摘要(英) |
Scrum and other Agile software development methodologies, such as Kanban, Lean, and eXtreme Programming, are already the mainstream of software development. However, it has not been always successful when adopting an agile methodology in a traditional Waterfall development environment.
In recent years, there is a new hybrid software development methodology called “Water-Scrum-fall” that combines Scum, the most popular agile development methodology, with the traditional Waterfall development methodology. This flexible software development methodology that embraces both agile development principles and traditional Waterfall methodology allows development teams to adopt techniques and practices best meet the needs of solving software development problems.
Goals of the research are to find out what situations and difficulties are unexpected when adopting Scrum software development methodology. Also, the study analyzes if software team members are able to manage those situations and difficulties effectively. The results of this case study reflected largely in the experience of Scrum adoption can provide some help to other development teams that plan to adopt Scrum or other agile development methodologies. |
參考文獻 |
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