博碩士論文 103424006 詳細資訊

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姓名 陳璿恩(Hsuan-En Chen)  查詢紙本館藏   畢業系所 產業經濟研究所
論文名稱 非實施專利實施實體之專利訴訟實證分析
★ 期間利差與經濟衰退之預測模型-理性預期假設之驗證★ 台灣、美國總經月數據與台股股價指數之關聯性
★ 台灣資訊電子產業異質性及利潤率之探討★ 中小企業案件逾期放款之預測
★ 台灣半導體產業經營效率分析-三階段資料包絡分析法之應用★ 台灣車輛產業經濟附加價值之研究-兼論影響信通交通器材公司經濟附加價值之因素
★ 外人直接投資與研發活動之關聯性-台灣電子相關產業之實證研究★ 消費性信用貸款授信評量模式之研究
★ 二順位房貸產品風險預警分析★ 新產品商業化流程之個案研究–以美商3M公司為例
★ 高淨值客戶風險屬性與共同基金投資報酬率之實證研究★ 台灣加權指數與指數股票型基金風險值之歷史模擬法分析
★ 國際油價、匯率與利率之動態關聯—VECM與VECM-GARCH之應用★ 主流記憶體之二十年價格模式研究與驗證
★ 以DEA模型分析桃園郵局之營運績效★ 奢侈稅實施對都會地區房價之衝擊反應分析
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摘要(中) 本實證研究探討參與 Ocean Tomo 舉辦專利現場拍賣的非實施專利 實體的訴訟行為。本文採用零值膨脹卜瓦松模型作為主要的實證模型,以 考量計數型應變數(專利涉及案件數) 為高比例零值的資料型態。迴歸結果 顯示專利品質與專利涉及案件數具有正向關係。再者,本文也發現訴訟案 件數越多的專利,其移轉次數也越多。最後,本文的實證結果提供重要結 論,非實施專利實體傾向取得具有品質的專利,並宣稱被告公司的產品侵 害到其專利權,進而對其提起專利侵權訴訟。
摘要(英) This paper is aimed to conduct an empirical analysis of the litigation behavior of non-practicing entities (NPEs) from patent auction hosted by Ocean Tomo. In order to consider the excess zeros of litigation cases of patents owned by NPEs, we adopt a zero-inflated poisson model to implement empirical estimations. The empirical results indicate that patent quality has positive effect on the number of patent litigation cases. We also find that litigated patents positively associated with the trading numbers of the patents. Finally, the empirical results of our paper support the crucial conclusion that NPEs tend to obtain patents with higher quality, and then file lawsuits against defendant companies by claiming that their products infringes on the patents of NPEs.
關鍵字(中) ★ 非實施專利實體
★ 專利訴訟
★ 專利品質
★ 專利移轉
★ 零值膨脹卜瓦松模型
關鍵字(英) ★ non-practicing entities
★ patent litigation
★ patent quality
★ patent transfer
★ zero-inflated poisson model
論文目次 摘要 ............................................................................................................................................ I Abstract ....................................................................................................................................II 謝辭 ......................................................................................................................................... III 目錄 .............................................................................................................................................i 圖目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ii 表目錄 ........................................................................................................................................ii
一、緒論 ....................................................................................................................................1 1.1 研究背景與目的 ..................................................................................................................1 1.2 研究架構 ..............................................................................................................................6
二、文獻回顧 ............................................................................................................................ 8 2.1 非實施專利實體與專利訴訟相關實證文獻 ......................................................................8 2.2 專利特性相關文獻 ............................................................................................................13
三、資料來源及變數說明 ...................................................................................................... 19
3.1 研究對象與資料來源 .....................................................................................................19
3.2 變數說明 .........................................................................................................................22
四、研究方法 .......................................................................................................................... 29
五、實證結果 .......................................................................................................................... 33
5.1 迴歸係數解釋 ...................................................................................................................34
5.2 模型適用性 .......................................................................................................................37
六、結論 ..................................................................................................................................39
6.1 結論 ...................................................................................................................................39
6.2 研究限制與未來方向 .......................................................................................................41
參考文獻 ..................................................................................................................................43
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指導教授 陳忠榮 審核日期 2016-8-2
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