸分析及比較社會科學方法來檢視海地的都市化和經濟發展對其永續發展的影響。此分析建立在全球地理範圍上,時間範圍為過去25年。研究結果顯示過去25年都市化的程度有劇烈的成長。資料同時也支持都市化程度跟人類發展指數(Human Development) 及人均國內生產總值 (GDP per capita) 有很大的相關。在海地發生了非常劇烈的人口增長,但生活水平卻沒有相對提升來因應此變化。因此,本研究結論顯示國家無法透過增加都市化的程度來提升人民福祉,尤其政府所主導的都市化更沒辦法達成此目標。再者,研究結果也顯示當經濟發展呈算術成長、人口發展卻呈指數或幾何成長時,永續發展的目標是無法達成的。
摘要(英) Sustainable development remains one of the most crucial development concepts nowadays. Signs of progress towards its achievement in Haiti seem to be not correlated. And also, the population growth is not parallel to the economic resources of the country. Recent studies identify rapid and unplanned urbanization as a major threat. So, there is a perplexing relationship between urbanization and development. This study analyzes the scenario (Urbanization and Development) and their implication on sustainable development in Haiti, using the regression analysis method and the comparative social science approach. The analysis has been conducted on a global geographic scale, while the time scale of the study covers the last 25 years. Results show that urbanization levels have changed extensively during this period. Data findings support the general idea of close link between urbanization levels and Human Development (HD) as well as a significant evidence correlation with the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita at all levels. Moreover, an unprecedented demographic disaster was identified at the country level but with almost no improvement of the living conditions of the population. Hence, this study concludes that a given country cannot obtain the expected human wellbeing improvement from accelerated urbanization, especially if it takes the form of government-led urbanization. In addition, the sustainable development goals cannot be achieved in a country where the economic growth is in arithmetic way while the population growth is in exponential or geometric way.
關鍵字(中) ★ 永續發展
★ 都市化
★ 人類發展
★ 經濟成長
★ 海地
關鍵字(英) ★ Sustainable Development
★ Urbanization
★ Human Development
★ Economic Growth
★ Haiti
論文目次 CHINESE ABSTRACT…...............................................i
TABLE OF CONTENTS......................................iv
LIST OF FIGURES.......................................vii
LIST OF TABLES....................................…..viii
1.1. Objectives.....................................3
1.1.1. General objective...............................3
1.1.2. Specific objectives.............................3
1.2. Limitations....................................4
CHAPTER II LITTERATURE REVIEW...........................5
2.1. The Concept of Sustainable Development.........5
2.2. Urbanization Dynamics and Human Development in Developing countries....................................6
2.3. Urbanization Dynamics in Haiti.................8
2.4. Cause of Urbanization in Haiti................13
2.5. Economic Context of Haiti.....................13
2.6. Environmental Situation. Vulnerability to Natural Disasters......................................16
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY................................18
3.1. Research Design and Data Collection...........18
3.2. Data Analyzing................................18
3.3. The Human Development Approach................21
3.3.1. Human Development Index........................22
3.4. Assessing Relative Progress of Haiti to other Countries..............................................25
3.5. The Context of National Development Planning in Haiti..................................................26
CHAPTER IV RESULTS.....................................28
4.1. The Correlation of Urbanization and Human Development Index......................................28
4.2. The Correlation of Urbanization and Economic Growth.................................................30
4.2.1. Scatter Plot of level of Urbanization and HDI of the Selected Group of Countries..............................................32
4.2.2. Chart Plot of distance in term of HDI and URB of HAITI from the selected Group of Countries.............36
4.3. Status of Human Development Index in Haiti....40
4.3.1. Health ........................................42
4.3.2. Education .....................................43
4.3.3. Living Standard ...............................46
4.4. Current Status of the three Pillars of Sustainable Development in Haiti.......................48
4.4.1. Environment Sustainability.....................48
4.4.2. Social Inclusion...............................50
4.4.3. Economy........................................54
4.4.4. Good Governance................................56
CHAPTER V DISCUSSIONS..................................58
5.1. Correlation Analysis..........................60
5.2. Responses to the Problems of Urbanization. Sustainable Urban Development..........................61
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指導教授 姜壽浩(Shou-Hao Chiang) 審核日期 2016-7-13
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